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Questions tagged [decap-cms]

Decap CMS (formerly Netlify CMS) is an open source content management system that generates/edits markdown files, which are committed directly to a git repository (like GitHub). The repository is usually set up to then trigger a new build of the website using a static site generator.

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React- vite deploying to netlify

I just purchased and made some examples for myself. I want to deploy it to Netlify. I have created an account, installed netlify-cli, ran npm run build, and deployed. However, nothing shows up on the ...
gamerdev's user avatar
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Custom authentication using Decap CMS

I am trying to build a static site generator similar to this I want to use my own custom auth in my Hugo + Decap setup. Also how do I make sure that the changes in admin panel go to my Azure devops. ...
Prem Kumar's user avatar
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Multifolder config in decap cms collection

Hugo CMS project My Hugo CMS content folder organized like this: /content/worldnews/ /content/nationalnews/ /content/statenews/ Now, I need a decap cms collctions config which have an option for ...
Higgs Boson's user avatar
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Netlify Identity gives error on trying to sign up using netlify cms, even though the UI appears (Jekyll)

So if I accept the invite to sign up to my site (to use admin panel), I get the pop-up but if I try to sign up, it gives me a 404 error. Same thing happens in the admin page as well. Site: https://...
vishalscodes's user avatar
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Nuxt 3 website integrate with Decap CMS with nuxt content. Cms content not showing after deploy website through netlify

Hello guys I need some help with nuxt content and Decap CMS work together on live.I have tried to set my file nuxt.config.ts file to target 'static". It still doesn't work. Here is my yaml setup ...
TheTalentedRipley's user avatar
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Decap + Netlify - Deploy Preview Links Not Working

I am deploying through Netlify. Deploy preview links are only ever directed to the live, published site. According to Decap's deploy preview docs, it should work automatically with my setup and CMS ...
leactz's user avatar
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Decap cms admin panel not switching between collections

I have a netlify website with Decap (former Netlify cms). I have set up 3 collections so that user can add different blog posts. When I go to /admin, I see all collections are visible, however, when I ...
KGusta's user avatar
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Astro build failing in netlify

So I set up the astro as recommended by their official tutorial at I went further and did as they suggested for content collections https://docs....
Kartik Mandar's user avatar
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RegEx assistance for CMS custom widget

Lemme just get this out in the open, my RegEx knowledge is dire, when I need it, I tend to find solutions through Google, test them in a helper and hope for the best. So, I have a site that uses a ...
Daz Lee's user avatar
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Can't install npm package "decap-cms-app" (ETARGET)

I have an Astro project where i want to install the decap-cms-app package in order to manually configure my project. Currently i'm importing the code using the cdn <script src="https://unpkg....
Sebas R.'s user avatar
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11ty images not generating on Netlify, working ok locally

I have a small 11ty site running on Netlify and using Decap CMS (formerly Netlify CMS). There's an image field for uploading JPGs, and I've used 11ty Image to generate a Webp and an AVIF, then create ...
Derek Johnson's user avatar
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Netlify CMS : Uncaught (in promise) Error: Failed to load config.yml (404)

I have configured CMS using js as follows index.html <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="...
Chirag Jain's user avatar
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Collection from eleventyConfig.addCollection not populating relation widget field in Decap CMS

I added a collection using eleventyConfig.addCollection in .eleventy.js: eleventyConfig.addCollection("featuredVisuals", function (collectionApi) { let visualsCollection = []; ...
James's user avatar
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How to add data section to Netlify CMS?

I have a Hugo-based site and a couple of partials on the main page that I would like to add as parts of CMS. The partials are made of HTML layout and YAML in the data section. How can I expose this ...
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