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Questions tagged [error-handling]

Programming language constructs designed to handle errors signaled by error codes, exceptions or other language specific means.

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Web.Config Redirect for Azure.Core not working as expected

I have a Microsoft Web Site project (different than a Web Application) that has version of Azure.Core.dll as an assembly in the project. However, a .cs file in the project is calling for ...
Coliwack's user avatar
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Microsoft Azure Application Insights Next JS server side logs diggest property

We have a project on Next.js. For logging, we're using Application Insights. There's no problem with client-side errors, but I can't catch server-side errors. The Next.js error is: An error occurred ...
Feremez Bagırov's user avatar
-1 votes
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npx error. the npx did not run what should i do for this

npm error could not determine executable to run npm error A complete log of this run can be found in: C:\Users\Manuj\AppData\Local\npm-cache_logs\2024-07-19T07_10_33_916Z-debug-0.log i try to run npx ...
Manuja Prasad's user avatar
-1 votes
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Getting error after upgrade application angular version 15 to 16. App has compile successfully on terminal but when run on browser it is giving error

"Getting error after upgrade application angular version 15 to 16. App has compile successfully on terminal but when run on browser it is giving error Getting error after upgrade application ...
user26426247's user avatar
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Exception thrown in async React method is not caught in global error handler [duplicate]

I use React and have a code as this: export default App; window.onerror = function(error) {alert("Error caught: " + error);}; function App() { perform().catch((error) =>{ ...
Nemo's user avatar
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When will a laravel model creation fail without an exception?

I am adding a store method to a controller that will create and save a new model to the database using the following code: public function store(Request $request) { $validated = $request->...
Hoyt Jolly's user avatar
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Friedman test gives back error: not an unreplicated complete block design. How do I fix this?

Whatever I try, I keep getting the error 'not an unreplicated complete block design' when I try to perform a Friedman test in R. I have a dataset with the total number of flower visits that I counted ...
Geertje's user avatar
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Getting error as undefined in catch block under axios only for 500 series error [closed]

For API call I have implemented axios it's working properly for the http status 200 and 400 series as expected but for the 500 series errors iam getting error as undefined in catch block. Note: need ...
nanthinidevi's user avatar
-1 votes
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I have an Error trapping problem in Access

'The code works as I need it to other than the the error trap "On Error GoTo ThusError" fails. I have set Tools\Options\General to "Break in Class Module" as recommended in https://...
AnthonyJ's user avatar
-3 votes
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Managing Error Messages and Codes in Large Spring Boot Applications

How do large-scale applications systematically set up error messages with corresponding codes for all their APIs using Spring Boot and Java, especially when they have over 100 different error messages ...
Kevin Luko's user avatar
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JavaScript Error Code Property "Undefined" - Supabase Auth

The problem is that I am getting "undefined" when I use error.code in JavaScript when I want error.code to spit out meaningful Supabase Auth error codes. I tried error.message,, ...
resource's user avatar
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I can't select a table from my databricks DBs in SQL - error AnalysisException: Delta table `default`.`incidents` doesn't exist

I am just starting out in databricks using SQL, and I just want to select a table and see the fields/columns , I know the table exists when you check the DB catalog but when I try to select it using * ...
Greg Bitterman's user avatar
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How to handle deliberate errors for testing Axios requests with invalid credentials in Node.js?

I'm developing a Node.js script that interacts with the Microsoft Graph API using Axios for fetching user information and group memberships. To test error handling scenarios, I deliberately used ...
Salt's user avatar
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How to create global error handler in next js for API?

I created a function for handling the error but I have to pass this function to every try-catch block of the API. How can I avoid that? Is there a better way to handle API errors in NextJS? The ...
vyom chaudhary's user avatar
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Can Gunicorn allow error http status codes through from Flask app?

I have a Flask API app that returns some JSON with http status code set to 422. Example def post(self, current_user, data): return { "success": False, "message": "...
shawnim's user avatar
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Proplem with Strapi client v4

I am watching a video in youtube tutorial working with strapi here is the link : at 4:34 ,You can ...
orinon's user avatar
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-4 votes
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How can i catch errors while using aiortc? [closed]

Based on aiortc server example is there any simple way for error handling such as big video/audio latency, connection corrupt, transactions errors, stun error, etc?
Chris P's user avatar
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table of content scrolls and the heading shows behind the header [closed]

I have created a table of contents using radio buttons. When I click on a radio button, it navigates to the heading on the same page, but it scrolls to a position above the header. This is my code. &...
Mohamamad Asif's user avatar
-2 votes
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Problem with extraction of functions from ovito.modifiers

from ovito.modifiers._elastic_strain_modifier import DislocationAnalysisModifier ImportError Traceback (most recent call last) Cell In[32], line 1 ----> 1 from ovito....
Pradeep Kumar Rana mm21d013's user avatar
-1 votes
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VBA Outlook act when email arrive - error handling

I have a VBA code in outlook waiting for mail arrive to Groupmailbox to do something. It works well, until something bad happen on external resources. It process thousands of emails without any ...
FrantisekNebojsa's user avatar
4 votes
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Customizing the error page based on the status instead of Tomcat default page with springboot

Not able to redirect the error in the custom page. Configuration: server: error: whitelabel: enabled: false path: /error spring: web: resources: add-mappings: false @...
Rupesh Sunuwar's user avatar
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Vue shows an image in one component, but in other component, gives 304 error and doesn't show the image

My Vue.js app has the public folder, with a folder for images, where I put the images for the app to use. In Home component I can show the image with: <img :src="'images/'+ product.image"&...
Developer's user avatar
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Error in PowerBI: One or more calculated objects need to be manually refreshed [closed]

I ended up with an error message that stated "One or more calculated objects need to be manually refreshed" and a "Refresh now" button. Hitting Refresh did not appear to do ...
Kalyan's user avatar
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-7 votes
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How to properly handle internal/external API errors in service-, data- & app layers in Next.js? [closed]

I'm building a Next application with the following layers: lib/service (async server-only functions doing a fetch from an external api and returning the data) data (async server-only functions that ...
Dac0d3r's user avatar
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How do I fix Cannot find module 'babel-preset-metro-react-native-babel-preset' error whenever I run npx expo start?

Every time I run npx expo start, I get this error and am unable to load my app: error: node_modules/expo-router/entry.js: Cannot find module 'babel-preset-metro-react-native-babel-preset' Require ...
Olivia Zhang's user avatar
-1 votes
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Why does leetcode not recognise it's own function when I use it? [duplicate]

I was doing the LeetCode problem 654 about Maximum Binary Trees : You are given an integer array nums with no duplicates. A maximum binary tree can be built recursively from nums using the following ...
Javier Lázaro's user avatar
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Empty dateRangeInput() is giving an error

My previous question 1 was about managing empty dateRangeInput(). My previous question 2 was about error-handling when an initial date is posterior to an end date. I have integrated the solutions to ...
firuz.safaev's user avatar
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How to solve the Android SDK not found issue. It says Android SDK version found: N/A version supported:34.0.0

When trying to build my React Native application using npx react-native run-android, I encountered an error that I've been unable to resolve for the past two days. Here's a breakdown of what I've ...
Ashoka Samrat's user avatar
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Error handling in Azure function with custom class

My login function looks like this: [Function("Loginxyz")] public async Task<IActionResult> GenerateToken( [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "post", Route = &...
tesrer's user avatar
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is there a way to get the avg score into the grades function without it having an error

I'm relearning python and I decided to make a student grade analyzer program where you enter your grades then it gets the avg of all grades and go to grades function that I made and checks what ...
laith maree's user avatar
-7 votes
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How to safely handle StackoverflowError, OutOfMemoryError? [closed]

It's becoming increasingly apparent that there isn't sufficient understanding of how to safely common Errors, and whether they are recoverable. As of Java 22: How can we safely log these errors ...
Gili's user avatar
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-6 votes
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this Code gives error of 'An error occurred while updating the entries. See the inner exception for details.' [closed]

[HttpPost] public ActionResult AddApprovalStage(string Levels, string PlantCode) { try { var levelsList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<ApprovalStageViewModel>>(Levels)...
Jugal Lotwala's user avatar
-1 votes
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Is it possible to pass a Apollo Client GraphQL error from the server to the client

I am using Apollo client. I have a GraphQL error from the Apollo error: const { data, loading, error } = useyQuery();. I can see (and log) this error?.graphQLErrors on server side. On the client the ...
meez's user avatar
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-2 votes
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React Native package download issue

[I am getting this error. I have no issue working on react.js. The node is correctly installed as i can get the versions] I am not also able to find the path for npm using which or whereis [I tried ...
Grace's user avatar
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selenium webdriver error.error is occured in PATH

from selenium import webdriver PATH = r"D:\Downloads\chromedriver-win64\chromedriver.exe" driver = webdriver.Chrome(PATH) driver.get("") Error: ...
Nitay das's user avatar
-5 votes
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Getting some Unit Testing done in python [closed]

The problem was: Convert: Takes a string input in the form "X/Y" where X and Y are integers, computes the percentage X/Y * 100 rounded to the nearest integer, and handles errors such as ...
Hardik Katyal's user avatar
-1 votes
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Java exit status codes based on application warnings vs errors [closed]

I'm developing a Java application where the exit status codes need to reflect the following conditions: Exit with status code 0 if no errors or warnings occur during execution. Exit with status code ...
Meymuna S.'s user avatar
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Handling non-JSON responses in React useRequest hook

I deployed my React project, but it doesn't work as expected. In development mode, everything works fine, but in production json is not read properly. Here is my code where error happens: import { ...
guranda lemonjava's user avatar
-1 votes
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i have an error with my face verification, please help me

I create educational websites. and a system where when I register I save a picture of the registrant's face. Then, when you want to do a system problem, you have to make sure that the person is ...
Baswara Nugraha's user avatar
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handling WebcClientRequest exception in Spring Webclient

using Spring WebClient (Spring boot 2.7.x) to POST messages to external endpoint. In some cases getting readtimeout exception (wrapped under WebClientRequestException) from endpoint. Trying few ways ...
Arpit S's user avatar
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Error handling in VBA - on error line gets registered but doesn't actually work

I have the following code: Sub CopyRunsheetData() i = 375 For i = i To 999 On Error GoTo ErrorHandler Set wbSource = Workbooks.Open("Path" & "\" & "...
Alexander Kyriakidis's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to fix error `SyntaxError: Unexpected token '='` in React-native expo

I have node.js of version 18.18.0 on machine before and my react-native app was working just fine. But I recently installed lower version of node.js 14.0.0 using nvm and When I start my expo react-...
Ay_tech's user avatar
1 vote
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WPF on .net 4.8 has no useful stacktrace [duplicate]

The company I work at has an old WPF .net 4.8 desktop app running in production. They are using log4net > application insights to log the errors. The errors are all there but some stacktraces seem ...
J. doe's user avatar
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How to Implement a Lockfile to Prevent Multiple Instances of a Java Application [duplicate]

I am working on a Java application, and I need to ensure that only one instance of the application runs at any given time. I have read that this can be achieved using a lockfile. The idea is that when ...
Meymuna S.'s user avatar
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Why try on produces a null in the console in dart?

class GuessGame { String name; GuessGame( {} startGame() { print('Add a number: '); try { int numberInput = int.parse(stdin.readLineSync()!); } on FormatException { ...
Emran's user avatar
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WPF on .NET 4.8 has no useful stacktrace

The company I work at has an old WPF .net 4.8 desktop app running in production. They are using log4net > application insights to log the errors. The errors are all there but some stacktraces seem ...
Joey's user avatar
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R - dateRangeInput() - Error: "end date" > "start date"

My shiny app has a data.table to be filtered by a date range. To this end I use dateRangeInput(). When an end date precedes a start date by mistake the R console is giving an Error in ...
firuz.safaev's user avatar
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Type Mismatch while using FlatFileItemReader BeanWrapperFieldSetMapper from String to Date

I am trying to batch process a file which has date field. Now when I fetch Date field using FlatFileItemReader it comes as a String. I am trying to map it to following entity @Entity @Data public ...
Gaurav Matta's user avatar
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Error communication between functions in C using linked list

There are functions in different files in my C program between which I want to communicate errors. For example: MEMOERY_ALLOCATION_FAILED, FILE_OPENING_FAILED or NAME_NOT_VALID. I thought of creating ...
talopl's user avatar
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How to efficiently handle nest asynchronous ops with Python asyncio lib?

I working in Python project that has next asyncio operartions. I want to make sure each level has good error handling and comes back to main loop for repeated execution. I want to set like, I there is ...
kiruthikpurpose's user avatar

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