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Questions tagged [filenet-p8]

FileNet P8 is an Enterprise Content Management System produced by IBM. This is a "software to help enterprises manage their content and business processes."

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Trying to write out a csv file from within IBM FIleNet P8 CPE Search

I am trying to do a search in IBM FileNet's ACCE and I want to use a Javascript module to write out some property values. I can get the search to run but the writing of the values eludes me. My ...
user25547784's user avatar
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Filenet Query and sub query for check other documents

so basically, i want to get document if only other document is not exists. i try many ways and still not found the correct way. the last query i tried is this query. is it possible to do it in single ...
Vodka's user avatar
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Unable to access FileNet CE from BAW

I am unable to access FileNet CE from Java Service in BAW Process. When we connect without a stanca, we get "The user is not authenticated. There is no LoginModule associated with FileNetP8"....
SPE's user avatar
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How to get a specific value from a Task Property array in Filenet P8 Process designer

I'm designing a process using Filenet P8 Process designer. I want to check the first value of a workflow property so I'm using the expression WF_IsStepOpen1 = false as shown below, where WF_IsStepOpen ...
apboutos's user avatar
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IBM FileNet 5.2 - Visibility by security

I'm curious about the "issue" in the title. Let's assume that I have a document with groups "A", "B" assigned to it. Then once I log in, as the user of group "C"...
Arnold Mr ARNOLD Charyyev's user avatar
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When should I use fetchInstance method instead of getInstance method? (ObjectStore Object) (IBM Content Engine)

In the documentation on the official site, Difference between these methods explained as: Use getInstance or fetchInstance to retrieve an existing instance of an ObjectStore object. The difference ...
MentalBoolean's user avatar
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Object Class Document with relative attachments 1:n

In our project we have a request: Create Object, named XXX under Document with it's custom properties (done) Create Object, named XXX_Attachments under Document with it's custom properties (done) ...
Arnold Mr ARNOLD Charyyev's user avatar
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Taking document ownership programatically in FileNet Content Engine 3.5

In an odd scenario where the creator of a document has explicitly removed all of the administrative groups thereby making the document effectively inaccessible, I am having to manually take control of ...
StackFN's user avatar
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Import to FileNet using the bulk import tool in a specific folder

I'm trying to use the FileNet bulkimport.jar file to upload a huge number of files to the FileNet, but it always upload to "Unfiled Documents" folder, so is there any way to change the path ...
Atef Magdy's user avatar
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SecurityException when running WorkplaceXT in local WebLogic

I need to run IBM Workplace XT to access a remote FileNet. I downloaded the installer and successfully created the .ear file. I also installed WebLogic 12.1.3 (development version for local testing). ...
Marco Frag Delle Monache's user avatar
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How can I check if the connection to Filenet was successful?

My Spring Boot application should connect to Filenet, which it is doing fine with the Filenet Java SDK. Now I'd like to implement a health indicator, to periodically check if the connection is still ...
Puck's user avatar
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Filenet GetContent webservice returns the file incomplete

I am using Filenet 5.2.1 soap webservice GetContent : http://myserver:9080/wsi/FNCEWS40MTOM.wsdl and when trying to get content for a file that is larger than 1 MB, the returned response when read as ...
Mahmoud Saleh's user avatar
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FileNet P8: Add content to existing document without change ID

We have a process that adds documents to Filenet P8, but without content elements, that is, the document is created in the corresponding document class along with its properties, but it does not have ...
Jose Miguel Caballero's user avatar
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What Filenet P8 API will work with FileNet Cloud

I currently have an application that uses the P8 FileNet .NET api to store files in our company's on-prem FileNet server. The reference we add to our c# project is Filenet.Api.dll V. . I ...
Dan G's user avatar
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How to use the ICM_ReceiveDocumentIDs Event?

I'm trying to display a list of documents with the ContentList widget inside the IBM Case Manager Builder. To achieve that I'm wiring a Scriptadapter to the ContentList widget, with the ...
Puck's user avatar
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IBM Content Navigator plugin : logging using Log4J

Hi all IBM ICN Developers, I am working on writing an ICN plugin. I want my logger statements to get logged into a separate file rather than going in System.Out file. Has anyone configured the custom ...
A N's user avatar
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How to fetch the PropertyTemplate by symbolic name and appended to Custom Object class IBM FileNet CE API

How to fetch the PropertyTemplate by symbolic name and appended to Custom Object class through IBM FileNet CE API
raviteja's user avatar
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How to set a List value with JScript

In FileNet, using FEM or ACCE, it is possible to use JScript in order to set attributes' values to an object. The official IBM guide provides this example (for Strings): importClass(
Andrea's user avatar
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No primary or single public constructor found for interface com.filenet.api.core.ObjectStore - and no default constructor found either

This is my controller - @GetMapping("/dps/{documentName}") @ResponseBody public Document findAccountDetails(ObjectStore os, @PathVariable String documentName) { return myService....
Chiranjib Patra's user avatar
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ICM broadcast case list search

I'm trying to preview similar IBM Case manager cases when a case is opened, I'm getting error onBroadcastEvent is not a function it is not included inside self. I'm using wiring to the script adapter (...
user1814595's user avatar
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How to get the count of documents for the object store using FileNet API's

I have more than a million documents in object store, and I want to know the count of documents for a specific time period. How can I get the count using FileNet CE api's The code I use is below, ...
Salman 's user avatar
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org.omg.CORBA.TRANSACTION_ROLLEDBACK: vmcid: 0x0 minor code: 0 completed: No

i am using Filenet 5.2.1 on Websphere and when trying to connect to filenet connection point to retrieve work items as follows : workObject = (VWWorkObject) rosterElement.fetchWorkObject(...
Mahmoud Saleh's user avatar
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IBM FileNet : com.filenet.api.exception.EngineRuntimeException: FNRCT0042E: TRANSPORT_WSI_NETWORK_ERROR

When trying to query FileNet with below query SELECT d.To,d.Cc,d.[From],d.Subject,d.[ReceivedOn],d.[SentOn],d.DocumentTitle,d.MimeType,d.StorageLocation,d.ContentSize,d.DateContentLastAccessed,d....
Monu chandramohan's user avatar
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FNRPE2131090482E - Server is being initialized. Retry the operation

I am using Filnet 5.2.1. I have everything working fine for years. but suddenly today when trying to connect to process engine from workplace application I am getting the error : [FNRPE2131090482E]...
Mahmoud Saleh's user avatar
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how to store document in filnet in specific path based on properties?

is it doable to save a document in specific folder in filenet without providing the path or folder id from the client application by configuring the document class to be saved in the specific path ...
A.AbdElAhad's user avatar
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How to retrieve all versions of a document using SQL queries in Filenet P8?

I'm looking for a way to retry and if needed remove all documents located inside the tree of a given folder root with all of their versions, not just the current one. The easiest way might be a SQL ...
Amessihel's user avatar
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FileNet file upload in VB.NET

I'm trying to upload a file to a specific FileNet folder, this code only creates an empty pdf document. Any help? Dim folder As IFolder = Factory.Folder.GetInstance(os, ClassNames.FOLDER, New Id(IdS)) ...
Caesr's user avatar
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Getting a 403 Forbidden error on plugin request

I'm trying to fire a plugin request from my ICN plugin. The request goes as below. However, I'm getting a 403 Forbidden error from the server. Forbidden You don't have permission to access /navigator/...
Le_Master's user avatar
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How to alias the ClassDescription property in a FileNet P8 saved search?

Given this SQL statement written in ACCE: SELECT This, D.ClassDescription, D.Id myId, D.MimeType myMimeType FROM Document D WHERE D.Id= '{00093471-0100-C09E-828F-6B22177A2922}' How do I ...
Stephen Patten's user avatar
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IBM Content Navigator ContentList setting properties to row item

I'm trying to build a custom search and I followed the sample from redbook. However, instead of creating a new feature, I'm just modifying the current search behavior by modifying the query that gets ...
Le_Master's user avatar
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Capturing async call response in dojo/aspect before

Trying to capture response of a async request in dojo/aspect before() event before handing it off to the original method as below: aspect.before(ecm.model.SearchTemplate.prototype, "...
Le_Master's user avatar
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Role based security using APIs for filenet p8

I need to assign security dynamically using roles on case folders using Filenet p8 Java APIs. I have tried to use the classes stated on knowledge center but still there is a missed part. Anybody tried ...
Belal El-Berry's user avatar
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Is a Web Service Runtime available in .Net Core

My team has written maintains a library that wraps functionality around a full framework .net .dll, specifically the IBM FileNet.Api.dll. We have been transitioning our library to use .net Standard ...
Rob's user avatar
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What does the Workperformer class id in Filenet represents(F_WPclassID)

I need to clarify what is the use of the Work performer class id in VWdb (process engine db) . I could find some numbers assigned to the F_WPClassid to it. I dont know what those number represents. Is ...
Salman 's user avatar
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Filenet search is not respecting the 'Deny View Content' access right

I did a bulk security update on all the documents for a certain clause, to deny "View Content" permission. Even though for each document I can see that the security change is updated, I am still able ...
stackMan10's user avatar
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IBM FileNet fix pack installed twice

Once of our resources did a mistake. We have running in prod. By accidentally, same fix pack was installed on prod once again. While installing development server name was provided for com ...
bajji's user avatar
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Disable ContextMenu - IBM Content Navigator

Is there a way to disable a context menu item through a plugin through ACCE? Trying to understand if a context menu can be enabled/disabled based on the folder or based on the user's security groups. ...
Le_Master's user avatar
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Document permissions Content Engine API

I'm trying to remove/add the groups from security of a document in FileNet using CPE API. I am able to remove wihtout any issues. However, when I try to add the groups that are missing, by inheriting ...
Le_Master's user avatar
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FileNet exception "An exception occurred during a read of the RenditionEngineConnection"

I am trying to publish a document using IBM FileNet. I used the manual: But I got an ...
Shelepaev Oleg's user avatar
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Forming an ExecuteSearch Soap action for Filenet

I wrote a nodeJs service and tried to use the strong-soap library to try to ExecuteSearch on IBM Filenet. This is function that I wrote with the arguments to try and execute the search: ...
Tat Yin Wong's user avatar
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Can we modify a document class properties with CE APIs and how to do it?

I'm trying to update security for document class using automation. Here I need to add/modify users who can access the class instead of doing it manually.
sai naren's user avatar
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Filenet Open a particulate AddCase Page form script adapter

I am looking a way to open a particulate addcase on addcase page from Event Action , i was trying with "icm.OpenPage" try{ solution.retrieveCaseType("Demo_ApprovalCase", function(caseType) { ...
Archangle's user avatar
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IBM Client Side SSO P8 Filenet Kerberos .Net C# Not Working

I am trying to get the SSO Kerberos example code from the info center for P8 Filenet working:
Garet Jax's user avatar
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How to provide create_instance access to a group in filenet?

I have added the group in the securities tab of the document class and gave all the necessary permissions. However when trying to create a document within the documentClass I get : FNRCE0001E: ...
stackMan10's user avatar
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Fetch absolute or relative path using file object in IBM filenet

String mySQLString = "select * from document where documentTitle like '%test%' "; SearchSQL sql = new SearchSQL(mySQLString); IndependentObjectSet s = search.fetchObjects(sql, 10, null, true); ...
Monu Chandramohan's user avatar
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User access in IBM Data Cap

I have a requirement to show only the jobs started by a specif user in the data cap admin dashboard. The same time I don’t have groups in my LDAP(Active Directory). How this can be achieved within the ...
febin k paul's user avatar
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Get document properties on IBM BPM 8.6 using REST API

I'm trying to retrieve a document's properties store in IBM BPM document store but I couldn't find any API to call, is there any workaround to achieve this ? I'm trying to copy documents from IBM ...
AbdelRahman Badr's user avatar
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IBM FileNet set limt to upload file

I want to set size limit to upload document in filenet ,example(set limit size 20MB if user upload file with size 30MB the system validate and don't upload the file
Soliman Galal's user avatar
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FileNet - Setup Authentication between CPE & Java application

I have a CPE Java API application using Spring Boot & running on Tomcat server and my CPE (5.5.2) is running in Container on WAS server. I am having a hard time setting up a security between the ...
tiktok's user avatar
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Updating Creator property in FileNet P8

I am trying to update the Creator property in a FileNetP8 implementation. I tried to update it using the grant of "Modify Certain System Properties" however it seems that this grant does not apply to "...
WiredCoder's user avatar

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