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Questions tagged [http-accept-encoding]

The Accept-Encoding request-header field is similar to Accept, but restricts the content-codings (section 3.5) that are acceptable in the response.

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Browser requested asset from script tag and adding Accept-Encoding to header

Simplified question: Is there a way to add an attribute to the tag in HTML to have the browser request the resource with an 'Accept-Encoding' header? If not, is there a way to put something else on ...
Chewy's user avatar
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Varnish 7.4.2 VARY cookie and compression problem

I use on my servers varnish 7.1.2 and I want to upgrade to varnish 7.4.2 Everything is OK but since I've make the upgrade, I've noticed a strange behaviour: When I made a curl, I see that VARY cookie ...
Stefano's user avatar
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Is there a way to get, with JavaScript, the list of "Accept-Encoding"?

I've a use case where I need to get files from a CDN but I need to know what encodings does the browser support in order to append the right file extension on the files to get. Is there a way to query ...
Eugene's user avatar
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Haproxy seemingly substitutes brotli with gzip in "Accept-Encoding" header

Im struggling to figure out why haproxy seemingly replaces br with gzip in "Accept-Encoding" header as request passes haproxy. My application currently structured like this: HAPROXY(tls ...
Dannyboy's user avatar
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Http Server not returning content-encoding header in response

I'm making http request using HttpWebRequest client HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(requestString); request.AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.GZip | ...
Karen Avdalyan's user avatar
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How to check browser's support for brotli compression on client application side?

I am asking this question for educational purposes. I have hosted my static assets on S3 with Cloud front. I want to apply brotli and gzip compression during the build process. As per articles ...
Always_a_learner's user avatar
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How to use ungzip on a fetch in Google Apps Script?

I'm trying to fetch a large JSON in Google Script but end up with a truncated response since it hit the 50Mb maximum fetch response size. So I'm now trying to get it compressed since in my browser the ...
TnK's user avatar
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Why does http.sys (before IIS) return badrequest when requests have certain acceptable accept-encoding header values?

Given a web app (netcoreapp3.0 hosted in IIS) -- any requests with certain values for Accept-Encoding header never gets to the application. http.sys parses and spits out a 400 - BadRequest. i.e., ...
jimnkey's user avatar
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Why is the browser making multiple requests to the page URL?

Here is a page from my website. When browsers, such as Firefox and Safari load this page, they are requesting the same document multiple times. See the screenshot from developer tool below. For the ...
hashbrown's user avatar
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SimpleJSON returns null when handling a call from Postmen

I've installed into my unity SimpleJSON in attempt to deserialize the received call from REST-HTTP call that hold a JSON simpleJSON that's my script im listening to localhost 3000 and sending from ...
likuku's user avatar
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how can I download Google Drive file in compressed format in c#

I am trying to improve performance for my application by downloading google drive files in compressed format. I am using this as reference.
Saurabh Agrawal's user avatar
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Disabling compression on HTTP requests

I have a web service that a customer calls with no Accept-Encoding header today. By default, IIS gzips responses back unless the server is under too much load, in which case the responses go back ...
Killnine's user avatar
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How to add "Vary: Accept-Encoding" header in yaws to cacheable files

I was testing my website for optimization and I got this recommendation: The following publicly cacheable, compressible resources should have a "Vary: Accept-Encoding" header: So, How do I add Vary: ...
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How to handle GZIP, Deflate accept encoding in Mule

How does mule handle GZIP, Deflate Accept Encoding Headers? Is it automatic or do we need to use the GZIP Compress connector or do we need to do something else when the application receives this as ...
user3165854's user avatar
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What does "Accept-Encoding: *" mean?

This page on Mozilla Developer Network, which is usually not too bad in quality, states: * matches any content encoding not already listed in the header. This is the default value if the header is ...
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