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Questions tagged [kentico]

Kentico is a content management system (CMS) for building websites, online stores, intranets and Web 2.0 community sites. Kentico utilizes ASP.NET and Microsoft SQL Server. Use this tag for asking questions related to development issues with Kentico CMS.

10 votes
5 answers

How to get at the current users windows identity?

The site is running on my local IIS 6.1. I Would like to add some features to pull information from our Active Directory (AD). My AD code works on many other projects and on my development server. ...
Phil's user avatar
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45 votes
5 answers

How to change schema of all tables, views and stored procedures in MSSQL

Recently we were having issues on our database server and after long efforts it was decided to change the database server. So we managed to restore the database on another server, change the ...
anar khalilov's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Post Redirect to URL with post data

I am working on a post redirect for a payment provider and trying to pass form data to their secure URL. I am doing this in kentico 8 by using their custom payment gateway method as shown here https:...
KJSR's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Kentico 7 hide editable text if it's empty

I have an editable text web part on a page template. It has a custom HTML envelope before and after the text. How can I hide the whole thing, envelope included, if the editable text is empty? I ...
Tyler Brinks's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Unable to Create New MVC Widget in Kentico 12

I'm trying to create a new widget called "Image Summary Section". I'm at the very beginning stages and I'm just trying to get the widget to appear in the list of widgets when adding widgets ...
Nicholas Westby's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Using Kentico 7 API via Console App

I have the following, using Kentico API 7 via a console application: String connectionString = CMS.DataEngine.ConnectionHelper.GetConnectionString("MyConnString"); Console.WriteLine("connectionString ...
KenticoLover's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Kentico UserInfoProvider not working as expected in a console app

This code works fine within a Kentico website: var users = UserInfoProvider.GetUsers(); for (int x = 0; x < users.Count(); x++ { UserInfo currentUser = users.ElementAt(x); currentUser....
Percy's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

How do I prevent .NET 4.7.1 libraries from copying the facade dlls to the bin folder?

I'm certain there's probably a bunch of things going on here that I don't understand well enough, so forgive me if this is a stupid question or if there's obvious details missing. I have a Visual ...
Mir's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

SQL Network Interfaces, error: 50 - Local Database Runtime error occurred. The specified LocalDB instance does not exist

EDIT: One important detail that I original left out (because I didn't know it was important) is that we were running these sites in full IIS, not from IIS Express. We're trying to setup local dev ...
Jerreck's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How to prevent ASP.NET and Kentico from processing static files

I have a Kentico CMS website that is processing static resources, such as png files. I would like these files to not be processed by ASP.NET. How do I do this? I am running IIS 7.5 and ASP.NET 3.5 ...
Rob Gray's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Difference between portal template and ASPX template in Kentico

What is the difference between portal template and ASPX template in Kentico? Which is preferable?
Gaurav123's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Kentico 8 - page access: deny for all users except a role

What I'm trying to do now is to let only users of a specific role to access a page (and its child pages). this is what I got at the moment: USERS User A -> Member of RoleA, RoleB User B -> Member ...
Massimo Franciosa's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Kentico 12 DancingGoat MVC SiteName is empty or null

I have installed DancingGoat MVC and i can access the IIS urls just fine http://localhost:8080/Kentico12_DancingGoatMvc http://localhost:8080/Kentico12_Admin/Admin/cmsadministration.aspx When I ...
learning...'s user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How to Copy Kentico Instance to a Local Machine?

I just started a new position replacing a developer who left abruptly working on a project that is based in the Kentico CMS. I am completely unfamiliar with ASP and Kentico, so the answer here needs ...
David Savage's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

How to find Kentico hotfix when KIM is not installed

On my development machine I can view the hotfix level of the Kentico website using KIM. KIM isn't installed on our production machines. In Kentico v7.0 the hotfix level was reported in CMS Desk but ...
sixeyes's user avatar
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