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Questions tagged [mod-auth-kerb]

Mod_auth_kerb is an Apache module designed to provide Kerberos authentication to the Apache web server.

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Kerberos SSO with Apache and Zammad not working

I want to introduce the ticket system Zammad with SSO, but after days of configuration it's not working. The LDAP source is Active Directory. I installed it on Debian 12 and switched from Nginx to ...
Christof's user avatar
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SSO with mod_auth_kerb at windows for apache 2.4 or other possibilities

need some help here. how do I configure/compile mod_auth_kerb at windows for apache 2.4? The information I googled tends to show configuration on linux instead of windows. I found the team ...
ekinek's user avatar
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How do i pass the authenticated user from apache kerberos to tomcat GET reques

I'm using Kerberos Mod with apache to authenticate windows user on our intranet sites which are hosted on Ubuntu servers. The backend that gets the data is tomcat. the site in question make a GET ...
Gruneich3's user avatar
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Can a keytab file be generated for more than one application on the same domain?

I have implemented kerberos Single Sign On authentication on one web application. In order to do that I generated a keytab file in the Active Directory for this specific app (ex: If ...
ee11131's user avatar
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Apache Reverse Proxy Kerberos

I have a working internal Apache server configured with mod_auth_kerb. I also have an external Apache server that proxies connections to the internal. When users connect internally with their domain ...
TurboAAA's user avatar
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Extract Apache environment variable "REMOTE_USER" works only with SSL

We are using Apache with mod_auth_kerb to authenticate our users configured in an Active Directory. While trying to extract REMOTE_USER from the Environment Variables I observed something strange - I ...
Harman's user avatar
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Apache Kerberos Auth file fallback

I've set up a Kerberos Authentication on my Apache Server (Ubuntu 16.04 LTS) with mod_auth_kerb. The configuration is as follows : AuthType Kerberos AuthName "Authentication Required" KrbAuthRealm MY....
DrySaucisse's user avatar
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Apache Kerberos token error

Im trying to setup a simple file directory share on my apache, which is kerberized to handle KDC tickets, I am getting these errors in my Apacche error log when I try to access the shared files via ...
perfecto25's user avatar
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Apache2 mod_rewrite remote user variable to lowercase

i'm using the mod_auth_kerb module for kerberos authentication in apache. Usernames have the format "User.Name" like here: [authz_core:error] AH01631: user User.Name: authorization failure for "/...
Phillip's user avatar
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Getting SPNEGO work with Apache (Authetication Service/Proxy) <-> apache-weblogic bridge (mod_wl) <-> weblogic(Application Server)

I have very limited knowledge on mod_auth_keb or SPNEGO protocols, Yet we are looking to implement the below approach for gaining Single-signon access(Against Microsoft AD with NT domain users ...
Rahul Anand's user avatar
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Apache (2.4) RequireAny with REQUEST_URI

I've been trying to get this working and don't know where it's going wrong. In the apache config I have the following section: <Directory /var/www/html/> AuthType Kerberos AuthName "Login" ...
Nico's user avatar
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1k views undefined symbol: ap_log_error

I have 3-node cluster, On first node i have installed my service in kerberos enabled mode. For load-balancer, on second node i have installed httpd 2.2.15 version, apr 1.5.2 and apr-util 1.5.4 and "./...
ni3's user avatar
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Why I'm getting 'No credentials cache found' on SSO using pyKerberos (authGSSClientStep)?

I use SLES11 with a Python2.6 and Apache Web-Application. I have a Active Directory Server with Kerberos and I want to use SSO with my Application. I already created a service principal HTTP/host....
Enrico Heller's user avatar
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Unable to impersonate user when authenticated using auth_kerb listener

I am trying to set up switch_user functionality on an application which authenticates using Apache's auth_kerb. REMOTE_USER is returned correctly and am able to log in. However when I try to ...
boombana's user avatar
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4 answers

Apache, mod_auth_kerb, mod_proxy: Get authenticated user in Go Web Application

I'm using Apache as reverse proxy for things like authentication in front of the go http server. The following apache kerberos setup works with one problem. I don't know how to get the authenticated ...
Ulrich Anhalt's user avatar

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