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Questions tagged [production-environment]

A production environment is one in that is exposed to its intended audience in a real-world situation.

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What is the best approach to handle class instances in django application in a production environment?

I would like to consider 2 approaches. First, you could create a class and its instance in a class and inside views import the instance and call its methods. Second, you import the class and create ...
Sachin Das's user avatar
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Amplify Cognito : How to hide configuration variables in production environment

I use AWS Cognito to authenticate for a React/NodeJs application, it works well, but now I'm trying to push it into production environment I usually use backend callbacks to protect my environment ...
vanessa's user avatar
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tailwind css not working on production in vercel

I made portfolio website using nextjs my website is working fine in localhost but on production components where i used tailwind css are spreading or are not intact. for e.g here is my code for nav ...
Shubham Bhatt's user avatar
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Flutter-Firebase Production Ready Apps rules [duplicate]

So i am making a Flutter application which is going to be in production so is there anything to be checked while creating bundle for uploading it in playstore, In my case i am integrating Firebase ...
user17455345's user avatar
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Django Media Files Not Found (404) on Render Deploy

I'm having trouble serving media files on my Django application deployed on Render. The media files are being created and stored (I think) correctly on the server, but accessing them through the ...
Young Entrepreneur's user avatar
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Django Media Files Not Found (404) on Render Deployment

I'm having trouble serving media files on my Django application deployed on Render. The media files are being created and stored (I think?) correctly on the server, but accessing them through the ...
justlivinglife's user avatar
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Internal server error in server works in localhost

Below code is throwing 500 Internal server error only in server but works in local host. Any input is appreciated. Controller endpoint: @ApiOperation(value = "This API gets info from external ...
user4130072's user avatar
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Unicorn 500 code app error: undefined method `=~' for [...]:Array (NoMethodError)

Once again production deploying a rails app which is exciting. This time a Rails 7.1 app following the same guide I have before by Ralf Ebert Ruby on Rails – Deployment Tutorial. My setup is all good ...
KleinerWarden's user avatar
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I have an error that I don't understand in flutter web deployed in production

I did not know why the error started, I had already deployed to production and it worked fine. The idea is that it enters the URL, once there it accepts the permissions for notifications, then it is ...
Dazenk's user avatar
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Login required to view portfolio site on Vercel

I just finished creating my portfolio and deploying it to Vercel. Everything went well, including giving me the production URL but whenever I send the link to someone else, it says they have to login ...
Jefferson Chukwu's user avatar
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Flutter Web App on Firebase: different Environments for test and production

We develop an application in Flutter Web. The application is deployed on Firebase. We use the mechanisms available there for user management and the Firestore to store configuration parameters (e.g. ...
Thomas Avieny's user avatar
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Do I need to publish facebook app in order to put my react native app that uses facebook sign in into production?

I created react-native application for both iOS and Android using react-native-fbsdk-next. It is purely used for sign in and it is working fine on both platform. I'm about to publish the app into ...
taehoon719's user avatar
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Error: EMFILE: too many open files in nextjs 14 in production build

Image of the error Getting this error in production build. I have tried by increasing the maximum number of processes (ulimit) from the aws ec2 server but still the issue persist. Can anyone suggest ...
Sirazul Islam's user avatar
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Not show port used in geoserver url and make geoserver web interface https

I'm trying to run geoserver in production but I have some issues. System Configurations WPS : operating system Debian 12 Geoserver : 2.25.0 Domain name on cloudfare ssl certificate from certbot ...
Ltod's user avatar
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Supabase google provider not working as expected in vercel deployed website

I am making a Nextjs project using Supabase. Throughout the development process I (and another developer working with me) used local Supabase instance and I had to change my supabase related env ...
Noor Fatima's user avatar
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Vue: nginx setting works in development mode, fails in production mode

I have a nginx configuration like this: server { server_name; location ~ ^/vue { proxy_pass http://localhost:8085; } location ~ ^/vue/ { proxy_pass http://...
parsecer's user avatar
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Error connecting to database: Error: Access denied for user ''@'localhost' (using password: YES) in Electron

I am building an application on electron.js. I want to set my application into production. I have already use electron-forge to build my app and its working perfectly. The only thing is the MySQL ...
PARTH PETKAR's user avatar
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Applying DB migration to a private Production DB (Azure DB for PostgreSQL)

Firstly, thank you for your time reading this regardless of interaction. I have a Dev Architecture that I am trying to "Productionise" in a project that I'm doing but struggling to see how ...
Coffee To Code's user avatar
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NextJS 14.X.X - Get explicit error messages in production with server components

Context: NextJS 14.0.3, Typescript, App router Separated backend API Containerized deployment with docker/docker-compose on a Ubuntu server. Local dev environment: WSL 2 (Ubuntu), locally deployed ...
Julien Goletto's user avatar
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Deploying backpack for Laravel project in a production environment

I am developing a Backpack for Laravel project locally using wamp, visual studio code, and git. In the local environment everything works correctly. When I try to deploy the Backpack for Laravel ...
Alon's user avatar
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symfony 6 login not working on production

I have two login forms. One for users: https://www.********/login This login works on development but doesn't work on production. On production it simply redirects to the login page with no error ...
Andras's user avatar
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AWS AppRunner: Redirect URI Mismatch Error with Amazon Cognito

I'm building a Next.js application with Google Sign-In using AWS Cognito. It works perfectly on localhost, but I encounter a redirect URI mismatch error when deployed to production. I've confirmed ...
Aswin S's user avatar
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MapboxGl SymbolLayer iconImage showing random image in production

I'm building a mobile application with React Native and expo, using mapbox for the map rendering. I'm working with a MapView that display different images in custom markers based on the sport_id of my ...
Starcops's user avatar
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How to host a proper Python Flask server with HTTP, HTTPS and interactive debug shell, all in the same global namespace?

In Python Flask, if you run, typically you get the following message: WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment. Use a production WSGI server instead. ...
xuancong84's user avatar
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How to fix URLEncoder related issues?

I am having issues with my URL encoder, it is working locally and on stage, but not working on live. I am using filters to get brand names, but some of those brand names have spaces. When I send a ...
Esphi01's user avatar
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Newtonsoft exception in Blazor .NET 6 only in Production environment

I need your help for a problem in PRODUCTION environment! I'm building an .NET 6 Blazor WASM-Hosted application, which works fine in localhost. However, in production environment, after publishing the ...
Kostas_Me_'s user avatar
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Application error client side exception: Next js React app only on production

i see an issue only with IE browser and DJ Browser for the nextjs react UI app that is running on production. It always throws application error client side exception randomly every day. at least ...
KGT's user avatar
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SQL Database in production migration - Best approach

I have a SQL database (postgres using amazon RDS) on production with several records, some tables go up to a few millions rows and need to have some structure changes, in my particular case I just ...
lgiusti84's user avatar
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Large initial chunk files (Empty Project with PWA and SSR) Angular 17

I am currently working on an Angular 17 project and recently generated a new empty project using Angular CLI with PWA (Progressive Web App) and SSR (Server-Side Rendering) features. However, I noticed ...
Bob's user avatar
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How solve "Illuminate\Console\Command" not found?

I have a web application in a production environment. The path to the command is correctly set on the server, but it still throws error "Illuminate\Console\Command" not found. Solutions ...
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