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Questions tagged [prometheus-alertmanager]

The Alertmanager handles alerts sent by client applications such as the Prometheus server. It takes care of deduplicating, grouping, and routing them to the correct receiver integration such as email, PagerDuty, or OpsGenie. It also takes care of silencing and inhibition of alerts.

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How to send alerts to multiple receivers

I want to add multiple receivers in Alertmanager: both slack and mail. But only one is working at a time. Here is my current attempt of configuration: config: global: resolve_timeout: 5m ...
AnmolDevops's user avatar
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Prometheus query to visualize "Cluster Node CPU Utilization" - many-to-many matching not allowed

I am trying to query the Cluster Node CPU Utilization for my Kubernetes cluster using the prometheus. I am using the following query sum by (kubernetes_node) (rate(node_cpu_seconds_total{mode!~"...
Jananath Banuka's user avatar
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How can I get high availability for an AlertManager that is behind Google Private Service Connect on GKE?

I have two Kubernetes GCP clusters, and I am using Prometheus operator. I am using Google Private Service Connect (PSC) to connect both clusters, and this part is working. Prometheus, which is running ...
MTG's user avatar
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AlertManager: Loading configuration file failed

I'm trying to start up Prometheus with Alert Manager using docker-compose. I've tried all examples I've found, but the Alertmanager fails to start: docker-compose up . . . . . . "alertmanager_1 ...
Carla's user avatar
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How to solve an inhibited alert still alerting due to race condition

I currently am running into an issue where I have two alerts where one will always fire if the other is also firing. First Alert (ServerOffline): Detects based on a ping exporter if a server has gone ...
LordSherman's user avatar
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How can I add metric labels to Prometheus alert manager description?

I want to access lables of the metric which matches the expression to inform the team about which exact queue exceeds the limit: An example of the metric job_duration_bucket{resource_server="rs1&...
Stefan Meindl's user avatar
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Alert not triggered in prometheus

I have this alert in prometheus: - alert: Error_pods expr: sum by (namespace) (kube_pod_status_ready{namespace="gradl-enterprise", condition="false"}) > 0 for: 5m And I can see ...
Caio Gomes's user avatar
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How to fire alerts on the basis of historical data in prometheus using alert manager?

I have a small use case where we have alerts firing daily on the basis of highload, cpu, memory etc etc. I would want a regression (Dynamic alerting) alerting system in prometheus for below scenario: ...
Mohit Tevatia's user avatar
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Prometheus Alerting when Kubernetes service are down

I have few services in my Kubernetes cluster. I need to get alert when any of the service is down. Right now, I'm getting alerts for other scenarios like pod not ready, Crashloopbackoff etc. I'm using ...
Alexy Pulivelil's user avatar
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Prometheus/Alertmanager: routing alerts to two different emails

I have following Alertmanager configuration: global: resolve_timeout: 1m route: # A default receiver receiver: "EmailNotifications-EPG" routes: - receiver: "...
user1876484's user avatar
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Limit email count which is getting fired by alertmanager

Can someone provide some suggestions on limiting the email alerting count to send only one email instead of 100 duplicate emails when a particular metric condition is triggered and alert starts to ...
Mahesh's user avatar
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How implement query which scrape metric only from currently live pod

I have a quite common scenario where a pod was just redeployed and so given a metric I see both from dead pod and new one. Now I would like to implement an alert just for example about the number of ...
Gamby's user avatar
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<.Subcharts.alertmanager>: nil pointer evaluating interface {}.alertmanager Error while install prometheus on kubernetes cluster

helm upgrade -i prometheus prometheus-community/prometheus --namespace prometheus --set alertmanager.persistentVolume.storageClass="gp2",server.persistentVolume.storageClass="gp2&...
Rajeev Ranjan's user avatar
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Prometheus Query calculation and negative values for alerts manager

I'm writing an alert rule comparing a new value with old values to get an alert if the result is more than 10%. Something like that. (( increase(old value[10m] offset 10m) - increase(new value[10m]) )/...
Rostyslav Malenko's user avatar
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Out of date prometheus alerts keeps firing

We have an alert in our AlertManager config - alert: NoMessageForTooLong expr: > changes(kafka_topic_partition_current_offset{ topic!="__consumer_offsets&...
Johnathan's user avatar
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