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Questions tagged [prometheus-alertmanager]

The Alertmanager handles alerts sent by client applications such as the Prometheus server. It takes care of deduplicating, grouping, and routing them to the correct receiver integration such as email, PagerDuty, or OpsGenie. It also takes care of silencing and inhibition of alerts.

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2 answers

Prometheus Query to Alert if the Metrics reporting same data for more than 15minutes

We are running Confluent for Kunbernetes in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) and via JMX metrics we are scrapping the metrics to Prometheus After metrics are scrapped and we have added the custom rules ...
Rajesh Shanmugam's user avatar
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Drop label in Prometheus, but keep it for alertmanager

Is there a way to configure Prometheus to drop (don't save to database) certain label, but keep and pass it to alertmanager when alert arises? This label is only matters in the moment when alert is ...
AntonioK's user avatar
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How to add custom annotations based on labels with alertmanager templates?

I have an Alertmanager, sending alerts to an Alerta. Alerts sent contains annotations field with only description, and a tons of labels. What I would like to do is create a template for Alertmanager ...
Mymy la brute's user avatar
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Combining alert rules for all metrics

I have a alert.rules.yml file which looks like this groups: - name: my-alert-rules rules: - alert: FileCountRANRRCTooHigh expr: ((file_count_RAN_RRC - file_count_RAN_RRC offset 24h)...
nidooooz's user avatar
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Alertmanager v0.25 inhibit rule

I am running kube-prometheus-stack 43.3.0 which includes Alertmanager 0.25 on a k8s cluster. My alertmanager config yaml looks like this: apiVersion: kind: ...
Bogdan993's user avatar
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Get file count in the last day

I have a prometheus metric file_count_RAN_RRC{folder="RAN_RRC", instance="jobserver:9669", job="files_monitor"} which gives me the count of files that was created in a ...
nidooooz's user avatar
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ho to enable the http_requests_total metric in a Prometheus alert rule

I need to raise custom alert on the basis of the CRUD operation, as I got some suggestion on using The http_requests_total and data_install_state metrics are intended for use in the alert expression, ...
Annu's user avatar
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Prometheus alert expression to check the status of a service having 3 pods

The following expression shows that the service "name" has 3 pods sum by (namespace, created_by_name) (kube_pod_info) {created_by_name="name", namespace="ns"} ...
Gaby's user avatar
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How can we export Elastic search metrics from AWS cloud watch exporter to prometheus

I've been working on exporting AWS Elasticsearch (AWS/ES) metrics to Prometheus using the Prometheus CloudWatch Exporter, following the setup described in the GitHub repository here. I've successfully ...
Raman singh's user avatar
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2 different prometheus server to scrapping different data but shows combined in their /targets

I have 2 different prometheus server (with its set of alertmanager, pushgateway, nodeExporter and kube-state-metrics) When I port forward either of these 2 servers, in their respective /targets - I ...
NIKITA RATH's user avatar
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Fluentbit Syslog Output

I am attempting to output a particular field of alermanager alerts sent to fluentbit rather than to a syslog server. Now I'm having difficulty capturing the required field I need because it is nested ...
Raz Maabari's user avatar
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How can i use arithmetic operations in the description of a Prometheus Alert?

I have an alert in Prometheus that fires if a SSL Certificate expires 29 days from now. The Alert works perfectly fine. The problem is the Value it returns is not in days. The query i use is as follow:...
Lino Kaiser's user avatar
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How to send prometheus alert when two expressions pass

I am trying to configure an rule that checks if a mounted partition disappears. I got a challenge when the host server gets unreachable and false alert is triggered.n absent(node_filesystem_files{job=...
Kenneth Chirchir's user avatar
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Unable to add multiple receivers in alertmanager.yml file

I'm trying to add slack and email as receivers of my Prometheus alert manager, but it always return an error! :/ Checking 'alertmanager.yml' FAILED: yaml: unmarshal errors: line 11: field receivers ...
Husnain's user avatar
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Gitlab Change Alertmanager Cluster Listen Adress

im currently having a problem while trying to change the gitlab alertmanager listen adress. When i check the ports alertmanager is listening to, i get three results: tcp ...
Lemior's user avatar
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