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Questions tagged [pyqt5]

Qt 5 bindings for Python programming. This allows programmer to make Qt 5 graphical user interfaces using Python syntax.

0 votes
0 answers

How to change font size of all QLabel objects PyQt5/PyDM

I wrote a GUI but want to resize the text because the labels in the table are overcrowded (see attachment). Here is the code that created the screen/GUI: '''Set up a table to show the coefficients ...
0 votes
0 answers

How to interpolate a 2D Scatter plot in python

I have the following problem: I am working with ultrasonic data from a sector scan. An example is shown in the following: From the file I am reading I receive a 2D array. One dimension is the phase ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Create TimeLine field with PyQt5

I need to develop a program to enter time reports. What I do is very similar to time graphics. I was only able to implement scaling, shuffling and pseudo-infinity fields. The main task is to somehow ...
1 vote
1 answer

Is a QTimer in a background thread updated even if the main thread is busy?

Let's say I have a PyQt GUI application and a QTimer running in the background using a QThread. The QTimer is set to an interval of 1 second and is running infinitely. Now the main thread gets busy ...
0 votes
1 answer

Cleaner methods for creating multi-variable animations in PyQt5 (css)?

I recently came across an example code for animating a widget using QVariantAnimation, the QVariantAnimation has a start and end point, and the calculated value is injected into the css of the button ...
1 vote
0 answers

PyQt5 QTimeEdit but with start and end time

Is it possible to create some kind of QTimeEdit but with a start and end time, something like HH:mm - HH:mm? I want to put it in a table just like the QTimeEdit. I already tried to set the format of a ...
0 votes
0 answers

QWebEngineView not rendering pydeck html

I am currently trying to open an html file generated with pydeck in a Pyqt5 webview window. I can open it on my browser (firefox, if that's relevant) and it works correctly. However, if I try to open ...
0 votes
1 answer

Python3 multiprocessing.pool in PyQt5 QThread raises TypeError cannot pickle 'TaskThread'[QThread] object

I've this piece of code to try to understand use of Python3 multiprocessing.pool in a PyQt5 QThread : import sys from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QMainWindow, QWidget, QPushButton, ...
0 votes
0 answers

Issue with Draggable Curve Segment and Y-Axis Alignment in PyQt5 PlotWidget

I have been struggling with a problem for about a month. I have used ChatGPT-4o during this time, but it hasn't provided a satisfactory solution. The issue is as follows: When a user clicks on a part ...
0 votes
0 answers

Whenever I am maximizing the subwindow in MDI in Pyqt5 the minimize, maximize and close buttons gets hidden in the extreme right top corner

Inside the method, a new QMdiSubWindow object is created, and its content is set to windowRef. The title of the sub-window is set to subWindowTitle. The sub-window is also set to be deleted when it is ...
-1 votes
0 answers

Sort all items of a PyQt5 QMenu

I am using Python 3.11 and Designer from PyQt5 (QT 5.11.1) for design a graphic file. I create the menu once in QDesigner and converted the ui-file "main_form.ui" to an py-file "...
4 votes
2 answers

opencv pyqt video normal frame rate

I’m creating a special purpose video player in Python 3.6 using OpenCV3 and ffmepg for handling the images and using PyQt5 for the Windows environment. I chose this combination of packages because ...
0 votes
0 answers

How can I adjust the program dimensions in pyqt5? [duplicate]

Hello gys i have a problem when i link the designe.ui with the python code and i run it the Programme displayed very small , not like when i run it from QT DESIGNER Images : **MY CODE ** from PyQt5....
0 votes
0 answers

qasync with IPython hangs on run_until_complete

I would like to have an asynchronous gui with PyQt5. The synchronous version of what I want would look like this: from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QPushButton, QMainWindow import asyncio import time import ...
62 votes
21 answers

PyQt5: How to install/run Qt Designer

Feeling really stupid, right now, but the title says it all: How do you start the QtDesigner? I've installed PyQt5 via pip and I believe to have identified the directory it's been installed in as C:...

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