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Questions tagged [razor]

Razor is a template language used by ASP.NET Web Pages, ASP.NET MVC (since version 3), and ASP.NET Core. It adds a layer of abstraction above HTML generation. It supports seamless transitions between HTML markup and C# or VB code. Transitions between markup and code are indicated by the "@" sign.

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How to show a loading indicator with Blazor QuickGrid

The QuickGrid component in Blazor takes an IQueryable object which is defered so the execution of the query is done inside the QuickGrid How can I display a loading indicator while the QuickGrid does ...
Thomas Adrian's user avatar
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How to update a table and refresh the partial view

I am using ASP.NET MVC and have a HomeController, model, and view. I am trying to create a search filter, where the user can type in some characters, click submit, and filter a table (in a partial ...
Calvin's user avatar
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How to virtualize a responsive Bootstrap grid?

A Bootstrap grid can wrap its columns into rows when the viewport width is smaller than a configured breakpoint. This changes the row height and interferes with Razor virtualization which wants to ...
Kevin Krumwiede's user avatar
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ASP.NET Core: how/where to call the SignOutAsync to logout from a custom authentication?

In an ASP.NET Core (razor pages) project I've implemented a custom authentication with a cookie that carries the custom claims, and I've specified login and logout pages/paths via the ...
whatever's user avatar
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Blazor 8 web app interactive server problem in sidebar javascript

Problem: I created new project using blazor web app template wuth global settings as interactive server and i used many html templates with same problem, current project i am using sneat free html ...
BePython Programmer's user avatar
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ASP.NET Core: why is returning a Razor view + its model via a controller not the same of navigating to that Razor page?

I noticed that if you try to access the ViewData dictionary in a Razor view returned via a controller (return View("<RazorPageName>", new RazorPageNameModel())), it is null. This means ...
whatever's user avatar
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ABP Framework Costumize Crud UI on Mvc Razor

I am a new user to Abp Framework. Abp performs many operations automatically. This is great, you don't need to do anything for most transactions. But how can I implement a structure like the one below ...
3ddark's user avatar
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Guidance On How To Approach Reporting for Razor Page Report

I'm not sure where to begin with this one. I have a database table called Trip. In this table, there is the following info on each row of data: TripId ClientName PickUpDateTime PickUpLocation ...
MelB's user avatar
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How to generate a token from the web client and display it with Razor views

I have implemented JWT in Swagger, a token is generated correctly and works fine. Recap API: one interface and one class public interface ITokenRepository { Tokens Authenticate(Users users); } ...
user2835586's user avatar
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input type="number" won't let me insert negative values (but it does when debugging)

I'm creating a generic form project, the kind of type where you insert a model and the form is generated for you. In order for this to work I now work on a generic input component, which will render ...
Lior Nachmias's user avatar
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EventCallback as CascadingValue in Razor components using @Body?

I do not seem to be able to supply a callback from the parent component to the child, when teh child is rnedered using @Body: <CascadingValue Value="isGB"> <...
Patrik Nusszer's user avatar
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The @ symbol does not escape properly in razor views in VS2022 17.10.1

In a razor view (.cshtml) of an ASP.NET Core 8.0 MVC web application, I have this markup and code: @{ var DropDownList = new Syncfusion.EJ2.DropDowns.DropDownList() { ... } } <e-grid-column ... ...
dpant's user avatar
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How to trigger method on button click in ASP.NET Core Razor Pages?

I am developing a web application using ASP.NET Core Razor Pages. I want to trigger a Logout method when clicking a button on the page and redirect the user to the login page. However, the Logout ...
NnWinter's user avatar
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Why trying to pass parameters to razor components cause problem in Server Blazor?

I am trying to integrate Razor views into my ASP.NET Core 8 MVC web application. The thing is, it works, until I pass parameters. Then, it does not throw any exception, instead the browser says ...
Patrik Nusszer's user avatar
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Visual Studio Doesn't Publish Modified Files With Unchanged Line Count

I have a large web project (Razor based) and I recently had to make changes to many files that DID NOT change the number of lines in those files. When I did a publish, none of those files were ...
SpeedRacer350's user avatar

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