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How to implement the most basic use of Google reCaptcha v3

I am running a Wordpress site and want to protect a custom contact form with Googles reCaptcha v3. Sadly my code seems to be wrong and I couldnt find the problem, please help. This is my Form <?php ...
Felix's user avatar
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After adding Google reCAPTCHA v3 to my wpcf7, page reloads and then shows the success message. How do i show the message like normal cf7 responce?

So i have forms made from wpcf7 plugin in my site. Now i have added Google reCAPTCHA v3 to one of my form and when i try to submit my form it reloads with and displays the ...
Himanshu Khanna's user avatar
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reCaptcha V2 Still getting spammed... GGRRRRR

I am having an issue with my reCaptcha v2 still allowing spam. I generally get about 1 a day up until a few days ago and just over this weekend I got 75 spam messages. I have gone through every post I ...
Zeeba's user avatar
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reCAPTCHA v3 "invalid-keys" error message is wrong

I have created a fresh set of reCAPTCHA v3 keys and integrated them on a high-traffic form. For the front-end implementation, I followed the steps outlined here: <script src='
brodenbrett's user avatar
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Implementing Google ReCAPTCHA V3 Into Website (PHP)

I'm trying to implement Google ReCAPTCHA V3 using the PHP example here: Yesterday's output was 0.9 but form.js still had issues sending the form. Today, ...
Joe Bobby's user avatar
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recaptcha error hashed_account_id is deprecated

I am trying to call Recaptcha Enterprise and it keeps giving me the following error hashed_account_id is deprecated in (google/cloud-recaptcha-enterprise/src/V1/Event.php) and I have the following ...
ali heydarabadii's user avatar
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receiving response reCaptcha 2

how i can integrate checking-receiving answer from google server about captcha, i cant find sending code. i readed manuals, but dont understand yet i using Joomla 3 <?php if(!defined("...
Anario's user avatar
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reCaptcha v3 not giving me a response after submitting my form?

I'm trying to implement reCaptcha v3 for my contact page, but reCaptcha isn't playing along. I'm completely new to reCaptcha. I've tried to implement by following the docs' example and tried to "...
PrimeBeat's user avatar
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Why Yii2 Captcha ignores {image} in template

I've got this captch template: <?= $form->field($model, 'verifyCode', [ 'template' => ' <div class="mb-4 field-signupform-verification required"> <div class=&...
Regular User's user avatar
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5 answers

Google ReCaptcha keeps on loading

I'm using Google's reCaptcha 2.0 on my website. It used to work well,but then someone emailed me that the captcha keeps on loading 2mins .. 5mins.. 8mins.. and I know this is a problem. Once clicked ...
qwerty's user avatar
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Enabling recaptcha on coupon code in WooCommerce

I am trying to use a reCAPTCHA button on the coupon field for the shopping cart in WooCommerce. I have added code in my theme functions.php file and in cart.php template file, to add the reCAPTCHA, ...
Scott Colling's user avatar
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Google Recaptcha v3 gives invalid response

Google Recaptcha v3 alvays gives invalid response. Looks like problem in .tpl file. What I did wrong? Please help if somebody has an experience with it. Site on Opencart PHP 7.4 Installed by ...
Den4will's user avatar
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Trouble initializing Google RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient

I am trying to add reCAPCHA to my website. Following the from, I have used composer to install google/cloud-recaptcha-...
BrettOC's user avatar
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How can I troubleshoot Google Recaptcha validation issues with my PHP contact form?

I have a simple contact form that is not validating the Google captcha when submitting the form (email). The form validates the Google captcha when the client fills in the form and ticks the captcha ...
RobH's user avatar
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Google ReCAPTCHA v2 bypass

In Monday I deployed brand new version of website. There is contact form protected by Google ReCAPTCHA v2 Checkbox. Today I received first spam (preview attached). I mean. How is this possible? ...
mwbaufx's user avatar
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Recaptcha v2 implementation with PHP

Consider the following form: <form action="" method="POST" role="form"> <input name="...
user2713512's user avatar
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Add v3 Recaptcha to a custom Wordpress registration form

I have a custom wordpress registration form, that works well. However, I am really struggling to get a recaptcha in to prevent spam. I'd prefer a v3, but would be ok with a v2 if it's easier to ...
user2115227's user avatar
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How to change reCAPTCHA v2 Image challenge to reCAPTCHA v2 Text challenge

As the title said How to change reCAPTCHA v2 Image challenge to reCAPTCHA v2 Text challenge. I have a project that I want to change the captcha from Image to input text. How do I do that? My project ...
Damien Newsity's user avatar
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detect and disable auto clicker apps

we have an online game ,that some people made our life so difficult by cheating with the auto clickers apps i think the apps are made with c++ or javascript , they save the settings in it and the app ...
Zeyad's user avatar
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Recaptcha v3 Pagespeed issues : how to defer?

I am using Recaptcha on most of my pages (wordpress blog with WP-Forms plugin - exemple here). When running a Google Pagespeed Insights audit, the audit is telling me that "…Trd6gj1dh…/...
Valenten's user avatar
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Could not construct ApplicationDefaultCredentials with Recaptcha Enterprise

I'm getting a "Could not construct ApplicationDefaultCredentials" from Google Recaptcha Enterprise, but only on our remote server. I've tried everything I can think of to isolate the issue, ...
Chuck Le Butt's user avatar
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reCaptcha verification fails with uncaught promise error [duplicate]

I have encountered a problem when trying to implement reCAPTCHA v3 onto a website to prevent spam emails. The problem I currently have is that the reCAPTCHA gives me an error that loos like this: ...
Theo Esberg's user avatar
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Is it safe to use same reCaptcha v3 Token for multiple requests?

I have an upload form with reCaptcha v3 in PHP with DropzoneJS. I am uploading 10 files with 10 different Post requests. When a User uploads 10 files, the client gets 10 different Captcha Tokens in a ...
jum's user avatar
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PHP reCaptcha on login page

i try to make sure my login page to prevent brute force attack for it i want ot use google reCaptcha but i have some errors in particular with file_get_contents(). The errors when i log in and i check ...
gui27's user avatar
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I'm trying to add Recaptcha V3 to my website but I'm getting the error invalid-input-response

I'm just desperately trying to make it work... Been sitting on this for a good 4 hours I tried many many solutions from google, I have no idea what to do now so posting here is my last resort. I also ...
nnaem's user avatar
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How do I display reCAPTCHA in modals with different id?

This is my code: <script src="" async defer></script> <?php $result = $DBConnect->query("SELECT id FROM table"); ...
user_59910105's user avatar
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CAPTCHA invalid-input-response

I'm trying to create a CAPTHCA for my forms on a website, but it always gives back "invalid-input-response". I have the following front code for my form with captcha: <script src="...
Gergő S's user avatar
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Class 'Anhskohbo\NoCaptcha\NoCaptchaServiceProvider' not found

I tried adding Recaptcha through the Anhskohbo package but there is the error of no class found.
Brihat Lamichhaney's user avatar
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Form submission and recaptcha not working on submit

I am trying to implement a reCAPTCHA on my html form, and I followed the steps outlined in Google documentation but the button isn't working now when you click 'Submit". The reCAPTCHA doesn't ...
David Feudale's user avatar
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Can you install reCAPTCHA on a Yii based project without composer?

Can you implement reCaptcha on a website based on Yii Framework, without using Composer?
Adam's user avatar
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reCAPTCHA said: incorrect-captcha-sol problem with PHP [duplicate]

I have simple code in PHP and trying to check my form with reCaptcha. I already tried v3 or v2 and the problem is the same. All links are correct, I have no table in form, and keys from console admin ...
Matúš Rebroš's user avatar
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How can I remove g-recaptcha-response in online form?

Morning! This is the email that I receive when I send a form tht I've created with catpcha, I would like to hide the section highlighted in the screenshot below, is there any possibility? I share the ...
Rob's user avatar
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*Absolute beginner* How can I make the reCaptcha work?

Basically when I try this I don't need to click on the captcha to send the message. I just don't understand what in the code allows to bypass the captcha. Also I'd like to include an error for the ...
TomTom's user avatar
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PHP Mailer 6 Contact Form sends message and attachments, but reCaptcha V2 is ignored

I was hoping I could solve this myself, but nothing I've tried works. I've managed to cobble together a contact form using PHPMailer with the option of adding multiple attachments which works ...
neilwhitedesign's user avatar
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Unable to send an email: Forbidden (code 401) Heroku Laravel Mailgun Error

I added all env configs but am still gettings this error: "Unable to send an email: Forbidden (code 401) Heroku Laravel Mailgun Error" My Mailgun successfully works on localhost but when ...
php_dev's user avatar
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How to take content of google captcha image with PHP

when I use php Curl to search on google, sometimes ask me image captcha. I need to get this image content as file64 format. The response url: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 ...
Akın Evrenkaya's user avatar
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How to verify the reCAPTCHA (v3) request on server side?

As a first step to avoid receiving spam I managed to implement reCAPTCHA (v3) on client side (see Javascript and HTML-form). Without result yet because I still do receive spam. After reading several ...
Yoorizz's user avatar
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Contact Form 7 Recaptcha Optimization Code

Hi I have a problem with the optimization of the Contact Form 7 Recaptcha in WordPress, I have this code: function contactform_dequeue_scripts() { $load_scripts = false; if( is_singular() ) {...
Yesenia Rdz's user avatar
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Adding A Button To Close A Tab In HTML/PHP

I am trying to add a button to my HMTL form that will allow me to close the tab that is being opened in the web browser for google recaptcha v3. Not only would I like to close the tab that was opened ...
deniz's user avatar
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Recaptcha Enterprise API error when creating assessment

I am trying to implement Recaptcha Enterprise, I get the userToken and am attempting to create an assessment but when sending the information get the following response: { "error": { "...
Keyan de Klerk's user avatar
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ReCaptcha V2 always returning false even when clicked

I have a form which I'm trying to use Recaptcha on. I finally wound up just going with this one, which looked almost exactly as my form and PHP files did originally (so that seemed easy enough). ...
Philippe Newman's user avatar
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Google Recaptcha with PHP mailer not working

So I am trying to use the recaptcha v2 where I have completed the client side part of putting the captcha but the another of server side validation gives an error where the form is submitted but the ...
beginnercoder's user avatar
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SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'g-recaptcha-response' in 'where clause'

I get an error when using google reCaptcha. When installing reCaptcha there is no problem. But when I enter it into validation, an error like this occurs. SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 ...
Faiqi Nabil's user avatar
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Google reCAPTCHA V2 checkbox HTML and PHP Contact Form Code

I have used this site to find answers in the past and have decided to create an account, so I can share and help others. This post is not a question, but rather to share the code I have been using for ...
Technoyd's user avatar
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Google recaptcha v3 with codeigniter 3 - incorrect-captcha-sol

I am trying to add recaptchav3 to my site which is built on codeigniter 3 with php8 but i get incorrect-captcha-sol error when I submit the answer. Can any one help me to correct the following ? // ...
Snehal's user avatar
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Verify Site key and secret key is correct in recapcha

Hi currently i have implemented recaptcha v2 in my php website and everything is working fine. I have added 2 text box where I can insert site key and secret key. But the problem is even the keys are ...
Abilash Erikson's user avatar
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I'm trying to use recaptcha v2 on laravel. Error is: {#336 ▼ +"success": false +"error-codes": array:1 [▼ 0 => "invalid-input-secret" ] }

I am trying to apply google recaptcha v2 in my registration page made by auth using laravel breeze. working in laravel keep giving this error which means that maybe I have messed up with my ...
Blossam P Garcia's user avatar
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Recaptcha for existing form ... the php part is giving me problems

Am not really a coder, but understand a little... Bought a web template with a contact form. It sends the form to a php for validation, which in turn sends it to me in an email. I can get the ...
frozenpenguins's user avatar
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Recaptcha and Firebase with Plain HTML / PHP and Kirby

I'm trying to implement firebase on a Kirby website (a CMS run on PHP) so visitors can mark subpages to show up as links on the landing page. To do this, I've constructed a form where a user adds ...
christopher's user avatar
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Allow form to send POST request but prevent page from reloading - Javascript

I am working on a signup form with an integrated v2 reCAPTCHA and I ran into the issue that when submitting the form which includes the reCAPTCHA, it is reloading the page. I have a php function to ...
TheIvoryCoder's user avatar

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