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Questions tagged [spring-cloud-gateway]

Spring Cloud Gateway is an API Gateway library on top of the Spring reactive ecosystem. Use this tag when encountering issues with Spring Cloud Gateway components.

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Is deprecated for configuring microservices gateways?

I recently completed a tutorial from 3 months ago, but the configuration advised for the API gateway isn't working as expected. I'm encountering a 404 error when trying to access /quiz-services. Can ...
Rahul Gupta's user avatar
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Azure Ad SSO Authentication Fail and redirect back to login page then getting TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS

I am facing issue with azure ad authentication in spring cloud, I have configured the things correctly but not sure why I am facing issue. Problem: We are able to generate oauth code when we inspect ...
Raj musham's user avatar
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No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' with Spring Cloud API Gateway and OAuth2 Server

I'm facing a CORS issue when using Spring Cloud API Gateway along with a Spring Security OAuth2 server. My frontend application running on http://localhost:4200/ is blocked due to a missing Access-...
abus's user avatar
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Spring Cloud Gateway Encoded Slash Issue After Upgrade

I just recently updated my Spring Cloud Gateway that I use as a proxy to other Microservices to java 21 (upgraded from java 8), Spring 3.2.. (upgraded from 2.7.3) and Spring cloud 2023.0. (upgraded ...
kpolli's user avatar
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Add dynamic value in the header

i use spring cloud gateway mvc. We can add header value with addRequestHeader @Bean public RouterFunction<ServerResponse> bookServiceRoute() { return route("bookRoute") ...
robert trudel's user avatar
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Spring cloud gateway + spring authorization server api call with postman with bearer token

this is my spring cloud gateway config : registration: gateway-client: provider: auth-service client-id: coreInsurance client-secret: F1656E3D-FA7D-FE68-891F-...
Moolerian's user avatar
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Spring cloud gateway rewritePath and display route

I use spring boot and spring cloud gateway mvc Server 1 locahost:8082 it's context path is /crm Server 2 localhsot:8001 it's context path is /acme/crm When a call is do server 1 like locahost:8082/crm/...
robert trudel's user avatar
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Redirect url without all payload and endpoint?

I have an angular application with 2 spring boot application: A and B Actually angular call api from server A I want to change that. I would like angular do call api from server B and this last server ...
robert trudel's user avatar
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Content Type: Multipart/Form-Data

I have a spring boot application which is implemented from the spring cloud gateway starter mvc. When any api is hit with content type as multipart in its header, the request fails to fetch the query ...
Venkatesh A Hanamsagar's user avatar
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Declarations of fixed payload in proxy server using spring cloud gateway

I am using proxy gateway for the api in spring cloud gateway and for one of request I want to pass a payload without taking it from user and a fix payload should be passed E.g { "Fname": &...
Anit Agrawal's user avatar
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spring cloud services successfully registered by fail to call from register-center

I'm studying developing micro-services with spring cloud, but I'm stuck with a confusing question. Gist: the service can be registered in consul/zookeeper/eureka, but they can only call each other by ...
keyboard man's user avatar
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How to log request URI and body along with route in Spring Cloud Gateway?

I'm working on a Spring Cloud Gateway project and I need to log the incoming request URI, body, and associated route using a GlobalFilter. Is there a recommended approach to achieve this? I've ...
milad sorour's user avatar
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Cannot connect to remote Kubernetes service - SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE

I'm trying to make the following test setup: Spring cloud gateway to forward messages internally to internal microservice. I tried this gateway project: Internal ...
Peter Penzov's user avatar
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While using spring gateway, oauth server, and resource server can only log out when log out of the gateway and then log out of the oauth server

Hi I'm new to the spring library and have set up a authorization server, resource server, and gateway all as seperate projects. Everything communicates just fine but I've noticed that to log out of ...
GatorGuy023's user avatar
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how to enable http2 in spring cloud gateway

My spring cloud gateway(SCG) with reactive stack has enabled http2. server: port: 8080 shutdown: graceful http2: enabled: true spring: cloud: gateway: routes: - id: id ...
hkjaaaip's user avatar

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