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Questions tagged [spring-cloud-gateway]

Spring Cloud Gateway is an API Gateway library on top of the Spring reactive ecosystem. Use this tag when encountering issues with Spring Cloud Gateway components.

-1 votes
0 answers

Spring Cloud Gateway with Kubernetes discovery client for http and grpc requests

I'm trying to implement gateway service using Spring Cloud Gateway with k8s client dicovery that will redirect both http/1.1 and http/2(GRPC) requests I set the following configurations: server: ...
0 votes
0 answers

Spring Cloud Gateway + Spring Security + Spring Boot 3

We're migrating all our microservices to Spring Boot 3. Zuul to be migrated to Spring Boot3. Hence Spring-cloud will be the new API Gateway. Zuul was acting like a resource server(used JWTs + OAuth2) ...
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0 answers

Spring authorization server RP-initiated logout not working

I have a project with spring gateway as oauth client for spring authorization server. Everything is working fine in terms of oidc authentication besides the logout. Logout does not work due to CORS, ...
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0 answers

Connection refused to keycloak's configuration uri from my gateway spring boot service (both running on docker)

It seems my gateway service is failing to resolve the host of my keycloak realm configuration uri (both are running locally on docker) I am able to see the page via browser on "http://localhost:...
0 votes
0 answers

trying to load each elements of list from separate yaml files into parent yaml

In Spring Cloud Gateway, we have too many routes in one application yaml. I am trying to break them into individual routes and import them into main/parent yaml. Tried below approach of spring.profile....
0 votes
1 answer

How to change uri in spring gateway via gateway filter

below are my routes defined - id: myId uri: http://localhost:4010/ predicates: - Path=/test/helloworld - Method=POST filters: -...
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0 answers

How to call REST API using Spring Webclient in global post filter

Spring Cloud Gateway with WebFlux: 4.1.0 We have implemented couple of custom Global pre and post filters in our Spring Cloud Gateway application. We are using Spring WebClient utility to make call to ...
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0 answers

Spring security logout not working when exceptionHandling.authenticationEntryPoint configured

I have configured a Spring Gateway service with Spring security enabled and oauth2 configured. I can perform the login and logout without any issue, even a custom LogoutSuccessHandler, until I ...
0 votes
0 answers

Handling ReadTimeOut Exception with Spring Cloud Gateway/Netty Client

We are using Spring Cloud Gateway to route messages to different endpoints. In some cases seeing read timeout happening and in hence is no "response" received resulting in wrapped '...
0 votes
0 answers

separate individual routes in spring cloud gateway

I am using Spring Cloud Gateway(Spring Boot 2.7.X) to route/POST request to different external endpoints for configured customers. The routes are configured in application yml. With more and more ...
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0 answers

Custom Gateway filter order in Spring Cloud Gateway

I am exploring Spring Cloud Gateway. I want to introduce a custom HTTPHeadersFilter for all the routes. Also i want to protect the gateway with authentication .Hence am using Spring Security. I have ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Session management in a spring-oauth2-client that works as a gateway

I am implementing a microservices application and for the authentication issue I have used something similar to what @ch4mp proposed in his ...
0 votes
3 answers

How to secure microservice websocket endpoint with Spring Cloud Gateway?

I have a microservice architecture based project, for which I have added Spring Cloud Gateway in front. My plan is to centralize security in the gateway. I have added OIDC and OAuth 2 for ...
18 votes
10 answers

Spring Boot API Gateway Unable to resolve name

Api calls via gateway throws even though I am able to hit the application directly with the given hostname Spring Boot version : 2.4.2 Spring-cloud.version: 2020.0.1 Java ...
4 votes
2 answers

Retrieving routes and their paths from Spring Cloud Gateway (vs Zuul)

I’m trying to migrate JHipster from using Zuul to Spring Cloud Gateway. In the current Zuul implementation, there's a GatewayResource that's used to get a list of routes and their service instances. ...

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