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Questions tagged [vuedraggable]

The tag has no usage guidance, but it has a tag wiki.

1 vote
3 answers

keep footer last in list when dragging new item into the list from another

I have Vue Draggable working like a Kanban board with multiple columns, and I have made each column at least the height of the viewport so that each item can easily be dragged into the column next to ...
mgtcampbell's user avatar
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Vue Draggable, mark elements as undraggable?

I've scoured the documentation and the github forum, and I could be mistaken, but as far as I can tell there is no possibility to exclude specific elements from being draggable in Vue Draggable for ...
svenema's user avatar
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how to enable only one way drag in 2 lists draggable in vuejs

I am using vuedraggable library to create draggable items( I want to create two draggable lists and I only enable drag from list1 to list2. So I want to ...
the man in the pink suit's user avatar
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1 answer

How to get complete node list of elements from inside vuedraggable template

I'm using vuedraggable ( and trying to get a NodeList of all elements rendered inside the draggable component. The usual Vue3 way would be to use ...
Stefan's user avatar
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Vuetify Draggable Data-table with nested children rows

I have a Vuetify data table with draggable rows. Working well. Here is my code: <template v-slot:body="props"> <draggable :list="props.items" tag="...
ToddT's user avatar
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How to separate data in a v-for with Vue.js 3?

With Vue.js 3 and the draggable package I'm creating a list of grid elements which I want to separate with Category dividers. Headline 1 ---- Grid Elements with Category "headline1" ...
Vueer's user avatar
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Vue.js 3 Pinia store is only partially reactive. Why?

I'm using Pinia as Store for my Vue 3 application. The problem is that the store reacts on some changes, but ignores others. The store looks like that: state: () => { return { roles: [], ...
Vueer's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

vuedraggable custom component setup in Nuxt3

I'm having a hard time getting vuedraggable ( to work in Nuxt 3. Here is the steps I followed so far. npm install vuedraggable@next Then created this ...
Jordash's user avatar
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Vue.Draggable : Use component inside draggable transition-group

I'm having trouble trying to use the Vue.Draggable library. I would like to use a component inside my draggable while keeping the transition-group. It's working without the transition group but ...
FeckNeck's user avatar
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1 answer

How to automatically update "order" field of an item using VueDraggable?

How to update order here after drag and drop? Currently using Vue3 and vue draggable( "items": [ { "name": "Test ...
Aditya Anand's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Adding drag drop functionality in Vue Splitpanes

I am trying to add Drag-drop functionality in Vue Splitpane. I was trying several drag-drop packages i.e. vue-smooth-dnd, Vue.Draggable, etc. But, those dnd packages were conflicting with the ...
user1896653's user avatar
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How to add a click handler with a modifier to vue-draggable (without triggering choose event)

I am trying to implement a click handler on the child of the <draggable> element. I only want the handler to be called if a modifier (alt/ctrl) is used, and I don't want the choose event to be ...
patrickdavey's user avatar
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-2 votes
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How to add rules to vuetify draggable?

I'm a beginner in vuetify and I made a project where you can add courses to a timetable via vue-draggable. How can I make it possible that I can't drag a course to a certain day because this course ...
symphony coder's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Vue Draggable in Draggable and how to get parent's element

i am using vue3 and using vue-draggable. i had a array: brand: [ { id: 0, order: 0 ,name: "Adidas", content:[ {id: 0, order: 0, name:"UK Shoe Size"}, {id: 1, order: ...
Wong Yat Cheong Jacky's user avatar
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1 answer

Adding item in draggable component in vue3

I am using vue draggable package for my project and here you can see the full component: <template> <div> <button class="btn btn-secondary button" @click="add&...
breking bed's user avatar

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