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Questions tagged [vuedraggable]

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0 votes
0 answers

can anybody tell me how we can make the q-table rows draggable in quasar

I have tried with vuedraggable package and quasar-ui-q-draggable-table package but it is not working in q-table quasar. The vuedraggable package is widely used for drag and drop operations in Vue.js ...
0 votes
1 answer

Vue draggable not working on b-table, why?

I am using Vue 2 with Bootstrap Vue. I have a table for which I would like to be able to drag and drop these rows. But the way I implemented it does not work, but I don't know why. I am guessing the ...
2 votes
2 answers

How to get vuedraggable to work in Vue 3?

I've been trying to get vuedraggable to work. I've copied the code pretty much exactly from here: Here's my test component: <script setup> import ...
-1 votes
3 answers

Updating Vuex following Drag and Drop using vuedraggable

I have created a Vue application that uses Vuetify, Vuex and vuedraggable. The component functions as expected with drag and drop of v-card containing the associated information but I have not been ...
0 votes
0 answers

Incorrect visual representation after transferring all items between groups in VueDraggableNext?

I need to make a wrapper component to sort elements on a page. I took the VueDraggableNext component as a basis. Here is the source code: <template&...
1 vote
3 answers

Vue-draggable-next: increase detection range for empty list

I am using Vue-draggable-next along with Vue 3 to implement draggable lists. My application sometimes requires users to drag items from other lists into initially empty lists. I found that the ...
5 votes
2 answers

Can Vue.Draggable be used with Vuetify v-data-table and allow utilisation of table v-slot:item.<name>?

Vuetify v-data-table supports several types of slots: v-slot:body, v-slot:item and v-slot:item.<name>. We have been using v-slot:item.<name> extensively, as these provides a flexible way ...
0 votes
1 answer

Vue Draggable Elements Revert Back to Original Position After Drag and Drop

I'm using vuedraggable in a Vue 3 project to allow reordering of elements within an expansion panel. The elements can be dragged and dropped to a new position within the panel, but they revert back to ...
0 votes
0 answers

Vuedraggle is dragged into the specified column, and the name of the group is different. What is the reason?

Vuedraggle is dragged into the specified column, and the name of the group is different. What is the reason?I want to drag from the a list to the specified column, such as c, d How to implement this ...
0 votes
0 answers

<tbody> renders twice when using Vuedraggable in Vueitfy 3

I would like a simple table where I could drag and drop rows to reorder them. The problem I'm having right now is that the tbody is rendered twice, which messes up the layout. I see examples for Vue/...
0 votes
1 answer

how to disable remove the element after dragging in vue-draggable

I am working on vue draggable, the app has two list - list a and list b. I need to drag the elements from list a to list b. When list b is added with element from list a, list a is also automatically ...
0 votes
0 answers

How can I get relatedContext.element in Vue draggable in nested elements?

This is my ElementsList component: <template> <draggable :list="elements" v-bind="dragOptions" :move="handleMove" handle=".handle"> <...
0 votes
0 answers

Drag and Drop Functionality in Vue.Draggable(SortableJS): Unable to drag items into non-empty groups

I am working with Vue.Draggable and I am trying to create a mechanism that enables drag and drop functionality among different groups of items. My groups of items consist of several md-list-item ...
0 votes
0 answers

How can I store the expandable position in vue application

I have nested draggable elements in my vue project and for drag event, I am using vue-draggable. So you can imagine my view something similar with this: --> Element A --> Element B --...
0 votes
0 answers

how can to revert draggable's initial state

I have nested draggable elements in my vue project and for drag event, I am using vue-draggable. So you can imagine my view something similar with this: --> Element A --> Element B --...

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