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Questions tagged [webpack]

Webpack is a module bundler. Its main purpose is to bundle JavaScript files for usage in a browser, yet it can also transform, bundle, or package just about any resource or asset. Webpack takes modules with dependencies and generates static assets representing those modules. Webpack enables extensibility and promotes best practices in web architecture and performance.

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0 answers

SVG Icons don't show after compiling / bundling with Webpack

This is my first time building a web-application, and I'm in my final steps. I'm trying to bundle the whole project with webpack, and everything seems to work, except for my SVG-Icons. I think the ...
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0 answers

React project from Webpack to Vite

I'm moving my React project from Webpack to Vite, but I have some problems: File Extensions: My files end with .js, but Vite wants them to be .jsx. Node Version: My project uses Node 16.14.0, but Vite ...
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0 answers

Webpack-dev-server serves a directory list instead of the app page on webpack 5

I have looked at various solutions to this but none of them works for me, feel free to ask for more details const webpack = require("webpack"); const webpackDevServer = require("webpack-...
52 votes
7 answers

"npm run" fails with ERR_OSSL_EVP_UNSUPPORTED

I have an existing project which I lately installed on a new equipment. It is a Laravel + vue project. When I run npm run watch I get the following error: > development > cross-env NODE_ENV=...
0 votes
0 answers

Use hash in remote module URL for webpack module federated components

I have a app that loads some module federated components. For example: module.exports = { plugins: [ new ModuleFederationPlugin({ name: 'app', remotes: { remoteComponent1:'...
0 votes
0 answers

`tsc` to produce CommonJS and ESM versions of my typescript library

I am quite new to JavaScript/Typescript in general and to JavaScript modules in particular. I know there is tons of materials about my question in the web, but after reading for two days I feel I find ...
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0 answers

Rendering webpack bundled is code on html

I have compiled react component into a js bundle using webpack. Importing this into other react projects works just fine. Is there any way to render this js file on a normal html file, without using ...
0 votes
0 answers

Webpack complied with 1 error when i try to npm run dev [closed]

I am doing a course on javaScript in udemy. It is first time i am using things like webpack and babel , in my final step of project setting when i try to do npm run dev . I get this error C:\Users\...
1 vote
0 answers

Error with nativescript compilation due to gradle version change?

I have a nativescript project that is built through jenkins. Up until July 9th, the project built without any issues. On that same day, and after a commit, the build stopped working. To make sure that ...
2 votes
2 answers

problem with laravel and vue.js | Error: Cannot find module

I recently got this error whenever I install vue in laravel using the following commands: composer require laravel/UI PHP artisan up vue php artisan ui vue --auth npm install && npm run dev I ...
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1 answer

Audio key "stretchAudio" missing from cache in phaser 3

I tried adding audio in my game but when I call that audio using this.sound.add('') it encountered an error 'missing from cache' //preload scene preload () {'stretchAudio', './...
0 votes
1 answer

Error running webpack after adding typescript to existing JS project

I'm having difficulty incorporating Typescript to my JS project which uses webpack. Here is my webpack.config.js: const MonacoWebpackPlugin = require("monaco-editor-webpack-plugin"); const ...
0 votes
0 answers

How to build from webpack 4 to without breaking Content-Security-Policy of not using 'unsafe-eval'?

I'm trying to build through webpack 4 & npm . i facing issue of "EvalError: Refused to evaluate a string as JavaScript because 'unsafe-eval' is not an allowed source of script in the ...
2355 votes
68 answers

Error message "error:0308010C:digital envelope routines::unsupported"

I created the default IntelliJ IDEA React project and got this: Error: error:0308010C:digital envelope routines::unsupported at new Hash (node:internal/crypto/hash:67:19) at Object.createHash (...
0 votes
0 answers

Trying to use dotenv or config in react app and getting: webpack < 5 used to include polyfills error, tried creating webpack config, doesn't work

i'm getting this error below trying to use both dotenv and config. I've got a Typescript React App, just installed and need to use environment variables. I don't have webpack installed as a dependency ...

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