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Resize JPanel with animation

Try to use only one timer and add a boolean to track the direction and make sure that the animation is happening in one direction public class Main { private static final int INITIAL_HEIGHT = 150; ...
Souhaila's user avatar
0 votes

How to set image size in JTextPane with HTML and CSS (Java, Swing)?

As Gilbert Le Blank mentioned in the comment, the width block shall be in <img> statement. So the HTML string should look like this: <html> <body> <p color="red"&...
Andrey Voeyko's user avatar
0 votes

How can I make the tabs in the menu bar with rounded corners and margins in Java/Swing using FlatLaf Theme Editor?

Okay i figured it out. I should have used MenuBar.selectionInsets along with MenuBar.itemMargins. So the file now looks like this: MenuBar.itemMargins = 10, 15, 10, 15 MenuBar....
Yusuf İhsan Şimşek's user avatar
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Loading resources like images while running project distributed as JAR archive

Step-1: check your .Jar file open the .jar file in 7-zip or winScp and look for the resources folder.(resources you need in your program) ex: I have added Images folder inside src/resources folder so ...
Nishikanta Parida's user avatar
0 votes

How to Set JComponent to Traverse with TAB instead of CTRL+TAB without using isManagingFocus()

Yes, I know this question is five years old, and yes, I know that I'm the one who originally submitted it. However, I have returned to this issue and finally found a way to solve it. The main impetus ...
jmohrmann's user avatar
0 votes

setLocationRelativeTo(null) is not centering the frame

import javax.swing.JFrame; public class Maze { public static void main(String[] args) { new Maze(); } public Maze(){ JFrame f = new JFrame(); f.setTitle("...
Heshan Dinuka's user avatar
0 votes

How can I create a bar in the bottom of a Java app, like a status bar?

You should use the Layered Pane of the frame you are working on: JPanel statusPanel = new JPanel(); statusPanel.setBorder(new MatteBorder(1, 0, 0, 0, Color.gray)); statusPanel.setLayout(...
Olivier Faucheux's user avatar
1 vote

How to use a TableCellRenderer to display an object in a table in Swing

You are, in fact, selecting rows—you just can’t see it. Notice how the TableCellRenderer method has an isSelected argument? Your renderer is not doing anything with it, so it renders selected and ...
VGR's user avatar
  • 43.3k
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"Flowing" JToolBar

It seems, it's not possible OOB The goal can be achieved by adding a component listener to the toolbar (or using a custom layout, but I'll let camickr post it if they wish) Notice the listener code ...
demavi's user avatar
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Why doesn't this code swap images, as intended, when I press any key?

The problem is that you add your panels panels[0] and panels[1] at the same location BorderLayout.WEST in your JFrame instance. When one position in a BorderLayout is filled, it gets overwritten when ...
Progman's user avatar
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-1 votes

HTMLEditorKit and Custom tags in the JEditorPane is no longer available. A more general approach is described here Which HTML tags are supported in Swing components ?.
user10276995's user avatar
1 vote

Display adjacent Java Swing Polygons without gap even when using antialiasing

but the polygon is drawn/filled twice and takes more than twice the time to just fill it. Not sure why painting would be double. Maybe you can use an Area for the painting: import javax.swing.*; ...
camickr's user avatar
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2 votes

"Stretchable" JLabel with dynamic text

You are implementing a feature that does already exist. Apparently, there is a bug in the Basic/Metal Look&Feel that makes it calculating with wrong sizes when no font has been set. There are two ...
Holger's user avatar
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To set delay on a button click in java?

This is a great tutorial on Java Swing timers that I've found: Hope it helps! The source code from the video is: import javax.swing.Timer; import java.awt....
code_runner's user avatar
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How to pause execution for X milliseconds in AWTEventQueue

To achieve your goal, you can use the Timer class of Swing: timer = new Timer( 1500, e -> { panel.setBackground( Color.darkGray ); frame.setTitle( "XYZ" ); timer.stop(); } ); ...
Marce Puente's user avatar
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How to test a hybrid Swing / Compose Desktop application

Here is a Compose for Desktop application. Here is how it looks. I will assume that you know how to set it up. I will use this to show a ...
davidalayachew's user avatar
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Swing GUI does not show or show with errors when launched on Mac

Hard to believe, but I hit this wall yesterday, 10+ years later. A similar exception within the same method. In my case, it happened when trying to display a JDialog that happens to have a JMenuBar ...
predi's user avatar
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How to make translucent image in Java with swing?

import java.awt.AlphaComposite; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JLabel; import ...
Marce Puente's user avatar
0 votes

Select row in a JTable after row sorting

You need to convert the row from the model index to the view index via: table.getRowSorter().convertRowIndexToView(rowIndex); (Since apparently table.setRowSelectionInterval() operates on view ...
Myrd's user avatar
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Java Mail Mailgun GUI project attaching images and not embedding them

This is just a proof of concept. package com.example.mail; import jakarta.mail.Session; import jakarta.activation.DataHandler; import jakarta.activation.DataSource; import jakarta....
life888888's user avatar
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How do I scale or set the the size of an ImageIcon in Java?

Nevermind, I found a way: Just create a class ScaledIcon which implements the Icon Interface, takes the image, width and height as constructor, then implemented my own paintIcon method, which draws ...
Stuepfnick's user avatar
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Change background and text color of JMenuBar and JMenu objects inside it

nothing worked for me, only this code gave me something similar to what I tried to get: fileMenu.getPopupMenu().setBorder(new LineBorder(Color.GRAY, 1));
Adir Dayan's user avatar
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Java JSCrollPane won't resize below minimum size of JButton with text

So, after wrestling with this issue for a few days and going down multiple leads which turned into dead ends, I finally found the issue at the root of it - and it was PEBKAC on my part. It wasn't the ...
George Minkov's user avatar
0 votes

In Java, what is the default JPanel height and width?

This is quite important when you are dealing with a GridBagLayout which respects the preferred size property: new JPanel().getPreferredSize() == java.awt.Dimension[width=10,height=10]
Paul Frischknecht's user avatar
-1 votes

JTable in JScrollPane, how to set background?

pane.getViewport().getView().setBackground(Color.RED) Not pane.getViewport().setBackground(Color.RED)
Harsha's user avatar
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Java JSCrollPane won't resize below minimum size of JButton with text

I made a Java class with your code. There's no need to size the individual JButtons The JPanel GridLayout will make them all the same size. I added some whitespace to the button panel so you could ...
Gilbert Le Blanc's user avatar
0 votes

How can I install java Swing in 2024 (for eclipse)?

I need this Swing window Builder Wizard in order to create Jframe and elements graphically I think I found it I think I found it Swing elements Wizard
Carlos's user avatar
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Display SVG file

Times have changed and there are now better alternatives to Apache Batik, depending on your use case. If you only need to display an SVG image in a component or use an SVG file as an icon for a ...
creme332's user avatar
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Dynamically adding JTable to JScrollPane

Also setting auto resize mode off helped me when I didn't get scrollbar after adding table to JscrollPane and adjusting its view port size. table.setAutoResizeMode(JTable.AUTO_RESIZE_OFF);
Rohan's user avatar
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3 votes

How can I install java Swing in 2024 (for eclipse)?

Swing built into Java Java 2 through today’s Java 22 all include Swing. Swing has always been defined as part of Java SE. Every implementation of the Java Specifications include all the classes ...
Basil Bourque's user avatar
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JPanel doesn't update until resize Jframe

After the container component has been already displayed you should notify Swing about your change. In my case I had to call 2 methods after change: containerPanel.revalidate(); containerPanel.repaint(...
Adir Dayan's user avatar
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2 votes

How to display a popup menu during a drop operation

It looks, that the current mouse event ("drop event") causes the menu to direct disappear. You simply need to show your menu in "invokeLater" method. import static java.awt.dnd....
Sergiy Medvynskyy's user avatar
-1 votes

How to display a popup menu during a drop operation

Your code seems to work fine if you add a drag source for the String: // .... final JPanel jp = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); JTextField jtf = new JTextField("Drag me"); jtf.setDragEnabled(...
0 votes

How to reload a JPanel?

You could also refresh the entire JFrame to update every component, and not just the panel and its components: this.revalidate(); this being the instance of your JFrame, if your class extends JFrame, ...
X-VIPRIN's user avatar
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How can I do a progressive bar with JProgressBar from Swing on Java?

It looks like you click the button, then you have a main process that keeps track of your subprocesses. As a subprocess finishes your main process is updated. Ditch the busy loop happening on the EDT. ...
matt's user avatar
  • 11.9k
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Creating Popup Options Box with multiple buttons

jDialog1.setTitle("New Customer"); jDialog1.setBounds(new java.awt.Rectangle(50, 50, 1092, 638)); jLabel2.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Tahoma", 1, 14)); // NOI18N jLabel2....
jellou sarino's user avatar
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Setting the preferred size of a JTextFieldis not working

As was pointed out, it depends on the layout. For example, if we have a frame with GridLayout, this example will not work: JTextField text = new JTextField(); text.setPrefferedSize(new Dimension(300, ...
Yuriy N.'s user avatar
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Java: HTML in Swing, link margin not working

Here's an excerpt from my "YouLearn.txt" file : Tags not accepting any/some margins...         ...will display as if a margin was specified if you put style='position:relative; top:5%/left:5%...
Phrank's user avatar
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My components in two different panels are too small and don't fit to the frames size, how can I fix this?

To follow the java standard, use initial uppercase letters for class names. For the GridPane set the minimum size as well. For the buttons set the minimum size and the font size. import javax.swing.*;...
Jörg's user avatar
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Bringing JFileChooser on top of all windows

You wrote (in your comment): Actually no, that's the only method in the whole program that makes use of a UI the rest still is pure console. In other words, you want to add GUI components to a ...
Abra's user avatar
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Adaptable size of a CardLayout-managed panel

Original Answer I rearranged your code to create the following GUI. Left-clicking the Switch cards button shows the following card. Oracle has a helpful tutorial, Creating a GUI With Swing. Skip ...
Gilbert Le Blanc's user avatar
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Java Swing rendering inconsistencies and flickering

The main reason for this is that you need to call getToolkit().sync() after every repaint. However, it’s not your only issue. You must not dispose of a Graphics object unless you yourself created it. ...
VGR's user avatar
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Issues with Panels not displaying in basic Swing application

Your code is schizoid. You say extends JPanel but you don't. You should run with that, in which case, this is the ctor you need: public WelcomeNetbeans() { setBackground(BACKGROUND); ...
g00se's user avatar
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