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Artifactory OSS error: Checksum input stream calculator does not support mark

I used an older version of artifactory and did not get this issue.
Jason Parmar's user avatar
3 votes

Calculate a light enough shade of a given color to use as background for black text

Modern browsers allow you to create a color "from" another colour Note: Firefox was the last (major) browser to implement this in the latest version (128) released just 10 days ago - it's ...
Jaromanda X's user avatar
  • 56.1k
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Calculate a light enough shade of a given color to use as background for black text

Explanation This is largely dependent on a property of colour called luminance (one could conflate it with 'brightness'), which is considered either a photometric or psychometric depending on what the ...
Prime's user avatar
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How to prevent an empty gap appearing in elements when printed?

This appears to be a bug in Chrome that is triggered when an element falls below the bottom of a non-last printed page and then translate() is used to move it back up. In this particular example, we ...
dln385's user avatar
  • 11.9k
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Drag and Drop Widgets within QScrollArea in PyQt6 Not Working Correctly

Most UI toolkits and graphics related software are based on the concepts of relative coordinate systems and parent/child relations (which is common in OOP). Your first attempt is invalid, because the ...
musicamante's user avatar
  • 46.4k
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AHK Multiple clocks showing time from different time zones

You need to empty the variable "add4" in each cycle to get its new value: #NoEnv SendMode Input SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% Gui, font, bold Gui, add, text, center w90 r1 vdisplay, Gui, add, ...
Relax's user avatar
  • 10.5k
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Edit DropDownMenuEntry in Flutter

Yes, add borderRadius as a property of the DropdownButtonFormField. It is different from the borderRadius defined in the decoration property. decoration: InputDecoration( border: ...
devopsean's user avatar
0 votes

DestroyWindow does not close window on Mac using Python and OpenCV

in Spyder on MacOS cv.destroyAllWindows() cv.waitKey(1)
Jeff Secor's user avatar
1 vote

Why does Tab key doesn't trigger KeyPressEvent in main widget after setting adn then clearing focus on QGraphicsTextItem in PySide2

Seems a bug, but finding the real culprit may be quite difficult, especially considering the complexity of both graphics scene events and the QGraphicsTextItem implementation (which uses an internal &...
musicamante's user avatar
  • 46.4k
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Remove the bottom line border in tab bar? (And change selected color)

for TabLayout i used this solution : just add this lines: android:backgroundTint="@android:color/black" app:tabIndicatorColor="@android:color/...
Ahmed Nabil's user avatar
0 votes

Controls going invisible when changing background color of canvas in WinUI 3

You could modify the default Style and ControlTemplate to give the control a unique appearance. The default style, template, and resources that define the look of the control are included in the ...
Jeaninez - MSFT's user avatar
0 votes

Streamlit metric alignment with delta

You can use ALT+255. It will create a blank space and it will work the way you want. For example: st.metric('Observed - Average', f"{avg_his_gn:,.2f} MWh", delta = "ALT+255")
Raquel's user avatar
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How to pass an instance of an object called via QQmlComponent::create to an existing QML element in the layout tree

There is a common confusion. QObjects have a property called parent, and so do Items within QML code. But they don't mean the same thing. An Item's parent property is sometimes called the visual ...
JarMan's user avatar
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2 votes

How to achieve this overlapping effect in Jetpack compose

I would implement it to have the images on the same layer as the chat and the textfield to have something like a Stack. Example: Box(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) { LazyColumn { items(...
basti394's user avatar
  • 375
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How do you show a NSStatusBar item AND hide the dock icon?

2024 NSApp.setActivationPolicy(.prohibited) NSApplication.ActivationPolicy.prohibited The application doesn't appear in the Dock and may not create windows or be activated. case prohibited = 2 ...
Andrew_STOP_RU_WAR_IN_UA's user avatar
1 vote

Java-based Web Framework for UI that integrate with Spring Boot

Never used it but seen it multiple times and seems really powerfull
Tokazio's user avatar
  • 540
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Combining browser app and desktop app

You can do it by installing tkinter web, and then create a TKinter frame that loads your HTML with .get() methods: pip install tkinterweb then: from tkinterweb import HtmlFrame Read the ...
TinTin Esotérico's user avatar
2 votes

Light Grey looks Greenish in Flutter

The #F6F6F6 grey is perceived as "greenish" because the background is slightly pink (#FEF7FF), but those 2 greys are the same colour. (For more information, it might be possible to simulate ...
Wacton's user avatar
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Not a valid function in Taipy

This is not how the state works. The state is an object created by Taipy and is not a dictionary. When you have defined a variable inside your code, you can get its real value from the application ...
Florian Jacta's user avatar
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how to fix this Error: qrc:/main.qml: No such file or directory

The default prefix path has been changed from Qt 6.5 on to "/qt/qml". So this could be your problem. Try to change your path to qrc:/qt/qml/main.qml Have a look at this page for more details:...
Jürgen Lutz's user avatar
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Figma: Can't draw a straight line using PEN Tool

To draw a straight line in Figma using the Pen Tool, you can do the following: Select the Pen Tool from the toolbar on the left side of the screen. Click on the canvas to create a starting point for ...
Jyo Var's user avatar
2 votes

How to scale down the entire UI content to fit in a preview area in Jetpack Compose?

Try providing a custom Density to your composable. Density implementation: private data class MyDensity(override val density: Float, override val fontScale: Float) : Density Composable: val scale = 0....
Jan Itor's user avatar
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How to visualize data from google protocol buffer?

Mouse Melon I made an application for this. It displays the comments in your proto file next to the data. Also a code generator is included. It's cross platform.
user42723's user avatar
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Sweep gradient circular progress bar in jetpack compose

I don't think it's possible to give a gradient color to CircularProgressIndicator because as of now its color parameter only accepts the Color type and I don't see any overload with the Brush type for ...
Yamin's user avatar
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Dynamically Color SVG Polygons with JavaScript

Thanks to everyone for your help. After some more experiments I got the following approach to work. It creates the new styles by writing them to the html document which seems a little odd coming from ...
Brian Holestine's user avatar
0 votes

Dynamically Color SVG Polygons with JavaScript

The line anchors[i].style.fill = "#00ff0077" does not work because you cannot set the opacity of fill like this. You have to use the fill-opacity property. (
arnaud's user avatar
  • 91
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Dynamically Color SVG Polygons with JavaScript

You can use CSS variables for this. const anchors = document.querySelectorAll('#mySvg a') ; anchors.forEach( anchor => {'--fillColor', '#00ff0077'); }); svg { ...
Mister Jojo's user avatar
  • 21.4k
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How do I solve the error "Failed to resolve import "src/lib/utils" from ... Does the file exist?"

Well what i did is to change the @ instances to src vite.config.ts import path from "path"; import react from "@vitejs/plugin-react"; import { defineConfig } from "vite"...
Amakor Divine's user avatar
0 votes

Can we use GUI program in Vscode SERVER?

Ans is : you can run it in android too, but you need something to display your turtle screen (or any gui screen) , The program itself cannot find screen you have to provide it the screen. And to to ...
Prashant Rawat's user avatar
1 vote

Ruby on Rails - How do I access the HTTP status code in my ERB view?

In the view, access the ActionDispatch::Response status attribute exposed in the controller, and compare the status code against Rack's enum: <%= if controller.response.status == Rack::Utils::...
Jimmy Li's user avatar
0 votes

How to ensure only one instance of a Tkinter executable Python script is running?

Here is a stand alone program that will run if another copy of itself is not running. The example "program" at the bottom simply waits 10 seconds and terminates. If you run a second copy ...
Dan Oblinger's user avatar
1 vote

I added LoadBar in my PySide6 GUI Program but it seems to be going on infinitely

See the documentation about QDialog.exec() (emphasis mine): Shows the dialog as a modal dialog, blocking until the user closes it. This means that nothing after that line will ever be executed until ...
musicamante's user avatar
  • 46.4k
1 vote

Streamlit live plot prevents other elements from rendering

Turns out there is a wonderful feature called fragments that does exactly what I want :) The correct code (with other corrections) would be import streamlit as st from random import random if "...
Cnoob's user avatar
  • 191
2 votes

Can't we import 'pyautogui' into google colaboratory?

According to korakot's answer to How to simulate python key presses in Google Collab notebook?: ...Google Colab is run on a machine instance in Google Cloud. Python there cannot gain access to your ...
PotężnyBrokół 's user avatar
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Streamlit live plot prevents other elements from rendering

You can try rerun the script all the time. Like this: import time import streamlit as st from random import random if not st.session_state.get('data'): st.session_state['data'] = [] data = st....
IronSpiderMan's user avatar
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How can I navigate thru a Python list of (image) file names to show images with Next and Back controls

You need to decouple the code that loads the images from the code that displays the images. If you don't have a lot of images or don't care about loading time and memory consumption, you can modify ...
import random's user avatar
-1 votes

How can I navigate thru a Python list of (image) file names to show images with Next and Back controls

I don't know how many images you are working with, but I prefer to see all images at once when I work with them. To do that, normally I use plt.subplots: from math import ceil import matplotlib....
Pedro's user avatar
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-1 votes

ValueError: ['text_font'] are not supported arguments. Look at the documentation for supported arguments

I was coding too and I got the same error. To solve this: replace font_text in label = customtkinter.CTkLabel(master=frame, text="Login System", text_font="Roboto") To: font like ...
Badi Safarov's user avatar
0 votes

TailwindCSS, change default border color for dark theme?

Solution for light/dark theme. Follow the steps: Define your border color via CSS variable in your globals.css. Add your border color to tailwind.config.ts reusing the CSS var (see below). Also make ...
svaponi's user avatar
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Rust egui window size and dark mode

Those still with this issue, or trying to change other specific options may still find issues as Egui has since been updated and has changed options. The current native option list is let options = ...
Maou Shimazu's user avatar
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why my SwiftData Query freeze the ui , how to solve?

Solution: created a computed var imageName to get image name based on mode and removed if else from body Cause: Unknown struct PlaylistItemView: View { let mode: stateMode var imageName: ...
Immanuel's user avatar
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Changing Background Color of Window in Gtk4

When testing this example, I came across the following: "Since GTK 4.12, GtkWindow uses the GTK_ACCESSIBLE_ROLE_APPLICATION role." GtkWidget *win = gtk_window_new(); ... ... g_strfreev(...
Holger's user avatar
  • 541
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Custom Curve in Flutter

A clean way to do this is using a ShapeBorder, so you can use it on any container. Similar to the ClipPath widget, you can define a path to use. The ShapeBorder gets you the path from a bounding Rect ...
fravolt's user avatar
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Flutter UI Freezes Despite Using compute for Decryption Function

Have you tried calling the Isolates directly something like below. // Function to spawn an isolate and run the decryption logic Future<String> aesCBCDecrypt( String encryptedText, String ...
Zealous System's user avatar
1 vote

Custom Curve in Flutter

Maybe this code is not the best way but it was easiest to make UI like this Scaffold( backgroundColor: Colors.grey[200], appBar: CustomAppBar( backgroundColor: Colors....
Lightn1ng's user avatar
  • 115
2 votes

Changing Background Color of Window in Gtk4

A GtkWindow is the element you want to style, it's not a valid css class (IE: .window is invalid). Per GTK4 documentation on GtkWindow's CSS implementation. A class of .background is applied to ...
John's user avatar
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How to set the default colour of a PyQtGraph ImageView's Histogram LUT?

The GradientEditorItem assoicated with a HistogramLUTItem of an ImageView is responsible for defining the gradient used to create the LUT for pseudo-colouring images. One can change the gradient of ...
Kyle F. Hartzenberg's user avatar
0 votes

How to prevent keyboard from pushing up the view in SwiftUI? .ignoresSafeArea(.keyboard) and ScrollView hack doesn't work

The issue was happening to me when the view was presented modally. What I did was the same thing: I wrapped the entire content inside a GeometryReader and applied the ignoreSafeArea modifier to that. ...
p gokul's user avatar
  • 98
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UI freeze when I press on the toolbar button

I believe the issue is being caused by the re-renders and heavy computing in the body. struct PlaylistItemView: View { let playlist: PlayListModel let columns: [GridItem] let readerWidth: ...
IAmNoob's user avatar
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Why are widgets "shaking" when the window is being resized?

The reason this shaking is happening is because Qt and no other framework is fast enough to update the window smooth enough for resizing, When you resize a window its dimensions change, but the UI ...
OSEnjoyer's user avatar

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