I noticed that in Henan dialect people use 恁, nén in place of 你.

Some comments in this question:Why in Chinese Bible (和合本), "you" was translated as "你" instead of "您"? note that 您, the polite form of 你, was originally a Northern Dialect address and only later acquired its status as a polite form of address. Presumably, Henan dialect would be included under the category of Northern Dialect.

I'm wondering if 恁 and 您 are related, given they have similar pronunciations. Could they have been originally variant characters for the same word?

2 Answers 2


Yes, on "汉典:

"恁"同“您” [you] 多见于早期白话.

  • 恁不去出力,息生教娘娘和番?——马志远《汉宫秋》

恁这是弄啥类,咋恁样嘞恁。 常用在早期或现在一些农家土语(方言)上。扩展一下,怹,tān:代指老人,尊称,“怹老人家”

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