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Questions tagged [character-variant]

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「骨」字虽然没有简体、正体(繁体)之分,但在简体中文和繁体中文中,所展示的字形是不同的,其表现为在不同字体下的外观表象不同。如下,在 Word 里面并列打出它们,左边是 宋体(可以说是简体中文的常见、默认字体了),右边是 PMingLiU 字体(是 Word 中「『简』译『繁』」的默认字体,从而可以说是繁体中文的常见字体),最明显的区别是两个字的上面的开口方向不一样,从而导致书写不一样、...
Soriak's user avatar
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Is 恁 related to 您?

I noticed that in Henan dialect people use 恁, nén in place of 你. Some comments in this question:Why in Chinese Bible (和合本), "you" was translated as "你" instead of "您"? ...
河南宝宝's user avatar
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Difference between 幺 and 么

I saw words like 什幺 and 这幺 in the story I'm reading. I'm wondering if it's just a typo or do people actually spell it like that. If yes, what's the difference with 么?
Namura's user avatar
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where to find 簡筆字?

I'm learning traditional Chinese, and have heard/seen examples of 簡筆字, like how 聽 can often be written as ⿰口耳 in Taiwan. Every time I try to look this up, I just get directed to the same Quora thread ...
Tosaku's user avatar
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What is the glyph origin of 槑?

槑 is a variant character of 梅 comprised of two 呆. Both are pronounced "méi", and mean "plum blossom" (Prunus mume). But what would the glyph origin be like? 呆, pronounced "dāi&...
Josh's user avatar
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Why are some characters more preferred in some areas?

Why are some characters preferred in some areas more than others? I am referring to 綫 vs 線 in Hong Kong. They mean the same thing right? I was also reading some articles related to the Dragon Boat ...
cgo's user avatar
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How did 閒 end up becoming 閑 and 間?

I can understand the link between 閒 and 間/间, being the empty spaces where moonlight or sunlight can shine through the doors --> empty space. But how did this 閒 also end up becoming similar to 閑/闲? ...
Fishuman's user avatar
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Are (报道, 报导), (成份, 成分), (定单, 订单), (定婚, 订婚), (浑浊, 混浊), (摩擦, 磨擦), (启程, 起程), (人才, 人材) all pairs of alternative ways of writing words?

In the book 汉语国际教育用词语声调组合及轻重音格式实用手册 by 刘英林 [ed.] (considered the likely candidate for the upcoming HSK3.0 vocabulary), the following words seem to be categorized as alternatives: 报道 and 报导 There are ...
Becky 李蓓's user avatar
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6 votes
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⿺走巳 or ⿺走己: Can 起 be written in two different ways?

Whilst typing the character 起 on my Mac, I notice that the character appears differently, illustrated in the picture below. On some programs, the character appears with an extra stroke, on others it ...
Lewis T.'s user avatar
3 votes
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How did three characters for _de_ emerge?

I understand that there are three characters for de depending on the usage: 跑得快 快地跑 快的车 Would anyone know how it evolved into different characters when the purpose and pronunciation are similar?
Gnubie's user avatar
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Is ䷊ a chinese character?

Wiki refer of this character(here it's Chinese character)(you must see it in Chinese language) Wiki refer of chinese_characters These are Yijing Hexagram Symbols(4DC0— 4DFF). In what degree can ...
Voyager's user avatar
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Is there a variant of 溏 without the 口 component that's used in Taiwan?

On a sign outside a breakfast eatery in Taoyuan, Taiwan I saw a character I didn't know, that Google Translate with the phone camera didn't translate, and that I couldn't find in Pleco. It looks like ...
hippietrail's user avatar
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Where to find all/most variants of a glyth?

As far as I know, for one glyth (ex.: 御) there many variant forms. Some sources list 䘖䘘禦 as variants, others say that all of the glyths in string 御䘖䘘䢩禦衘馭𠉳𠨙𡕺𢓦𢕜𢖋𤀝𧗨𧗪𨝈 are variants of 御. Is ...
coobit's user avatar
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Is there any specifically masculine character for 他

The pronoun 他 (ta1) for he/she/it has been used since at least the Ming dynasty and has had a number of variants, such as 牠 for animals and 祂 for deities. In the 20th century the feminine version 她 ...
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