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New Study Shows Ad Revenue Benefit through Cookies – Reinforcing Previous 2014 DAA Research: We Can Have Both Personalization & Ubiquitous Privacy Protections

September 5, 2019

YourAdChoices can help strike a balance between valuable relevance and ubiquitous privacy controls.

A newly updated academic study highlighted in AdExchanger this week reinforces a previous separate study commissioned by the Digital Advertising Alliance (D

It’s Not Wonderful to Imagine a World without Self-Regulation

February 25, 2019

Let’s take an “It’s a Wonderful Life” test to see what-could-have-been scenarios.

There’s been some discussion over the last week about the effectiveness our current self-regulatory regime for digital interest-based advertising. There is always room for improvement, a goal toward which the digital advertising industry continually works collaboratively with policymakers (and which has resulted in policy updates every two years to keep pace with this rapidly-evolving medium).


DAA Offers California Office of Attorney General Insights on DAA’s YourAdChoices Program and How Consumers Can Have Robust Privacy While Still Enjoying Ad-Financed Content

February 14, 2019

DAA offers three suggestions on ways to fashion implementation of CCPA in the state to protect digital advertising without compromising consumer privacy.

This week, the Digital Advertising Alliance had the opportunity to provide comments at a California public rulemaking workshop on privacy policy making – as the state’s Office of Attorney General promulgates regulation concerning the California Consumer Privacy Act (CaCPA or CCPA), which is set to take effect on January 1, 2020.


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