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What Is Natural Grounding

Etienne Charland edited this page Jul 5, 2015 · 4 revisions

So... What Is Natural Grounding?

In its simplest form, Natural Grounding is about using the Law of Resonance to attune to the energy within music videos and get you into higher emotional states. By sequencing videos to first play warm videos and gradually increasing the heat, it carries you into heightened states of consciousness. For years this was done manually by purchasing specific VCDs, DVDs and looking at YouTube videos, and now the Natural Grounding Player makes the whole process much easier by automating the video sequences.

Compared to doing Natural Grounding sessions manually, here's the difference I saw by using the Natural Grounding Player.

  1. My sessions got longer (often 2-3 hours).

  2. The variety of videos greatly increased, as otherwise I would tend to always play the same videos.

  3. I got into deeper immersion because there is no pause between videos.

  4. Cooling down at the end got MUCH better, as otherwise I just cut the hot iron and go to bed. I wasn't good at cooling down.

At a deeper level, Natural Grounding is about using divine feminine Goddess energy for healing. It greatly increases self-confidence, emotional intelligence and charisma in magical ways.

There is MUCH more depth to it that requires a profound paradigm shift to even start to understand. I've seen miracles happen with Natural Grounding and saw people anti-age by a few years in front of my eyes. It took me many years to even understand how such results could be possible.

The magic behind Natural Grounding partly has to do with inter-connected energies that directly affect your subconscious mind. All energy readings within the Natural Grounding Player are psychic readings based on an advanced application of the Hawkins Scale (see David Hawkins' book Power vs Force for the basics).

I'm currently writing two books to properly explain Natural Grounding which will be published on Amazon. The first book, The Alchemy of Success, will cover all of the fundamentals (and it is growing in size). The second book, The Natural Grounding Bible, will then apply those fundamentals to understand Natural Grounding from a whole new perspective.

Meanwhile, you can read the 2011 Natural Grounding Guide or get access to various resources here.