Ihsan Satriawan

Jakarta, Jakarta Raya, Indonesia Informasi Kontak
2 rb pengikut 500+ koneksi

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Software Engineer with 5+ years of experience as Front-End or Full Stack Engineer…


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Pengalaman & Pendidikan

  • Tokopedia

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Lisensi dan Sertifikasi

Pengalaman Sukarela


  • Hyperlocal Experience Approach in Web Platform


    Hyperlocal services[1] are those services that are provided within the limited geographic area wherein sellers can deliver products or services in a minimum time period. Web platform team also implements hyperlocal experiences that the team finds very useful to users for having specific experiences such as campaign, ads, promo, search, and many other features to be localized based on the customer's geographical area. The web platform team has built the hyperlocal experience in a web platform by…

    Hyperlocal services[1] are those services that are provided within the limited geographic area wherein sellers can deliver products or services in a minimum time period. Web platform team also implements hyperlocal experiences that the team finds very useful to users for having specific experiences such as campaign, ads, promo, search, and many other features to be localized based on the customer's geographical area. The web platform team has built the hyperlocal experience in a web platform by combining several approaches in frontend development to fulfill expected design and functionality and to deliver the benefit of hyperlocal experience to our users and also to support continuous development of our hyperlocal feature itself.

    Penulis lainnya
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  • Automated Data Tracker Validation In Web Platform


    Data analytics is one of the crucial parts to drive e-commerce business. One of the data sources that is used in Tokopedia is a data tracker that is implemented in a web platform. Data tracker validation is a solution to prevent incidents of data tracker happening in the production environment.

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    Penulis lainnya
    • Ino Suryana
    • Rudi Rosadi


  • Codeigniter


  • Website Development Fundamental



  • HIJUP.com

    - Saat ini

    Involved tech and concepts:

    - React.js.
    - Redux.
    - Node.js.
    - ES6 (ES2015).
    - Babel.js.
    - Ruby on Rails.
    - Webpack.
    - Zurb's Foundation.
    - SCSS.
    - Ava.js.
    - ESLint.

    Kreator lainnya
  • Data Integration

    - Saat ini

    Data Integration Team use Netezza and Infosphere Streams

    Netezza DB :
    1. Build Prototyping Query to make Star Schema

    Infosphere Streams :
    1 Use for data acquisition from CSV source to Table in Netezza and Hadoop
    2 Use several Operator in Infosphere Streams :
    - DirectoryScan and FileSource Op for get data CSV source file
    - ODBCSource for get data from table in Netezza DB
    - Joint Op for joint operation data from CSV and data from ODBCSource

    Data Integration Team use Netezza and Infosphere Streams

    Netezza DB :
    1. Build Prototyping Query to make Star Schema

    Infosphere Streams :
    1 Use for data acquisition from CSV source to Table in Netezza and Hadoop
    2 Use several Operator in Infosphere Streams :
    - DirectoryScan and FileSource Op for get data CSV source file
    - ODBCSource for get data from table in Netezza DB
    - Joint Op for joint operation data from CSV and data from ODBCSource
    - Functor Op for make transformation data
    - Split Op for make separator data
    - HDFS2Filesink for Write into HDFS (Hadoop)
    - ODBCAppend for write into Netezza DB
    - Import Export Op for make this application modular (ReadData Module, Separator Module, WriteHDFS Module, WriteNetezza Module)

    Kreator lainnya
  • Forum Indonesia Muda

    Developed online registration and candidate grading system for Indonesia Youth Forum. Within 30 day registration period, the system processed 6,119 registrations from 32 provinces in Indonesia.

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  • Career Development Center (CDC) Unpad

    - Saat ini

    Make Web application using framework PHP for CDC Unpad

    Kreator lainnya
    • Alan Ridwan Maulana
    Lihat proyek
  • HIJUP Warehouse System


    Used by HIJUP's warehouse team to accomplish their daily job.

    Involved tech and concepts:

    - React.js.
    - Redux.
    - Node.js.
    - ES6 (ES2015).
    - Babel.js.
    - Bootstrap (CSS framework).

    Kreator lainnya
  • Prototype E-voting untuk pemilihan umum


    Make prototype e-voting application using PHP for election

    Kreator lainnya
    • Tengku
    • Ihsan Riyadhi
    • Siti Dwi Setiarini
  • E-vote using RSA Encryption for President of PH Himatika FMIPA Universitas Padjadjaran Election


    My responsibilities : create vote and ballot calculation page, implement RSA encrpytion in vote page, and implement RSA decrpytion in ballot calculation page.

    Kreator lainnya
  • Information System For SAGEM Division


    Make Web App using PHP for monitoring Logistic SAGEM in Indonesia (using Google Maps API)

    Kreator lainnya
    • Ardi
  • Official Website for Laboratorium Matematika FMIPA Universitas Padjadjaran


    This is my final project when I was co-laboratory assistant to be a laboratory assistant. My responsibilities : add new features for student task collection system both in front-end and back-end of Joomla based website. This project had been presented in front of Lecturer and Laboratory Assistant of Mathematics Department from Jatinangor and Dago campus.

    Kreator lainnya

Skor Tes


    Skor: 82


  • Indonesian

    Tingkat fasih atau penutur asli

  • English

    Tingkat dasar


  • Forum Indonesia Muda


    - Saat ini
  • BEM Kema Unpad

    Staff Of Media Information

  • BEM Kema FMIPA Unpad

    Coordinating Minister of Public Relations and Communication


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  • Minta diperkenalkan
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