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Questions tagged [context]

For question related to missing context close reason.

47 votes
3 answers

Why are we required to write "why this question is relevant to us"?

When I ask questions, it's always for the same reason: because I'm curious about the answer. It's not like my life depends on it, it's just a random question I asked myself while thinking about a ...
Elvis's user avatar
  • 610
0 votes
0 answers

Why my first question was deleted? [duplicate]

My first question was deleted more than a year ago. I will admit that I didn’t give additional context and an effort as at that time, I was very new to the site and I don’t know that it is requirement ...
Thirdy Yabata's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Clarification on Including Solution Attempts in Questions

I have a question regarding the guidelines for providing context in questions. Specifically, I'd like clarification on whether mentioning solution attempts (no complete step by step solution) falls ...
O M's user avatar
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-5 votes
1 answer

What context is needed?

I have a question about my Mathematics Stack Exchange post: How to prove that the surface of sphere is measure zero. I posted the question with context, but it is said that additional context is ...
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-11 votes
1 answer

Too many interesting questions are closed

In my opinion you close far too many interesting questions as being off-topic and requiring additional context. If someone is asking a question, he or she must consider it relevant. If it is about ...
Richard Hevener's user avatar
7 votes
0 answers

How do we handle a chain of "duplicate" questions that are linked to a "missing context or other details" question?

The following chain questions are currently all closed: Proving that $\langle x, y \rangle$ is a not principal ideal of $\mathbb{Q}[x, y]$ Non-principal ideal in $K[x,y]$? The ideal $I= \langle x,y \...
user avatar
17 votes
1 answer

Receiving multiple close votes with old questions.

I am surprised to see someone flagged my questions — both asked long ago and had accepted answers — as missing context overnight. Question 1 was asked years ago, whilst I was writing an essay and ...
fantasie's user avatar
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29 votes
3 answers

Why are clumsily formulated questions downvoted & closed so much?

Regularly, I feel that a significant part of the community closes or downvotes question because they don't fit neatly into the category of "well-presented question", while the question is ...
Vsotvep's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

Can I improve this question?

This question of mine was closed as I need to "provide additional context". I'm struggling to think of what context exactly I could add - there is no external motivation of the question ...
The Zach Man's user avatar
15 votes
0 answers

What can I do to improve this question?

This self-answered question has $5$ downvotes . Metamorphy commented that 'Still the question should have a context and not just a problem statement' after which I added an attempt. After discussion ...
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27 votes
0 answers

If I recognize the source of someone's question, should I edit to add it?

(c.f. How to ask a good question's Include source / motivation for your question and the preceeding discussion in Is it a good idea to include source from where a question is taken?) Occasionally, I ...
Calvin Khor's user avatar
  • 35.1k
21 votes
1 answer

Allow question to be closed for low effort

I do like helping people out on exercises but I see way too many questions with little to no effort in trying to solve. I think these people are just asking to get their assignments done. I don't ...
Cathartic Encephalopathy's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Is the rollback attempt in this thread appropriate?

This is an issue with this specific question. Please look at the revision history here. I merely improved an attempt by the asker (which was written as a comment), making it clearer. I did not ...
Batominovski's user avatar
  • 49.8k
38 votes
0 answers

Guidelines for context edits and rewrites

Suppose you come across a question that has been closed for lack of context, has high quality answers, and on its way to being deleted. Can you save the post by editing it to include more context? ...
Alexander Gruber's user avatar
  • 27.2k
24 votes
2 answers

What kind of context is good to add to a contest math question?

This is a call for brainstorming for ideas on how to best make questions from math contests meet our quality requirements, outlined in many places, but How to ask a good question is the most commonly ...
Jyrki Lahtonen's user avatar

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