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Questions tagged [sandbox]

This tag is for sandbox questions, which allow people to write answers meant for testing of a particular issue, or a draft for a later answer.

1 vote
0 answers

Let's downvote our sandbox to prevent edits from bumping it

Our sandbox (with a permanent vote score of 124) is perpetually hogging attention near or at the top of our Meta homepage. In contrast, Physics StackExchange's sandbox's activities rightly occur under ...
ryang's user avatar
  • 39.9k
1 vote
1 answer

Why is a sandbox needed?

Sandbox for drafts of long, complex posts provides a place for people to work on a question or answer that might take a long time to compose. I'm not clear on the reason for this, especially with the ...
Ray Butterworth's user avatar
6 votes
0 answers

Can't use the sandbox

I am new to the community and I have been advised to use the sandbox to edit long posts so as not to disturb the frontpage of the site. But I think I am not able to use it yet because I can't "edit" ...
Javier CF's user avatar
  • 203
27 votes
5 answers

Catalog of limits

WARNING: This post contains hundreds of mathematical formulas. Do not open it on devices, where rendering of MathJax is slow! For more comprehensive catalog see (it ...
user avatar
5 votes
12 answers

Sandbox for long or complicated edits. [duplicate]

This sandbox is intended for a collective collaboration to edit posts which would require a lot of effort and a lot of time, in particular, $\LaTeX$ifying images. It serves to localize to one thread ...
124 votes
17 answers

Sandbox for drafts of long, complex posts

This sandbox is intended for saving drafts of long, complex posts, especially posts whose composition takes a long time. It serves to localize to one thread the front-page "bumps" caused by edits to ...
45 votes
60 answers

Formatting Sandbox

Basically the same as Formatting Sandbox in Meta Stack Exchange, but since this and Statistical Analysis are the only two sites (I know) supporting $\TeX$ formatting, I believe we also need one here ...