I use Firebase for my iOS app. Aleready, I connected with Google Analytics and BigQuery. My Google Analytics has datas over 2 months. I connected with BigQuery before over 24hors.

However, BigQuery has only 4 days datas. Why BigQuery has not all days?

Now, I use free plan for BigQuery. Free paln cause this problem?

I look forward to hearing from your answer!! (My english is so bad,,, sorry,,,)

Already, This question soloved in [this][1].

BigQuery cannot export all data from google analytics. So, Google Analytics Reporting Api can use all data. But, I only needed a little data, and I manually exported it as a csv file from Analytics.


1 Answer 1


Data is only exported from Google/Firebase Analytics to BigQuery from the moment you enable the integration. Historical data is not exported, no matter what plan (free/paid) your project is on.

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