How can I pass arguments to a callback function in this specific scenario.

I have a function that gets an object with callbacks like this

function doSomething({ callbackSuccess : myFunction, callbackError : myOtherFunction})

how can I pass arguments to myFunction or to myOtherFunction?

Like, if myOtherFunction gets a msg parameter like this

function myOtherFunction(msg) {

Thanks in advance

3 Answers 3


Just like you pass them to any other function:

function doSomething(callbacks) {
    callbacks.callbackSuccess('foo', 'bar');

If you mean you want to pass them "at the time of passing them into doSomething":

doSomething({ callbackSuccess : function () { myFunction('foo'); }, ... });

Simplest of all:

function dosomething(callback) {
    //some code-poetry;
    callback(1, 2, 3); //the callback is back!!!

function foo(a, b, c) {//this will be my callback
    alert("I got some parameters")

dosomething(foo); //the function call

Best explanation for a callback function:Check this

A simple defination would be:the callback function is called at a certain point in the future when some code or a function completes execution.


Try this -

// function def
function doSomething(a) {

// calling function
    callbackSuccess : function() {
    callbackError : myOtherFunction

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