scene 1: I am having a task in android to capture image from its camera and store the captured image it in a separate folder,

  • scene1 i am now able to do now(means captured image is storing in my customized folder(example folder name john)).
  • scene 2: Next task is to show all the captured image of my app in a grid format having check box for selection of a images(just like whats app does for image selection)
  • scene 2 i am able to do this from a good example to image in a grid view like a android album gallery ,with a check box , but the thing is that , the gallery is not showing my customized image folder and its images where i have captured all the images from the app

please help me regarding this issue Thanks in advance

  • The galery is not showing your images. But why do you care? Your app should show your images! What has your app to do with the Gallery app? You know 'the gallery' is just an app? You do not know that the gallery app will show your images once you reboot your device? The subject of your post is completely wrong. Please change to a better one.
    – greenapps
    Commented Feb 20, 2015 at 12:51
  • ...and what is your question now about programming??? you must ask a question consequently. paste some code and show the parts which make problems.
    – fecub
    Commented Feb 20, 2015 at 12:53


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