I have 3 questions regarding Firebase and GA integration with mobile app(both iOS and Android)

  1. If we integrate Firebase and GTM with mobile applications without GA, Does it store any information in local storage(i.e moblie application local storage)?
  2. if we integrate Firebase and GTM with mobile application with GA , with this relationship does it store any information in local storage (i.e Like how GA is storing ClientId )
  3. we have a case in which we send data through the firebase, in this we want to send data only to GTM and not to the GA, is it possible?

1 Answer 1

  1. Yes, it will. GTM may store things that would indicate the build version of the container. Firebase would store more. Things like user ids, whether this is a first open or not and probably about ten more dimensions of similar value.

  2. Yes.

  3. No. GTM is not a destination for data. You don't send data to GTM. GTM doesn't have an endpoint to receive data. Instead, it's a bunch of logic that can route the data right from your front-end. However, GTM for mobile is severely limited in functionality, so we tend to only use it for simplest pixels implementation, and that still requires dev intervention.

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