I am using custom url, minimum iOS version is 10, so I am using App delegate. I declared the required thing is


app, is opening fine but, I am not getting callback in logs through app delegate. This function is not getting called

func application(_ application: UIApplication,
                     open url: URL,
                     options: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey : Any] = [:] ) -> Bool { }

I am testing it on iOS 16, iPhone 13.

I tried all my way to remove Application Scene Manifest from Info.Plist. added var window: UIWindow? at top of AppDelegate. But nothing is working. My App is in background. When clicking comes to foreground. But nothing is being printed in log through this method.

  • I saw a couple minor things... so I'll just cover them for starters... 1- when you said "info.plist", I assume you meant "Info.plist", as you said below. 2- so if you put print statements in all the functions in the class, do you see applicationWillEnterForeground, (nothing for your URL handler, applicationDidBecomeActive(_:)
    – benc
    Commented Oct 8, 2023 at 1:56
  • ...Normal behavior would see a middle entry of application(_:open:options:), if you were using print ((#function)
    – benc
    Commented Oct 8, 2023 at 1:58


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