I'm using Azure Artifacts to download third party libraries. I have uploaded firebase analytics SDK v10.22.0 and it is working fine. When trying to update SDK 10.24.0 getting an error in Xcode
same as Here

Note: When directly download .xcframworks and add framework into Xcode works fine. Issue happens only when trying to download from azure artifacts.

I use download artifacts.py referred Artifacts-Download Reached out to Google but they said could be an issue in Azure artifacts. Appreciate the help

Tried the solution given here

  1. Use copy -Crp option
  2. Clear xCode cache , derived data etc. but didn't help
  • 1. How did you upload your package to Azure Artifact? 2. "Issue happens only when trying to download from azure artifacts." - How did you try to download from Azure Artifact? How did you configure your project with Azure Artifact? 3. To download Universal Packages via CLI, you need to connect to the feed firstly. Have you followed the steps in Publish and download Universal Packages in Azure Artifacts? Commented Jun 26 at 6:09
  • @ZiyangLiu-MSFT Yes I have followed the steps. As mentioned it was working fine when uploading and downloading firebase analytics sdk v10..22.0. Issue happens when trying to download uploaded (updated)version v10.24.0
    – Sugans
    Commented Jun 26 at 13:14
  • 1. If you can successfully download package v10.24.0 using Azure DevOps CLI? 2. "When directly download .xcframworks and add framework into Xcode works fine" - Would you please help clarify what "directly download" means? Where did you download it from? Commented Jun 27 at 8:20
  • If I download directly from [here] (github.com/firebase/firebase-ios-sdk) and add .xcframework into Xcode then it works fine. If I upload the same .xcfrmawork iinto azure artifacts and then download to the source throws an error
    – Sugans
    Commented Jun 27 at 13:07
  • The actual issue is when uploading .xcframworks into azure artifacts it doesn't preserve symbolic links
    – Sugans
    Commented Jun 27 at 17:57