My team & I have been banging our heads against the wall lately. We’re working on an app and are utilising Firebase Analytics and AdMob.

We’re trying to ensure/confirm that our user consent flow when opening the app the first time complies with GDPR and iOS's App Tracking Transparency requirements. We designed a flowchart (see image attached), based on our research.

Breakdown of the flowchart:

  1. App Launch
  2. Firebase analytics consent form:
    • A consent form is displayed asking if the user agrees to data collection for analytics purposes.
      • Also privacy policy and terms of service would be linked
    • Options:
      • Accept -> enables data collection
      • Decline -> disables data collection
  3. AdMob personalised ads consent form:
    • Another consent form for personalised advertisements.
    • Options:
      • Accept -> allows personalised ads on android, green light for the next step (4) on ios
      • Decline -> disallows personalised ads
  4. ATT Prompt (for iOS users, if personalised ads are accepted):
    • Shows the iOS ATT prompt to request permission to track the user across apps and websites owned by other companies.
    • Options:
      • Allow -> allows personalised ads on iOS
      • Don't Allow -> disallows personalised ads
  5. Redirect to home screen🎉

We would appreciate feedback on following questions:

Would this flow meet GDPR & ATT requirements?

Is the ATT prompt correctly placed? Only after obtaining consent for personalised ads?

Any improvements/suggestions to better align with privacy regulations?

enter image description here

  • "My team & I have been banging our heads against the wall lately. " that's not healthy 🤪 Usually it's done with a cookie, and you just check for the cookie to decide if or what to display. Here is certainly no place for law related questions, in doubt a lawyer should be consulted.
    – David
    Commented Jul 11 at 10:35