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Questions tagged [react-native-firebase]

This tag is for the react-native-firebase npm package.

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Firebase Console showing no data for android app

I have added Firebase analytics to my app where I log the events using analytics library. The code for same is analytics().logEvent('channel_opened'); But the problem is that the app does not shows ...
Rohit Aggarwal's user avatar
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Running background task on iOS when receiving a notification

I am using react native firebase to handle notifications in my app. For android onBackgroundEventHandler works perfectly fine and is fired when a notification is received and the app is in background ...
Irfan wani's user avatar
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Correct user consent flow for compliance with GDPR and ATT requirements using Firebase Analytics and AdMob

My team & I have been banging our heads against the wall lately. We’re working on an app and are utilising Firebase Analytics and AdMob. We’re trying to ensure/confirm that our user consent flow ...
dsds's user avatar
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Uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException' when running Expo iOS app in release mode on physical device

I am trying to create a release version of my app for iOS using Expo. The app works perfectly on Android (both simulator and physical device) and on the iOS simulator. However, when I run the app in ...
Luis Castellon's user avatar
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Firebase (Phone Auth) Getting iOS error: NativeFirebaseError: [auth/invalid-app-credential] Invalid token

Issue with Sign-In Using Phone Number on Physical Device and Production in React Native Firebase Problem The sign-in with phone number works on the iOS simulator, but it stops working in production or ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Custom sound for notification is not working in react native background notifications when payload sent from backend java

In our application 2 types of notification. In one case without sound and in another case with custom sound. This is payload for custom sound details from Java { "message": { "data&...
Supriya's user avatar
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Print events to the terminal while debugging and attach log level to firebase analytics events?

I am using react native firebase and I was looking to accomplish 2 things with the analytics package. For each event call that I add to my codebase to also automatically print out to the terminal ...
Hamster's user avatar
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React Native Deeplinking with Push Notifications Doesn't Work when App is closed

I'm trying to redirect the user to a specific screen when tapping on a push notification, it works fine when the app is visible (with both Onesignal & RN-firebase/messaging) or even standing by in ...
Mo3tasm's user avatar
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How can I signin/signup users with phone number in an Expo React Native app?

Problem Module '"firebase/auth"' has no exported member 'RecaptchaVerifier'.ts(2305) After following the steps from
FullCircle's user avatar
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Is there a reason why I am getting User undefined?

This is how my App.js looks: // App.js import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import { NavigationContainer, DefaultTheme } from '@react-navigation/native'; import { createStackNavigator } ...
newDevAttempt2's user avatar
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Expo not importing into android project on build

I am trying to set up an simple android expo application using react-native-firebase. I've been trying to set up the auth screen but I keep hitting this error: No Firebase App '[DEFAULT]' has been ...
Miguel Kulisic's user avatar
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How to revoke a (or all) notifications if the app is killed

currently, I'm handling a notification task using react-native + react-native-firebase to push notifications. If the user has read a notification on the website, I want to revoke that notification on ...
Phạm Chỉnh's user avatar
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Expo /react-native-firebase: No Firebase App '[DEFAULT]' has been created - call firebase.initializeApp()

I am using react native firebase npm module with expo so if followed docs and created firebasse android and ios apps and downloaded the and GoogleInfo....
Sudhansu Joshi's user avatar
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test the code inside OnAuthStateChange - jest

I'm doing tests for LoginScreen in my react native app using Jest , but I'm facing problem to test block of code inside onAuthStateChange method . LoginScreen.tsx const setToken= async(token:any)=&...
mermaid's user avatar
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Failed to get FCM Token in React native production build (TV Application) [react-native-firebase]

I tried to get the FCM token in react native with the help of the "@react-native-firebase/messaging" version ^19.2.2. const fcmToken = await messaging().getToken(); It is working fine in ...
Rajeshkumar S's user avatar

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