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Questions tagged [accordion]

An accordion is a type of menu that allows for additional content to be shown below the heading upon mouse action. Only one heading's content can be open at a time. When the next heading is selected, the previous heading's content will close.

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Component init inside ng bootstrap accordion even if closed

I'm facing an issue using ng bootstrap's accordion with components inside them. I have an *ngFor and for each index array there is an accordion that contains a component. The problem is, even ...
Felice Anastasio's user avatar
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Multiple accordions working independently where the first of every accordion is open [duplicate]

I'm using this accordion module from W3Schools: It's working well, only a problem occurs when i use two of them on the page. They still work. Only they ...
Jelle's user avatar
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How to control opening primeng accordion content by a button placed on the accordion

I want to open the primeng accordion using a button that is placed in its custom header and i dont want the accordion to open if i click anywhere else. i am using primeng 11-lts version and this is my ...
Code Monkey's user avatar
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bootstrap react Accordion - collapse / expand via useState

I've a react-accordion component with multiple 'cards'. Initially the first is expanded and the rest is collapsed. I would like to control the state (collapsed/expanded) via a react state (useState). ...
user3166671's user avatar
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SwiftUI: How to check if part of a view is out of screen? [closed]

I have an accordion in a ScrollView. When an item of the accordion is expanded, its content may be out of the screen. How can I check if the content is out of the screen and scroll up to show it? ...
Bruce L's user avatar
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How to animate or anchor bootstrap 4 accordion to its respective title when clicking its button?

Right now I have multiple script id's of #collapseTab2-1, #collapseTab2-2, #collapseTab2-3 etc.. to implement animate/anchor to its accordion title respectively when clicking its respective button ...
clarkf's user avatar
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Bootstrap 4: Opening Bootstrap 4 navtabs with accordions using URL when clicking the button [duplicate]

I'm trying to make a button link that will go to another page containing its respective accordion, and then activate the appropriate accordion section. I have this working code below that the button ...
clarkf's user avatar
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PrimeReact AccordionTab Not Rendering When Wrapped in Custom Component

I'm facing an issue where my custom FilterAccordionTab component, which extends PrimeReact's (V8) AccordionTab, is not rendering its content. However, when I directly use PrimeReact's AccordionTab ...
Manspof's user avatar
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Align title to the left in an AccordionItem

I am using an Accordion widget within my sample app (used for learning Kivy). In my KV code, I have: Accordion: orientation: 'vertical' AccordionItem: title: '2024/12/...
Todd Hoatson's user avatar
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How to use Bootstrap 4 navtabs with accordions and functionalities?

Is there a way that if I click the Button for Maintab 2 will activate the Maintab 2 Content and will show the accordion content for Collapsible Group Item #2. I'm going to implement it also on the ...
clarkf's user avatar
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Issue with Bootstrap 4 collapses in pills tabs using Rails 6 and Haml

Context I'm working on a Rails application using Bootstrap for the UI. I want to integrate a set of pills, each containing an accordion that displays a list of subcategories. When a subcategory is ...
Salim's user avatar
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CSS for bootstrap accordion

So I'm pretty new to css and bootstrap, and have added an accordian into my view page. I have tried to alter the original css but with no luck! <div class="accordion accordian-flush" id=&...
molly1312's user avatar
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Trying to implement Accordion in React so that multiple accordions can be open at a time

I am sending data as an array of object from main component file to Accordion component - return <Accordion items={items} />; items consist of 3 properties - Id, title and data. Accordion ...
Afilado's user avatar
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Collapse accordion on page load

Is there a way to make accordion collapse on page load? Currently t-store__tabs__item_active loads first. Using a website builder with no capability of editing html, but can use css, js or jquery. ...
luadipa's user avatar
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What is giving me a blank page on a React app on LocalHost?

I created a react page (localhost) to follow along with a tutorial, but my webpage is completely blank. The console shows the attached error messageenter image description here I added “permissions”: [...
dgeary7's user avatar
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JS Accordion : jump to title when open

I have a FAQ section with accordion for each questions. When I open an question, I would like the window to scroll to the top of the title of the current opened accordion (instead of staying in the ...
Hellooo's user avatar
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Transitioning an accordion content with "allow-discrete" value for "display" property

I have an accordion in which content is visually hidden and shown using transitions on grid-template-rows from 0fr to 1fr values. It's inspired by a solution made by Kevin Powell on its youtube ...
Luca Detomi's user avatar
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NVDA overrides eventListeners on arrow keys 38 and 40 with its own behavior for that

The "handleAccordionKeyDown" function enables arrow key navigation in an accordion. If the first accordion element, a link, is focused with the tab key, arrow key navigation is activated. ...
gbecker's user avatar
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Background Color for Accordion Collapse won't reset back to default

I'm totally scratching my head on this one so I apologize if it's a simple fix. I'm using Accordion categories to expand and collapse sections by either clicking the same section again to collapse it ...
Michael's user avatar
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Bootstrap5 accordion is not woking in iOS devices

<div className={'accordion'} id={'accordionNav'}> <div className={'accordion-item'}> <div className={'accordion-header'} id="headingOne"> ...
Srinivas K Bhat's user avatar
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how to close the previous accordions when scrolling the page and reach to new accordion?

I am using accordion material-mui. at first all of accordions are opened. when I scroll the page and I reach to the second accordion, I want to close the first accordion and when I reach to the third ...
Elham Bagheri's user avatar
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No named parameter with the name 'flipRightIconIfOpen'. flipRightIconIfOpen: true,

This is how I called the flipRightIconOpen; headerPadding: const EdgeInsets.all(15), flipRightIconIfOpen: true, headerBackgroundColor: Colors.grey.shade100, contentBackgroundColor: Colors.grey....
Theoheneba's user avatar
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Warning: validateDOMNesting(...): <div> cannot appear as a child of <tr>warning while using Accordion inside tbody

I am using Accordian from react-bootstrap, I want that the table row can be expanded to view another table, it is working fine but giving me warnings on browser console. <div className="row me-...
Shaan Srivastava's user avatar
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Change div to offcanvas on breakpoint

I want to change the accordion div below to an offcanvas when the large screen breakpoint is triggered in the HTML below.The only way I can think is to replicate the accordion HTML in the offcanvas ...
Alex R's user avatar
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Javascript Accordion assign classes click event

Currently the class "open" is assigned to the "accordion_container" when it is clicked. So far everything is good. What I want to change is just that this happens when clicking on ...
Riwed's user avatar
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NextUI dom nested button warning with <Accordion />

I'm trying to add a button as the startContent property inside an AccordionItem in in NextUI. The problem is that the AccordionItem uses as an implementation but I really have to add a button ...
Tseku's user avatar
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Vertical scroll bar in react-bootstrap Accordion Body is not clickable

I am using the react-bootstrap accordion. One of my items contains a list that's sometimes rather long. I added overflowY: auto to the style in order to add a scroll bar in these cases. The scroll bar ...
EJoshuaS - Stand with Ukraine's user avatar
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NextUI Accordion Background Color

I am working in NextUI V2.2.10 with Tailwind CSS. I have an accordion item that I want to custom style outside of the theme (I actually just want to flip the background color and text color on the ...
David Lister's user avatar
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How to solve Wordpress accordion problem on Iphone?

I have built an accordion FAQ on my WordPress website. It works fine on Desktop, Tablet and Android but on iPhones It does not work properly. To make accordions open and close, weirdly I have to use ...
vahid hasani's user avatar
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How to open specific Accordion item in Django using Bootstrap?

I have a Django app with a page that contains a Bootstrap Accordion. I have a form in the third accordion item. On submit within that form I want the page to refresh to the same accordion item - I ...
A. Jabbitt's user avatar
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MUI Table body rendered in first cell when wrap table body in Accordion

Above is my code actually i have data in groups and i need to show each group in a accordion and can have only one header outside the table body when i try the above code then accordion rendered in ...
Shahid Zaman's user avatar
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Accordion menu doesnt appear in frontpage

my site is Im having trouble with accordion menú in my frontpage, it appears Missing Accordion Menu configuration. This happened alone, no changes in accordion settings have been done. ...
Diego Blas Pettersen's user avatar
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How do I trigger onclick event with only one click?

It's me again! I've been slaving to get an accordion menu to work properly and I managed to get it to work... the main problem is, it only triggers on the double click of a button. I want to make this ...
CarrionCuutie's user avatar
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JQuery accordion not working in Razor page

I've spent a few hours digging through here and other sites and can't find the answer. I'm trying to implement a simple accordion in a razor page, but no matter what I try it doesn't work. _Layout....
Pierre Sogol's user avatar
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Accordion Close Transition

I am trying to create an accordion which has a transition when you open and close it. Unfortunately I was not able to make the close transition(the open transition works perfectly). Any suggestions? I ...
Denis's user avatar
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NgFor Issue in expanding data in Accordion

I have been trying to display an array of posts using tailwind's Accordion. When I console log the posts, the array of posts is there but there seems to be an issue of expanding the accordion. This ...
shahiedul's user avatar
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Jumping page scroll when closing accordion

I have an accordion written in JS + SCSS. Here's how it works: When you open an accordion, another active accordion is automatically closed opening/closing of the accordion is smooth, animated There ...
LunaMoon's user avatar
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How can I make my accordion auto-collapsible

I am builing my accordion with ReactJS but cannot find a way to make it auto-collapse when another one is opened. It is working perfectly fine but I just want the item to callapse as soon as another ...
Jean Mako's user avatar
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Rotating chevron in accordion in javascript

Hi i am trying to make a nested accordion and I am almost done. The code itself is werking fine, but I have added chevrons to the main-buttons in the accordion, When clicking on the main-btn one, the ...
Brango's user avatar
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CSS: Expand/collapse animation in `flex` accordion when container size is fixed

Good afternoon, I have a need to create HTML/CSS/JS accordion. Requirements: accordion container's height must be fixed (100% body's height) and if panel's content overflows, scrollbar must be inside ...
user23565057's user avatar
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Hide Elementor accordion item if FacetWP is empty

I am creating a filter system using Elementor Pro and FacetWP. I want the Facets to be expandable so I have put the Facets in the Elementor (nested) accordion widget with an accordion item for each ...
George Upson's user avatar
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Tailwind-elements table accordion not functioning after refresh or npm run dev/build. Saving the page after a refresh, however, works

Copy-pasting code for a tailwind-elements works perfectly in my vite-react app. Refreshing the page or running npm run dev breaks it.I followed the step by step instructions to get it started. When I ...
Rishabh Patel's user avatar
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Accordion Collapsible Panel is Not Exanding After Adding Schema Markup

My accordion collapsible panel is working perfectly. As you can see, the first panel is not working, whereas the second one isn't working perfectly. The difference between these two is not something ...
Shoeb Siddique's user avatar
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Is there any way to control ShadcnUI Accordion "open" and "close" functionality using value from the useState in NextJs?

import { Accordion, AccordionContent, AccordionItem, AccordionTrigger, } from "@/components/ui/accordion"; interface chapterProps{ selectedChapter:number; setSelectedChapter:...
Dhyan TD's user avatar
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How do I include my image within a Bootstrap Accordion so it sits within accordion-item

I am having problems with a Bootstrap Accordion. It functions fine, but when i attempt to load an image <img src="" class="img-fluid" /> within ...
user2960372's user avatar
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Accordion - Scroll to top of open content

I was provided the following Java script for an accordion menu. How do I add additional code so that when I click on a new accordion menu, it scrolls to the top of that opened content? For example, ...
Debra Barba's user avatar
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How bootstrap 5 wp-navwalker to have a accordion menu instead of dropdown?

I'm actually having trouble getting the bootstrap accordion to work in the dropdown menu with the navwalker. I googled a lot and also found some threads on github, but they are several years old and ...
user18323500's user avatar
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angular 17 error working with accordion primeng [duplicate]

i have this error in my console : ERROR Error: NG05100: Providers from the BrowserModule have already been loaded. If you need access to common directives such as NgIf and NgFor, import the ...
hadi's user avatar
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I want to rotate the icon with animation in expandable

I want to perform a little animation for rotate a icon to 45 degree in each item passed. That animation is working, but all the icons in the list are rotating at the same time. I want the icon ...
infinity_loop's user avatar
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Animate accordion panels when hide and show a panel

I have created an Accordion component in a Vue3 and Nuxt3 project. everything is good except that I can't put an animation on the height of accordion panels. I want a smooth remove when I hide a panel ...
Prof Nami's user avatar
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