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Questions tagged [acts-as-list]

ActsAsList is a Rails plugin that provides list abilities to an ActiveRecord model

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How to make acts_as_list make the added item have the top position?

I have a group of items which uses the acts_as_list gem. As of now, when a new item is added, acts_as_list will give the item the lowest position, making it show up as the last item on the list. Is ...
Jill's user avatar
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Set Position Value from Index for nested model attributes

How can I set a position field in the attributes for a nested model so that my has_many relationship remembers it's sort order? I want to set the position from the index so that it reflects the order ...
Will's user avatar
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Can I use Single Table Inheritance with has_many to get a collection of multiple types

I have a Citation class and I want each Citation to have many Resources. A resource can be a LocalFile, Link (and maybe something like a dropbox file). Resources will share most functionality and ...
Peter Gerdes's user avatar
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rails acts_as_list specific to user and date

I'd like to use acts_as_list in my stock market application but the ordering position should be specific to the user, the ticker and date. acts_as_list scope: [:user_id, :ticker, :market_date] So, ...
JP.'s user avatar
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How to update acts_as_list using multiple columns

I have a Rails 3.2 app that uses acts_as_list on two columns in the same model: This is in the costproject model: acts_as_list :column => :division_priority, :scope => :client acts_as_list :...
Reddirt's user avatar
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acts_as_list how to add a second list based on related table column

In a Rails 3.2 app I'm trying to add an acts_as_list to the model costproject. Client model: belongs_to :department Costproject model: belongs_to :client Both department_priority is in ...
Reddirt's user avatar
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acts_as_list wipes out parent model's virtual attribute when calling destroy on child model

I have a Parent model which has_many children and also a virtual attribute: attr_accessor :new_assocation_model has_many :children, -> { order("position ASC") }, autosave: true, inverse_of: :...
hoanewton's user avatar
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Can I use as act-as-list with a polymorphic association?

I am working on a liquid democracy app. My data model is: Both Users and Organizations are Voters. A Voter has an ordered list of Delegations. A Delegation consists of a set of Tags and an ordered ...
dysbulic's user avatar
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Rails jQuery sortable unable to save

I'm trying to make my table sortable (drag and drop) using jQuery, the problem I'm having is saving the new sorted table and then publishing it to other users or when the browser is refreshed. I'm ...
neo's user avatar
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AR equivalent to these SQL statements or how otherwise to use them in Rails?

I wanted to use the gem acts_as_list to reorder lists. But it doesn't seem to handle more restricted queries than association-based (I want to order lists based both on an association AND objects ...
Fellow Stranger's user avatar
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Restrict scope in acts_as_list

class TodoList < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :todo_items, -> { order("position ASC") } end class TodoItem < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :todo_list acts_as_list scope: :todo_list end ...
Fellow Stranger's user avatar
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Conditionally activate "acts_on_list" when field is defined

I have a model "entry" and I need it to act like a list when a playlist_id is specified, but if it's not, I need it to not act like a list. (acts_as_list is a gem I'm using) In my model code I have: ...
RandallB's user avatar
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Rails 4: acts_as_list with complex scope

My model has a string field, bar, that is either a, b, or c. It uses has_ancestry and acts_as_list. I want the list to be scoped on (1) the ancestry, and (2) bar, but I want a and b to be in the same ...
Peter's user avatar
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acts_as_list "NoMethodError (undefined method `position_was' for xxx)"

I'm trying to update the theme_name using Best In Place. At the moment however, it throws an error: NoMethodError (undefined method `position_was' for #<Fruit:0x000000037e80a8>): app/...
Jragon's user avatar
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acts_as_list in multi-tenant application - how do I set the scope?

Question I'm using acts_as_list in a multi-tenant app. I modeled the multi-tenancy using this Railscast: #388 Multitenancy with Scopes (subscription required). I need to ensure my around_filter ...
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