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Questions tagged [acts-as-list]

ActsAsList is a Rails plugin that provides list abilities to an ActiveRecord model

24 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Using acts_as_list and nested_form together in Rails 3.1.rc4 app

I originally posted this up as an issue on nested_form but not had any insight. The detail is here: Recap: I have a slightly unusual requirement that ...
Paul Robinson's user avatar
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'last' method not returning last item in array in RSpec test - Rails4 Ruby 2.1.2

Was working on an RSpec test that copies @protocol to @dest and saw this: [26] pry(#<RSpec::ExampleGroups::ProtocolsController::ProtocolCopy>)> @protocol.step_items.count => 3 [27] pry(#&...
Perry Horwich's user avatar
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How to update acts_as_list using multiple columns

I have a Rails 3.2 app that uses acts_as_list on two columns in the same model: This is in the costproject model: acts_as_list :column => :division_priority, :scope => :client acts_as_list :...
Reddirt's user avatar
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Having trouble extending ActiveStorage::Attachment with acts_as_list

Can someone offer best practices for adding acts_as_list to active storage attachments? The gem requires "acts_as_list" added to the model in question. I am hesitant to edit the ...
Scott Tallarida's user avatar
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Ruby on Rails - Does ActsAsList have known problem when working with nested_attributes?

I am having a problem when updating acts_as_list positions with nested_attributes, I have worked my way down and noticed the issue is still happening on the model level (as shown below). The problem ...
k.jobbins's user avatar
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acts_as_list upper_limit on position

I am using acts_as_list on my model.I have a position column on that model for which I don't wan't the model object to be saved to the database if the position is more than my upper-limit.(I tried ...
Adil Hussain's user avatar
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Sort collection after associated resource's acts_as_tree/acts_as_list order

I have a SuccessCriterion model that implements both acts_as_tree and acts_as_list so it can be arranged as sorted tree hierarchy. Every success criterion can has many Boilerplate objects. class ...
Joshua Muheim's user avatar
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rails acts_as_list specific to user and date

I'd like to use acts_as_list in my stock market application but the ordering position should be specific to the user, the ticker and date. acts_as_list scope: [:user_id, :ticker, :market_date] So, ...
JP.'s user avatar
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acts_as_list how to add a second list based on related table column

In a Rails 3.2 app I'm trying to add an acts_as_list to the model costproject. Client model: belongs_to :department Costproject model: belongs_to :client Both department_priority is in ...
Reddirt's user avatar
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acts_as_list wipes out parent model's virtual attribute when calling destroy on child model

I have a Parent model which has_many children and also a virtual attribute: attr_accessor :new_assocation_model has_many :children, -> { order("position ASC") }, autosave: true, inverse_of: :...
hoanewton's user avatar
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Restrict scope in acts_as_list

class TodoList < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :todo_items, -> { order("position ASC") } end class TodoItem < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :todo_list acts_as_list scope: :todo_list end ...
Fellow Stranger's user avatar
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Error with Rails Sortable - Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'dataset')

I followed this tutorial to implement drag and drop. I am getting an error on drop that says Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot ...
spacerobot's user avatar
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acts_as_list puts record at wrong position with array scope

I have a model with following setup for acts_as_list gem: acts_as_list scope: [parent_id: nil], add_new_at: :top, top_of_list: 0 I expect having next array of records: [Record id: 1, parent_id: nil, ...
mitsuka s's user avatar
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How to use remove_from_list method of ActiveRecord with scope as public in the model?

Lets say my model is C . Obj - @c C has acts_as_list gem defined as acts_as_list scope: '...' and scope as : scope :public -> {where (some_condition)} When writing rspec for @c.remove_from_list , ...
Afan's user avatar
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Acts as list with a subgroup

I'm using the popular gem, acts_as_list and I am having issue with getting the scope to work. Basically there're three models, a group, a subgroup, and a thing. A group has many subgroups and a ...
Charlie Massry's user avatar

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