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Questions tagged [asmx]

The web service technology from .NET 1.0, now considered a "legacy technology".

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Error in Uploading an Image to a localhost SQL server using ASP.NET Core and C#

I want to send image itself to a SQL Server on localhost (send an image from my computer to localhost using ASP.NET Core web service written in C#). I tried this in my client side: OpenFileDialog opf =...
user12235025's user avatar
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Getting undefined value by ajax success data in

I am calling function from .asmx.cs file by ajax web method. Now, I am getting output undefined value in ajax success. Here is my code, <input type="button" id="btnGetStock" ...
s.k.Soni's user avatar
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first call for ASMX Web Service is really slow

I developed XML Web service with C#/.Net, But the problem is first request for the web method is really slow. How can I sort the issue?. I have applied several solutions from the internet findings, ...
wiki's user avatar
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Redirect ASMX on one domain to another ASMX on another domain

I have an asmx web service on a server running Windows Server 2019 and IIS 10. I want to redirect the consumption of that service to another domain on that same ...
Rocoso's user avatar
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'String was not recognized as a valid DateTime.' in asmx.cs file of c#

I have Two Input Type = "Date" and one Input Type = "Button" <input type="date" runat="server" id="dtp_from" /> <input type="date" ...
s.k.Soni's user avatar
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Is it possible to create MVC controler on classic web application

I've an WEB application with aspx page (No database, very simple web application). But Now I need to add some API services. I would add controler like when I programm in MVC but is it possible. I try ...
YannickIngenierie's user avatar
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How do I make a WSDL generated by a desktop proyect automatically, resemble another WSDL generated by a web service?

This is my first time as a poster since years of bein a lurker here. I'll also take this opportunity to thank all this community for their help consistently over the years. Thank you! It's also my ...
StackHelp's user avatar
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Migrate ASMX web method to WCF which accepts string array

I have one legacy ASMX service which is consumed by many clients (java, .Net, Python etc). I want to upgrade ASMX service to WCF without impacting my clients (means they will not do any change in ...
Paresh Dehadray's user avatar
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Good Ol' CORs question, ASP.Net, asmx, soap

I have an old soap service that I need to keep running for the next few years but I am updating the interface to run via a webapp instead of an old Windows app. I am trying to get to work and ...
ClosDesign's user avatar
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Modify WSDL Output Schema on ASMX .net

Im having an issue with asmx output schemas, I also tried WCF method. But still failed I create a WSDL with .net ASMX and wanted to have an output like this Expected result But my code ...
Ferial Fahlevi's user avatar
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Not able to find ASP.NET Web Service in Visual Studio 2022

For creating a simple Web Service in Visual Studio 2022. In Visual Studio 2022, Create ASP.NET Web Application (.NET Framework), and select the Empty template and enter the name and create the ...
Gangadhar's user avatar
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Application Cache in .asmx page gets cleared on each function call

I'm encountering an issue with the application cache in my .asmx page, and I'm seeking help to understand and resolve the problem. I have two functions within the same .asmx file, one for retrieving ...
Deos's user avatar
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Value of datetime in DataTable object is getting changed when consuming ASMX service

Value of datetime in DataTable object is getting changed when consuming ASMX service. Code to send DataTable to ASMX service: Dim AM As AMService_RM.AMService = New AMService_RM.AMService() Dim ...
Ravi Kumar's user avatar
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WCF clients to connect to ASP.NET Web services

I have a project with ASMX Webservice and a desktop client connecting to it using Client proxy (which use WSDL from ASM webservice). Upgraded one the proxy using svc utility to produce WCF service (...
Josephine's user avatar
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Future of WSE3.0 webservice/ASMX project and C# desktop client consuming ASMX proxy webservice

We have a client and web project running fine in Visual Studio 2013. The web project has ASMX files. VS has a plugin WSE3.0 installed for building ASMX files fine. The Client (desktop C# project), ...
Josephine's user avatar

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