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Questions tagged [automated-tests]

Test automation is the use of software to control the execution of tests, the comparison of actual outcomes to predicted outcomes, the setting up of test preconditions, and other test control and test reporting functions. Commonly, test automation involves automating a manual process already in place that uses a formalized testing process (

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Playwright Test runner struggles with clicking combobox elements and opening option lists. Inconsistent behaviour

Video1: Video2: Video3: ...
tem's user avatar
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Problem accessing web elements using Cypress [closed]

I use Cypress and typescript. I ran into a problem. The page has a form with a button and input fields. Expected result: When you click the button, the input fields become available for editing. ...
Norlerion's user avatar
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Katalon Studio, Testcases disappear after pushing code and open other project

Recently, i made plenty changes and new testcases in my project. Then, i commited and pushed my code to my repository branch in Bitbucket. After that, i got some error like “Rejected bla bla bla”. But ...
Nielsen Superior's user avatar
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How to Test Performance, Scalability, CPU, and Memory Consumption of Rule Engines (Drools, NRules, Easy Rules)?

I am trying to test the performance, scalability, CPU, and memory consumption of my rule engine. I am using Drools, NRules, and Easy Rules but I'm new to this and don't know where to start. I haven't ...
Nejmaoui Shadha's user avatar
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Issue with tests generating (magento. mftf)

mftf is new experience for me and sry if this question is to lamer When i execute the following command vendor/bin/mftf generate:tests the following result is appears: Warning: DOMXPath::query(): ...
Dmitriy Denisyuk's user avatar
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How can I test that the PHP code under test calls the proper method on a trait?

Edit: After reading one of the comments, I realized I misspoke pretty badly in the original post, I've made some edits to clarify. Essentially, I need to check the results but am struggling with that ...
jrgilman's user avatar
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Run some tests in serial mode and some in parallel in the same file Playwright

In this example I have 4 tests in the same spec file, and I want 2 of them to be executed in serial mode and the other 2 to be executed in parallel. // a,b - to be executed in parallel mode test("...'s user avatar
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Is it feasible to run part of test cases parallelly and part of test cases sequentially at the same time in Playwright

I need to run my automation test suite on multiple workers to reduce execution time. There are a few test cases that use the same endpoint with different configurations. please refer the bellow ...
isuru prasad's user avatar
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Getting Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'split' - When calling a def in another py file [closed]

I am working on a ROBOT Python Framework for test automation I have this listener class 'TestStatusListener' after execution, which gets the count of Total,Passed,Failed,Skipped tests. I have another ...
AbdulQASDET's user avatar
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Is there any way to automate the check of Google Tag Manager tags and Data Layer values?

We manually check Google Tag Manager tags and Data Layer values on our website. I wonder if there is a way to automate it. If so, how can I do it? I searched Google but cannot find proper answers to ...
Mert Yalçınkaya's user avatar
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WebdriverIO still logs me in even though the input value is null

I am trying to write a simple test using WebdriverIO on the SauceDemo website. When I insert valid authorization values in the inputs and then clear these inputs, it still somehow logs me in on a ...
autojonski's user avatar
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Stuck on Running Tests

Does anyone knows why are my test not running? or visible not running? I can see that "something" is happening, but after a while (1h or more...) nothing is shown besides: [INFO] ------------...
David Gonçalves's user avatar
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api response in html. karate.readAsString() throws error when i try to save response

I am using karate framework, I am getting api response in html format and i am having trouble in verification the response:- <html> <head><title>400 Request Header Or Cookie Too ...
Ramii's user avatar
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Proper use of "assert True" in Selenium Python

I have written a simple automated test to test the login functionality of a Web-based application. I have a question about the if clause at the bottom and the assert True statement within it. Is it ...
Trevor's user avatar
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python selenium how can I create a personal class with atributes of webdriverWait? I need POLL_FREQUENCY so my test can run smoothly in every step

I have this class: class LoginPage(WebDriverWait,BaseWait,BaseStep): def __init__(self, driver): super().__init__(driver) self.driver = driver And I need to inject the driver with ...
mppalilon's user avatar

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