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Questions tagged [elastic-apm]

Elastic APM is an application performance monitoring system built on the Elastic Stack. It allows you to monitor software services and applications in real time — collect detailed performance information on response time for incoming requests, database queries, calls to caches, external HTTP requests, and more.

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Can apm-agent-java plugin be placed inside the application JAR file?

Motivation Elastic APM Java agent does not support R2DBC. They provide a plugin API, which lets you add custom instrumentation to the agent, which the agent will automatically apply the same way as ...
Honza Zidek's user avatar
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No Data in Elastic APM from .NET Core App Using OpenTelemetry OTLP Export

I am integrating OpenTelemetry(1.8.1) with Elastic APM(8.13.4) in my .NET Core(3.1) application. I configured OTLP export and pointed it to Elastic APM. The logs show a status code 200, indicating ...
Ahmet Mira's user avatar
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Why does ElasticAPM crash Electron application with EBADF while accessing filesystem on Windows?

I use elastic-apm-node to instrument an Electron app. I initialize it with default options: import * as apm from 'elastic-apm-node'; apm.start({ //... service name, token and so on }) It is part of ...
Michał Szydłowski's user avatar
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How to add Elastic Profiler Auto instrumentation?

I am running a .NET application using IIS Application Pool in windows server, and I want to add Elastic Profiler Auto instrumentation so that I can collect traces and other requests for APM. I am ...
Naveen Kumar's user avatar
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Integrate Elastic APM to Vercel Serverless Functions

I tried to integrate my NextJS application with an Elastic APM. The main idea is I initiate apm object in every API request, so the request span will collected and will be sent to Elastic APM. It's ...
Ilham Fadhilah's user avatar
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Apm-server elasticsearch Kibana docker-compose Springboot 3.2.0

The aim : The APM agent server collects metrics and traces from the running application. The APM server processes the data received from the APM agent (metrics) and sends it to Elasticsearch for ...
user24155091's user avatar
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Installing Elastic Apm Agent on Windows Server

I've been trying to monitor my application which runs on Windows Server, it runs on .NET v.4.0 I want to implement Elastic Apm but on their documentation i only saw as guide for .NET 5 or higher ...
İlker Demirci's user avatar
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Implement Elastic APM for WPF application

I'm having trouble implementing APM into my WPF app. I got the code below from elastic website but I got error Startup not found:
May Nguyen's user avatar
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How to keep parent-child relation of spans in Python Elastic APM while using child processes?

I'm trying to implement APM using elastic-apm in Python and I have the following case: the main process spawns a child subprocess, as shown in the example below: from concurrent.futures import ...
Michał Szydłowski's user avatar
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io.opentelemetry.api.internal.AutoValue_ImmutableSpanContext cannot be cast to class co.elastic.apm.agent.opentelemetry.tracing.OTelSpanContext

I'm running a Temporal workflow. and I need to send APM tracing to ELK stack (Elastic) Elastic provides a java agent elastic-apm-agent to send APM tracing logs to ELK's APM server. As per my ...
Manuver Khan's user avatar
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log_ecs_reformatting not reformatting

I'm trying to monitor my Spring Boot logs with Elasticsearch, and currently, the logs are successfully being generated with the "". However, it displays "failed to find message ...
007's user avatar
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Why Opentelemetry spans with same trace ids could have different transaction ids in the Elastic APM?

I see a strange behavior for Opentelemetry integration. We have applications in PHP and Go which are linked with GRPC. I've made a manual Opentelemetry integration for PHP (with GRPC transport). ...
Vasiliy Toporov's user avatar
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Elastic Cloud APM showing "failed to find message" in Transactions log Page

How to makes Kibana to show logs in APM "Transactions" page under "Logs" tab. I verified the logs are successfully being generated with the "",but its display ...
007's user avatar
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Elastic APM does not showing the Spans for NestJS application

import { Microservices } from '../configurations/constants'; import elasticApmNode from 'elastic-apm-node'; export const APM_SERVICE = 'APM_SERVICE'; // start APM function export const startAPM = (...
Dimuthu Lakmal's user avatar
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APM Server transport error with elastic cloud APM and nodejs application

We have installed APM on elastic cloud and configured to send application traces to Elastic cloud. We are facing some issue related to TLS. We are using default Elastic Cloud agent policy. Kibana ...
Lalit Prasanth's user avatar

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