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Questions tagged [electron]

Electron (formerly Atom Shell) is a framework created by GitHub that lets you write cross-platform desktop applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Electron is based upon Node.js and Chromium.

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0 answers

How to Resolve "LNK1107: invalid or corrupt file" Error When Linking MuPDF C library with Node.js Addon?

I've built MuPDF with the Dynamic Libr ary(.dll) configuration and can see libmupdf.dll and libmupdf.exp files in ....mupdf/platform/win32/x64/Release/ //binding.gyp :- { "targets": [ ...
3 votes
3 answers

Unable to use keytar in main.js of electron project

I keep getting this error: error in ./node_modules/keytar/build/Release/keytar.node Module parse failed: Unexpected character '�' (1:2) You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type, ...
0 votes
0 answers

Electron-builder tries to download old blockmap from latest pipeline

I am trying t configure Electron-builder autoUpdater to work with gitlab. The autoUpdater detects a new version (1.1.0 --> 1.1.1). Afterwards, it tries to download the blockmap from 1.1.0 from the ...
1 vote
1 answer

How Can I use speech recognition in electron js

I want to use speech recognition in my electron.js app but it seems that Speech Recognition with electron is not supported.
1 vote
1 answer

How to ask for screen recording permission in electron app in Mac OS?

I am trying to create an app and ask for screen recording permission, but the app asks for permission if i directly execute desktopcapturer.getsources() function with the correct app name added. Here ...
0 votes
0 answers

How to keep Electronjs app alive after hide to the tray on Windows

I wrote a Pomodoro app use Electronjs used function setInterval() to count down from 25:00 to 00:00. When user click minimize or close, the app hide to the tray. But then, sometimes it's stopped (may ...
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0 answers

Creating a Logger for the electron application [closed]

I want to create a logger to handle all the logs inside the application. To offload logger tasks such as writing logs to the file, rotating the log files, and sending logs to different monitoring ...
1 vote
2 answers

Electron - React app __dirname is not defined

I have an electron app that I'm packaging with vite using the forge template. I'm having trouble pulling in the ipcRenderer into the React files as it crashes the app with this error: Uncaught ...
0 votes
1 answer

how to import my js file to the main/index.js pre-compilation , not after compilation?

I use electron-vite command pnpm create @quick-start/electron init a project and then i create a js filegetAuthKey.js in src/main/ next to index.js last i require getAuthKey.js in src/main/index.js,...
-1 votes
2 answers

NextJS 14 (with electron) trying to use a .node addon - module not found

I have created a next.js application with version 14.2.2 I have built a nodejs addon using the following tutorial:
0 votes
0 answers

Issue with OAuth Redirect in Electron App Using Nextron Framework in Production

to authenticate and interact with YouTube APIs. The app works perfectly in development mode, but I am facing an issue in production mode regarding the OAuth redirect URI. In development mode, the ...
22 votes
5 answers

(How) can I open the dev tools in the Microsoft Teams desktop client?

I thought I had recently seen a developer open the dev tools from inside the Microsoft Teams desktop client (for Windows), but I can't easily replicate that. Shortcuts like Strg+Shift+I, Strg+Alt+I, ...
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0 answers

Installing Electron on Ubuntu

so i wanted to learn a bit of electron frontend development and worked myself through the installation guide on the electron site. Everything works well, until the npm install electron --save-dev ...
4 votes
3 answers

Paste, or otherwise output text outside of an Electron app?

From an Electron application, is it possible to output text to wherever the cursor is currently located at, i.e. even if that is somewhere outside of the actual Electron app? So far the best solution ...
0 votes
0 answers

I am practice ipcRenderer but I can not see the result which i think would happen

I am a student and actually English is not my native language so there must be lots of grammer problem I'm so sorry.And just like what I wrote on title I'm learning how to use ipcRenderer but it didn'...

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