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Questions tagged [enumeration]

The process of enumerating values, for example from some collection.

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Collection.Count shows zero even though Collection.GetEnumerator.Current contains a reference after MoveNext()

Note: An answer in either VB.NET or C# will be fine. I have no preference for this Q&A. I'm trying to test my networking code and I'm running into a very strange problem: the GatewayAddresses ...
InteXX's user avatar
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Typst Report-Style Enumeration

I would like to modify Typst's #enum function to number every paragraph within my document following a technical report style. For example + Paragraph 1 + SubParagraph 1 + Sub-SubParagraph 1 + ...
user20383837's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to call a Swift enum function to get string in objc?

I have this enum in Swift SDK, and need to print the description as a debug message. @objc public enum ResultCode : UInt16 { case noError = 0x0000 @objc public func description() -> String ...
ChengEn's user avatar
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static java reflection - enum of fields of a class (pre-compilation)

is there a type of reflection in Java that provides simply an enum of the fields in a class? The information is, afterall, "precompilation-static". Why should it not be compiled into the ...
avertx's user avatar
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Is enumeration over custom union type possible? [duplicate]

Having a disjoint union type like this: type yolo = | A | B | C Is it possible in OCaml to iterate/enumerate over each possible value of type yolo without prior knowledge of how many/what these ...
zajer's user avatar
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Managing enumeration members in header files

In an application I am developing, there is a header file responsible for the entire functions of an ADC, let's call it adc.h. Where there is an enumeration indicating the input PINs used in the ADC. ...
Geisterfahrer's user avatar
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Enumerate unique multiples of numbers

Suppose we're given an array of positive numbers M, say [3, 5, 7] and we want to enumerate all numbers which are multiple of any one of them, less than some upper bound, say K, so in this case 0, 3, 5,...
bihariforces's user avatar
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Delphi - Binary OR values from an enumerated type

I have a variable declared from an enumerated type. I would like to binary OR values from this enumeration to the variable. type TValues = (vValue1 = $01, vValue2 = $02); procedure BinaryOR; var ...
bluscape's user avatar
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How to collapsed record into one based on start date and end date of record in R

I have a dataframe that I'd like to have a column label collapse record based on 2 condition: Overlapping: the second event start date is either the same with first event start date or between first ...
yue007's user avatar
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3 answers

DropDownListFor selected value returns null in the Enum property Model on form POST in ASP.Net Core MVC

I have a form page with DropDownlistFor or select as below: <select asp-for="LeaveType" class="form-control" style="max-width:180px" asp-items=&...
hms's user avatar
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Seeking Efficient Enumeration Strategies for Graph Partitioning

I am currently working on a class project that involves partitioning a non-directed graph, possibly weighted, into p classes. The objective is to minimize the sum of the weights of the edges between ...
Goliaaath's user avatar
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Trying to import csv string value, with variable within string? [duplicate]

I'm a bit stuck trying to use param values in a string, imported from within a CSV. I've tried a few methods, and can't seem to enumerate the parameter within the string. First of all I have a csv ...
Kareem's user avatar
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How do I get a list of possible names/values from System.Net.SecurityProtocolType [duplicate]

I wish to present a drop down list of the System.Net.SecurityProtocolType available on the server that the code is running from (The servers are different) So I wish to do the working equivalent of ......
MarkEMarkEMark's user avatar
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Efficient calculation of all permutations mapping a vector into another in Python?

Given two vectors, I would like to calculate (in Python) all permutations (as vectors of coordinates) which map the first vector into the second. The vectors are given as numpy arrays of the same ...
gabalz's user avatar
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Enumerated with default value, but not name

public class Document { @Id @Column(name = "id") @GeneratedValue private Long id; @Column(name = "type") private Long subjectType; @Column(name = &...
Aleksandr Berestov's user avatar

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