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Add images selected from gallery or captured from camera into a gridview in another activity

I have an activity with a capture button this catpture button when clicked ,it prompts the user with an alert dialog asking to choose between gallery and camera after making the decision and capturing ...
zyngot's user avatar
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Upload selected images from the gallery to a gridview

This application consists of opening the photo gallery and selecting the ones that I require and then uploading them to the gridview of the application, the problem is when I select the images of the ...
Enemig Luiz's user avatar
2 votes
5 answers

Flutter How to show gallery images in grid view

I tried everything to show gallery images in grid view in a flutter. But I couldn't find any appropriate method.
Zain Abedien's user avatar
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How to parse ImageAdapter in GridView in another class?

I have a little problem, which I'm sure is easily resolvable, but I'm struggling. I need to parse resources from ImageAdapter class to my Gallery class. ImageAdapter: package rs.srecnaplaneta.www....
Stefan Andjelkovic's user avatar
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Check/uncheck checkbox on ImageView click GridView gallery Android

Hello I build gridView gallery inside Dialog. I display some photos with checkboxes. Now I want check/uncheck checkbox after imageView click. For now it only checks when I click exactly on it. here ...
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4 answers

GridView Gallery | Images separated by header

I build app with gridView gallery inside dialog. All gallery works good but now I want separate some photos from another (need to create some kind of headers). For example I have on my SD card folder ...
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GridView Gallery inside Dialog Android

Hello I want to build simple Gallery by using GridView. I want to place it inside Dialog. I wrote some code but all it doesn't work. I get error that adapter is empty. How should it looks like ? For ...
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ExpandableHeightGridView alternative (Image + text gallery)

the last following days I was fighting with the mentioned GridView hack. Problem was and still is that it cuts the last row. I couldn't fix it therefore I need a new alternative. What I want to build ...
Aurimas Deimantas's user avatar
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Images appearing haphazardly in gridView while using android studio

I've recently started with android development on Studio, and am trying to build an app where I use the camera to click a pic and display it in the gallery of that app. It's a basic scenario like in ...
Sharmistha Rai's user avatar
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2 answers

Setting image Uri in GridView

I'm trying to add an image from your phones gallery into a gridView using its uri. Unfortunately it doesn't do anything and I can't seem to find a way to make it work. My Adapter: public class ...
Dunoo's user avatar
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1 answer

I want to create an Android Gallery with different size columns

I want to create a Photo Gallery with two columns, like shown in the image here The image must be subsampled and also keep her aspect ratio. This is the custom transformation that subsamples the ...
James Oanta's user avatar
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Android GridView Gallery memory overflow

sorry I could not find a working solution yet. Well I guess I have found the memory leakage but could not get around it. If I start my Anadroid-App, the android monitor expands to 150 Mb memory in use....
user3325230's user avatar
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Adding options to mobile gallery?

Can we add any other extra options like set wallpaper or add any extra button to action bar for mobile gallery programmatically in android. In my application i have a grid View with num of images ...
Deepthi's user avatar
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Android: How to speed up image loading in GridView even after using ViewHolder

Well, I'm developing a Gallery App for android. However, when I scroll down, the images still take a while to load. Why is that? I'm already loading a scaled down version of the images and using ...
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How to capture image with camera and store it in a seperate folder

scene 1: I am having a task in android to capture image from its camera and store the captured image it in a separate folder, scene1 i am now able to do now(means captured image is storing in my ...
Khatokar Rakshith's user avatar
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Show images in gridview from both gallery and camera

Hi in my application i have used camera and gallery to get images and show all the images in gridview, successfully i can implementfor camera but when i am using same method for gallery images it ...
Madhu's user avatar
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5 answers

image gallery with gridview in android

hi i create a image gallery with grid View from This Tutorial i add 70 image to and run app and force ...
Eli's user avatar
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Android - Sudden crash with very long GridView (1000+ items) Nothing in logcat

My application is a kind of Gallery displaying images from the internet. I implemented a sort of infinite GridView: I load additional items (60) when the user reaches the end of the GridView. And as ...
kalvn's user avatar
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2 answers

Load image from grid view and swipe through all images called from

So I am successfully loading images in my grid view from, but I am having trouble passing the image to my ImageDetail class, and also I'm trying to load the image in a ViewPager so that I ...
user3881032's user avatar
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GridView not showing images on the first time

I have a GridView that im using to build a gallery, but im having this problem that the images are not been showing on the first time i call the Gallery Activity, but if i press BackButton and then ...
WitaloBenicio's user avatar
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Delete item from gridview

I know that here are many answers how to delete items, but I can't make it work. It show errors. Can you look? I added in adapter remove(position), but I think it works wrongly. So I want after using ...
Paltroth's user avatar
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Android: how to populate GridView from read SD Card Folder images?

I have a part of code which search my folders, which have images. Can somebody show me how to add them to GridView and how after using OnItemClickListener to show images in them? public static ...
Paltroth's user avatar
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How to make a galleryview item fill parent width

I am trying to use a Gallery View (knowing its deprecated) as an horizontal GridView. It's OK, but now i want to make it display only one item at the time, meaning each item fills the width of the ...
Sn00p's user avatar
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getView method add text below image

I want to add a text below every image, that's my actual code: @Override public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { ImageView imageView = new ImageView(mContext); ...
Dom9301's user avatar
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1 answer

how to drop an image from gallery view to gridview

Can anyone tell me the way how to drag a image form gallery view and drop that in a grid view in android. Is that possible. My requirement is, I have an image and I break them in to some pieces, by ...
user3285681's user avatar
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How to group images in android device according to the folder name?

I am relatively new to android. currently working on an Gallery application. My requirement is to arrange the images in device according to the folder name. I have managed to get all the images in the ...
jsaji's user avatar
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display grid view with different height -- HTML

I want to display images as grid view in an HTML document. Here is the sample image, what an looking for. I want different height for my li tag. Now my HTML takes same height for all li tag . This ...
Arun's user avatar
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3 answers

Get Images and Videos from Android Phone into Custom Gallery

I'm trying to create a custom gallery that allows users to pick from all the photos and videos contained on their Android device. I know how to create a gallery of just photos and just videos, but if ...
scientiffic's user avatar
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ImageView set image Resource doesn't show wanted image.png

In my gridViewAdapter I set the ImageResource to the .png object but it doesn't show in activity. Here's the adapter's function getView: @Override public View getView(int position, View convertView, ...
Tiny dragons tail's user avatar
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Context becomes null For griview embedded in a dialog

I am trying to make the Dialog showing Gallery of captured photos but when running on this , Null Exception at gv.setAdapter(new EOrderGalleryAdapter(getApplicationContext(), data)); occurs. Are ...
Jeff Bootsholz's user avatar
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2 answers

How to load image (from sdcard) faster in thumbnail size?

I want to make a grid view to show thumbnail of photos in folder in sdcard. Image resolution is 3264x2448. I use Notras Universal Image Loader lib with config: DisplayImageOptions options = new ...
VAdaihiep's user avatar
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0 answers

Converting traditional Gallery to GridView on Wallpaper Selector

im trying to figure out how i can make this work. I have perfectly working wallpaper selector, Which loads the wallpaper as a [1]:
Jaison Brooks's user avatar
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GridView with images from XAMPP server

I have to do android app which includes Gallery with GridView and images should be from a XAMPP server ,not from a folder(drawable) like this: public class ImageAdapter extends BaseAdapter implements ...
Sunay Hashimov's user avatar
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GridView Gallery with images uploaded from XAMPP server

I have to do a GridView Gallery in android xml which is using images from XAMPP server. I have the code for uploading from a file: public class ImageAdapter extends BaseAdapter implements ...
Sunay Hashimov's user avatar
5 votes
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Capture or take a photo and putting it in a GridView or in a gallery

I have already written the code to open the Android camera, take a picture and save it to the phone gallery. I want to add each picture I take to a GridView of photos, or to a gallery that I want to ...
Marc's user avatar
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Fragment that Contains Gridview that contains Clickable photos (Gallery like)

What I'm trying to create is a fragment that consist of a GridView that is filled with clickable pictures. I have searched many places.. Normal Grid GridView Frag and somehow trying to work them ...
Jeff Huang's user avatar
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How can i display galleryview, imageview and gridview in same activity

I have a gallery in my android application when I clicked on gallery item I want to display image and grid view. I done when i have only three images in gallery and in click it displayed correctly. ...
vimalatha's user avatar
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In gallery item click how can i display image view and grid view?

I have a gallery in my android application when I clicked on gallery item I want to display image and grid view. I done when i have only three images in gallery and in click it displayed correctly. ...
vimalatha's user avatar
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Add images to grid item from gallery programmatically

I have a grid of 2x5. Each element in the grid contains an image. When I long press on the image, I should be taken to gallery, where I can select a picture there and assign it to this grid item. How ...
Suresh Narasimha's user avatar
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how to get full screen image?

I have created the grid view and inserted some images in that grid now when i click on the any image it should open as a full screen and now when i slide to right or left the image have to be switched(...
VENKI's user avatar
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how to set video from url in grid view and onclick item it will play video in full screen?

I have an application in which there is video tag onclick on that a new view open in which youtube video from urls are needed to show in grid or galery view. Than on click of video item it will play ...
Khan's user avatar
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load Image from specific folder on the sdcard?

I'm attempting to create a gallery/gridview that is loaded with images from a specific folder that resides on an SDCard. The path to the folder is known, ("mnt/sdcard/iWallet/Images") , but in the ...
Selva's user avatar
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Android gallery open in a specific image

Hi developing an image album using the android gallery and gridview tutorials I want when i click an image in the gridview the gallery activity at the position of the clicked image.
Achachi's user avatar
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Gridview with Gallery behavior?

I wanna create a gridview which behave like gallery, i mean when i press down, all the grid move and the highlight stay fix (in the vertical moves), otherwise i want to create a vertical gallery with ...
Vervatovskis's user avatar
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strange behaviour with selecting and showing images from sdcard

I have made a simple android application that displays images in a gridview and you can select some images and send them. This is my getView method. public View getView(int position, View ...
Khizar's user avatar
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How display data in a gallery view mode

Is there a way to display gridview as "gallery view" instead of plain "list view". For example like ebay(you can toggle the view 1.list view, view, 3. side by side view). Any ...
VolleyBall Player's user avatar
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Bidircetional scroll for Android

This is more of a mass answer than a question, I just don't know how to post it as such, moderators if you could inform me if there even is such a thing. This question was asked to death, and then I ...
ahodder's user avatar
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How to implement custom device photos gallery for android?

I'm working on android application that will have basic image gallery functionality included. I've managed to build activity that fetches list of photos from my application backend API and render them ...
Borivojević's user avatar
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Android: User ordering items a Grid (or other component)

I'd like to be able to display a set of image thumbnails and allow the user to long-press, then drag the image to change the order. I've been looking at the events, and I think there's a way to do ...
Kevin Galligan's user avatar
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Android: Set selected icon in GridView

I'm trying to find a way to store the name of an icon in my database, then use that name to let a user select an icon from an ImageView. I've found various guides on ImageViews and Galleries, but none ...
Echilon's user avatar
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