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Questions tagged [google-cloud-firestore]

Cloud Firestore is an auto-scaling real-time document database for storing, syncing, and querying data for mobile, web and server development.

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Using React to get two different ids in different files in firebase dataset

I want to get two ID in the Firebase dataset, but I only get two collections and one set ID, I don't know how to get the same as pictures. #That's what I get. #I want to get like that try{ ...
Squall's user avatar
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How can I optimize my Cloud Function to react to Firestore document status changes more efficiently?

How can I optimize my Cloud Function to react to Firestore document status changes more efficiently? Is there a way to make this process event-driven rather than using periodic checks? I'm looking for ...
LAZREQ's user avatar
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connect flutter android studio to firestore [closed]

how to connect firestore and flutter app in android studio to make the app more interactive I have a login page with 3 field to select as Jilla ,Upashabha and password. the jilla and upasabha as to be ...
1 vote
0 answers

Firestore rules to not allow additional queries

getDocs(query(orderBy('createdAt', 'desc'))) with rules, i can enforce a query allow list: if request.query.orderBy.createdAt == "DESC" How do i make it so users cannot apply query to any ...
Ibrahim Ali's user avatar
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Lazy loading is returning empty array

import React, { useState, useRef, useEffect } from "react"; import { collection, query, where, getDocs, startAfter, limit, startAt, } from "firebase/firestore"; ...
Vishesh Gupta's user avatar
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React Native Firestore useEffect Fetch Issue with where Clause and Pagination

I am working on a React Native project that uses Firestore to fetch a list of services. I am trying to fetch services with a price greater than or equal to 70 and implement pagination using Firestore'...
Hristo Ivanov's user avatar
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Distinguishing Firestore Snapshot Listener 'REMOVE' Event Reasons in Query

I have a snapshot listener for a query like this: firestore .collection("...") .whereEqualTo("available", true) .orderBy("sort", Query.Direction.DESCENDING) ...
Dark White's user avatar
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can't assign docs of nested query firebase collection to a List<class>

I'm have been trying to get all data of collection a and subcollection b and insert them into a List of model to use that list later to show data in a ListView builder , problems are: 1- I can't get ...
fyry J4's user avatar
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Firebase read permissions breaking write permissions

I'm trying to write storage rules in firebase. There are 3 levels of user in my app- admin, agent, and client. A client should be able to write to their own 'Request' Admins can read everything Agents ...
Adam James's user avatar
-3 votes
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How to differentiate when to use relational databases and real time databases? [closed]

I want to implement a database for a software development project I am working on. I want to figure out whether I should use a relational database and a real time database. I tried using MySQL and I ...
Shanaya Hassen's user avatar
-2 votes
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ValueError: JSON string "{" is not valid json [closed]

I have a serviceAccountKey.json file with the following code { "type": "service_account", "project_id": "...", "private_key_id": "...&...
Aakash Kothari's user avatar
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How can I update/create multiple documents in a collection in firebase?

I'm trying to use a default collection in firebase that a user can overwrite with their own values and save elsewhere. I have a default collection from which the initial values will be drawn, and have ...
Apersu's user avatar
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How to filter query on a nested object in Firestore

I have nested an object inside my Firestore objects and am trying to filter based on it ..but it returns no object. here is what my nested objects look like : Now in my function whenever I do ...
Ahmed Wagdi's user avatar
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Multiple "whereField" clauses not working as expected in SwiftUI and Firestore. No error thrown, the data returned is incorrect [closed]

Trying to query a firestore collection as below. Data returned is inaccurate. db.collection("myCollection") .whereField("date", isGreaterThanOrEqualTo: Timestamp(date: ...
Nikki's user avatar
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Android Fetching Data from Firebase Firestore Error

I create an app that is fetching some data from Firebase Firestore and display them on a list. While the app is starting is not fetching the data and this error occurs. W/ConnectionTracker( 4843): ...
Andreas Hadjimamas's user avatar

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