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Questions tagged [image-rotation]

Image rotation is performing a geometric rotation with certain angle on a particular image.

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How do I make a 3D representation of a 2D matrix with a z value on each element

I am working on the 42 school project FdF that is a computer graphics related project that uses an API for the Xlib named minilibx (linked below if you want to check out) and need to make a 3D ...
Artur Carvalho's user avatar
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How to сorrectly recognize 90 and 270 degrees rotated text?

I need to do OCR task on images containing ordinary horizontal text, and, besides this, text with 90 and 270 degree rotation Like this I use python and PaddleOcr .PaddleOCR can recognize rotated text, ...
user176953's user avatar
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Calculating center of rotation from Affine2D transformation matrix

I have two 2D images, where the second one undergoes translation and rotation, resulting the coordinates (xn, yn) in the first picture to move to (xn', yn'). I have no problem obtaining the rotation ...
ZeroX Al-Attas's user avatar
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Orienting a camera that orbits spheres in JOGL2

I'm modelling a simple solar system in jogl and the camera isn't able to look at a specific planet (Earth). I tweaked a lot of code and managed to get the camera to orbit around the planet, but when I ...
Red Richardson's user avatar
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Custom Loss Function with Principal Component Angle Calculation in PyTorch Not Differentiable?

Approach: I wrote a custom loss function in PyTorch that compares the angular difference between the original (input) and reconstructed images based on their first principal component axes. This ...
Pave's user avatar
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Pygame 2d games sprite rotation jagged edges

I was just wondering, how to make the edges of a rotated 2d sprite smooth? Take the online game for example. Even when you spin around, the edges of the player are completely fine. Is ...
Craftwr's user avatar
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Flutter image rotation on signage android TV doesnt work

Wrote a sample android app in Flutter 3.16.7 - to rotate images on android device, using below peace of code. The same works well on android cell phone or tablet, but the intent is for this to run on ...
Makarand Kashikar's user avatar
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vector animation in android compose

I have some problem: I want do clock arrow animation effect, but I can't find how I can set step count or step degree for my animation. I'm using the following approach: val rotation by ...
Alex's user avatar
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How to first rotate an image and then translate it in an image slider

I am trying to build an image slider in which when pressing the previous or next button my image slider first rotates 180deg then translates the width of the image to show next/previous image. I can't ...
jacq_fr's user avatar
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90 degrees rotation of a bmp image in c

I am trying to rotate a bmp image 90 degrees clockwise. However, I am stuck on how. I've managed to make only a 180 degrees rotation. Here is my code for the 180 degrees rotation int row_size = ((...
ms complaints's user avatar
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How to Individually Rotate Letters within a PIL Image?

I am working on a project that involves generating captcha images using Python's Pillow (PIL) library. I want to add a feature where each individual letter in the captcha string is rotated on the ...
mattdub's user avatar
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How adjust content width, height when rotate the block in css

There are many solutions on the Internet, but all of them are either crutches or do not work correctly. Perhaps there is a way to stretch the element in width and adjust the height when rotating more ...
DevOverflow's user avatar
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CGImageSourceCreateThumbnailAtIndex doesnot rotate the image on ios 17

I use CGImageSourceCreateThumbnailAtIndex to resize and rotate a CGIImage. It works fine on ios 16 and below, but on ios 17, rotating does not work anymore. CGImageSourceRef imageSource = ...
Tedxxxx's user avatar
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How to find the corners of a 2D array such that it can be reliably and correctly rotated

I have an array called Existing_Array from a Geotiff LiDAR file, see screen shot below. I am attempting to find a reliable way to rotate the image such that the side with the largest values (pink/red)...
Patstro's user avatar
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Python code not rotating and scaling image in affine transformations as expected

Problem: I am trying to rotate and scale an image using the following Python code: """ img = matplotlib.pyplot.imread('letterR.jpg') T = np.array([[0, 2, 0], ...
invalid youser's user avatar

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