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Questions tagged [insert-update]

A mixed flavour of data entry mode and data modification mode. It can be used when insert is required for case of non-existing data and modification if data exists.

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Batch update of records in MongoDB

I iterated over records in the batch step and in Batch Aggregator I wanted to update all of them at once in mongoDb. Is there a way to update them all together or I need to separately update each one ...
Антон Олег's user avatar
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Microsoft Access SQL [duplicate]

I am looking for a solution to fill fields in an Access DB SQL statement. Any suggestions? Example of the dataset attached: Goal: I am looking for a solution to fill fields in an Access DB SQl ...
MrFinley_CH's user avatar
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Updating Postgres Table using a Datastream in spark

I am using scala Api "2.12.15" of spark "3.5.0" and i am trying to use a data stream to update the rows of my Postgres table : my data stream and my table both has the same columns ...
nilian's user avatar
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SQLAlchemy ORM 2.0 - create audits (Insert/ Update/ Delete)

I am trying to create audits (get columns with values before and after Update) Update statement per ORM 2.0 style : engine = create_engine("sqlite:///sales.db", echo=True) Base = ...
Manika Midha's user avatar
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Unable to Update Data in ScyllaDB

I'm encountering an issue while attempting to update data in ScyllaDB using Go. Below is the code snippet I'm using for updating a session record: func (q *Queries) EndSession(Sessionid string) error {...
Son Ngo's user avatar
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ORA-30926: unable to get a stable set of rows in the source tables when updating a a table in a database using another table in another database

I am trying to update a table in a database using another table in another database. This script was working fine until recently when I started getting the error: ORA-30926: unable to get a stable set ...
POB SISO's user avatar
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Update scenario is not working properly when using CASEs or IF statement ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE section in MySQL

I need to do bulk insert and update on MySQL so I used the ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE. I need to ignore the updated by and updated date fields as existing old data if there are no changes in those record'...
Mohanraj Periyannan's user avatar
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Update many documents by pushing an object to an array field when id field matches the id field in the object

Ok that question doesn't sound very clear. I will try to explain. I have a collection of F1 drivers that contains an array field to store the points earned from each race. I use a web form to submit ...
Mark McNaughton's user avatar
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Creating a datafactory pipeline for updating an insering records

I have one csv file which has data of 3 months and have a key column but it has empty values and I have a second file which has also three months records but one week after the records from the first ...
Asad's user avatar
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Delta we need partitions for concurrent write/update?

I am starting to use Databricks in AWS. I have a delta table that contains KPIs, with each KPI having a KPI ID (1000, 1001, 1002, etc...). We want to have concurrent processes that update those KPIs ...
chulo's user avatar
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How to save each instance from a patch request in Djanog

In my Django appliations, I have four models, Exercise, Workout, Target, and TargetExerciseSet. Here are the models below along with my current Workout View and patch request function. The patch ...
Watson's user avatar
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PHP Update API php://input returning unexpected response

I am creating an API to update. When I call the API in Postman, I get a strange response when I var_dump what I am to get. Here is my code: $data = json_decode(file_get_contents("php://input&...
winfred adrah's user avatar
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Value of one field in one entity has been changed after hibernate call saveOrUpdate

One object has been sent to hibernate saveOrUpdate method for updating the data. Before save the value of one field was different and after save the value in the object got changed. Is this one of the ...
Summa Summa's user avatar
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Update Access Database Table using Excel VBA

I have a Time In and Time Out buttons in a form. And I have a VBA Module code that saves the last entered data/last row of an entry from an Excel Table to Access Table and it works perfectly fine. ...
Shiela's user avatar
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how to write a update statement SQL Oracle developer to get data from tables and input it into their own columns

This is my problem "There can be errors preventing data to be properly inserted into the database. This will require you to go into tables individually to add, delete, or modify data. You see ...
codierosie's user avatar
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How to rightly configure an Azure data factory data flow with a delta file as sink?

I am trying to sink data to a delta file. I want to use a insert and update method using the unique Id column: (sink settings) Whenever the update method is allowed a AlterRow operation will appear. ...
Herwini's user avatar
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If I have multiple entries in a cloumn in mysql that need to be changed

So I want to change all the fields in the column allow_two_day_ordering to False. How can I change them all without doing it one by one. I have a much bigger list than this. +-------+------------------...
Singleton's user avatar
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R6 array member, copy on update

the following code require(R6) Array <- R6Class( "Array", public=list( x=matrix(0,0,0), initialize=function(a,b,c){ self$x <- matrix(a,b,c) }, assign=function(...
user1407220's user avatar
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How to up files with Bitrix24 api

How can I update a CRM contact field, this field is type file? I'm using the bitrix24 API I want to update an image of a contact, in the bitrix23 documentation I can't find anything This is where I am ...
Angel Qua's user avatar
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How to insert new key-value pairs to an existing elastic document using python?

I tried the typical _update method in elastic, which isn't working. data_to_send ={ "new_key1": new_value1, "new_key2": new_value2, "new_key3": ...
Rumi's user avatar
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Stored Procedure: Update or Insert data between two databases on the same mysql server

I am trying to create a procedure to Insert or update data into a user table in a different database on the same MariaDB server. I am using phpMyAdmin. I have the following two tables: Database 1: ...
Lasse Staalung's user avatar
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pentaho insert/update transformation

Have someone any idea why when I used insert/update in pentaho, it insert/update only with this values? The tables are in the same database. One of transformation that I have in pentaho worked with ...
Vlad's user avatar
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Azure SQL - Select Into - Update if exists, else create

I am using Azure SQL for an Application DB, and am trying to create (and subsequently kep updated) some lightweight tables from the more complete tables the Application uses. Main reason for this is ...
Popavich's user avatar
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R data.table update by condition based on current row

I have a data.table where each row corresponds to a set with assigned mass. Sometimes, the mass assigned is (NA). I would like to update it by the minimum of numerical masses assigned to its subsets. ...
Vaclav Kratochvíl's user avatar
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mongodb update one with upset is not working as expected

This is my mongoose schema. const CurrencySchema = new mongoose.Schema({ source: { type: String, uppercase: true, required: true, minlength: 3, maxlength: 3, trim: true }, convert: { type: ...
Smith Dwayne's user avatar
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Adding item in wishlist , but after adding showing red heart when i refresh i want that instant in laravel

I am adding an item in wishlist in laravel , item is adding in wishlist and showing red heart but after adding when i refresh then only it shows red heart, how can i make it red heart instantly after ...
Meera's user avatar
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Insert Into On Conflict With a Where Clause

I have a SQL query that looks like this: INSERT INTO testing.names ( id, first_name, active_status ) ------------------------------------- SELECT, stage.first_name, ...
Chicken Sandwich No Pickles's user avatar
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Django REST PATCH request field is required problem

I have a Student model. And I want to update some specific fields. But when I go to update one or two fields but the other field value is as it is then which fields are not changing those fields show ...
Motalib Hossain's user avatar
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How can I insert data into a 1-n relation table in Spring Boot JPA without updating the User table?

User @Data @NoArgsConstructor @AllArgsConstructor @Builder @Entity @Table(name = "user") public class User { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.UUID) @Column(name = &...
An Nguyen's user avatar
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Change the content of ${body} in Apache Camel XML DSL

Given the following XML ${body} payload object <list> <library> <name>xxx</name> <address> <line1>aaa</line1> <line2>...
Esteban's user avatar

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