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Questions tagged [jquery]

jQuery is a JavaScript library. jQuery is a popular cross-browser JavaScript library that facilitates Document Object Model (DOM) traversal, event handling, animations, and AJAX interactions by minimizing the discrepancies across browsers. A question tagged jQuery should be related to jQuery, so jQuery should be used by the code in question, and at least jQuery usage-related elements must be in the question. Consider also adding the JavaScript tag.

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JQuery Select2 dropdown not able to set the text in MVC

I am using the select2 jquery plugin. I was unable to set/assign the text to the select control. I used select2 with trigger function for setting the value. Firstly the control which I have taken is ...
Srikanth Reddy's user avatar
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JQueryGridView not displaying data on Page_Load, but does on button click after the page loads

I built a new page using my company's JQueryGridView class that extends the base GridView class. The grid needs to display data when the page loads, but this isn't happening for a reason I suspect is ...
AlexBell's user avatar
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add comma in every 3 character and dot for decimal base on users input in js [duplicate]

i have this problem when i tried to input numbers the return value is this (1,2,3,4,5,6,789.99) i tried this code: <input type="text" name="deir_applied_amnt" class="form-...
mopacs13's user avatar
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How to trigger event on input date select when value is unchanged?

I am pre-selecting a date on <input type='date' /> and want the user to select a date anyway. If the date selected is the same as the pre-selected value, it does not trigger the change event in ...
Z0q's user avatar
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How can I find out from which object the event was called?

I want the event to work only on mouse click, how can this happen? I use jqwitgets grid, this event is for the general grid. It is triggered when I select a row with the mouse. $(document).on("...
Mert Buyukeryılmaz's user avatar
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How can I init an editor on a textarea added dynamically in jQuery?

I have a form where I can add many textareas as I want when I click on a button. Each textarea must be a ckeditor. I managed to init the existing textareas but I don't know how to do it for ones added ...
Eve's user avatar
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Searching input of table's items messing with table's pagination

I have a table that divides the its items per 20 lines and, above the table, a searching input to filter items that matches the written words. Both the tools works ok alone. I can navigate through ...
Raul Beltrame's user avatar
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Uncaught ReferenceError: javascriptFunction is not defined at HTMLAnchorElement.onclick exception

I try to implement a simple calendar in ASP.NET MVC 4. Its aim is to view a day and schedule meetings among different units of an organization. I am getting "Uncaught ReferenceError: GetDayViewJS ...
tahasozgen's user avatar
-3 votes
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What's the purpose using the assignments symbol in if statement? [duplicate]

Most responses indicate the symbol = is used as an assignment operator. Indeed, this aligns with what I've learned while studying programming. I encountered this issue when using SonarQube scanning ...
Hsinhsin Hung's user avatar
-1 votes
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Filter Data Based on Time

How can i filter the data based on time. using oracle database, web form and query. oracle database outtime column datatype is date. Pls help HTML <!-- Main content --> <section class=...
Sharif Ahmed Alif's user avatar
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Jquery/HTML: Empty new line <textarea> is not preserved in <pre> with text() [duplicate]

When I take the value of a textarea with jQuery and put that in a <pre> with .text(), it does not preserve the last empty new line. If I put it in another textarea with .val(), it does preserve ...
Paul's user avatar
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Multiple accordions working independently where the first of every accordion is open [duplicate]

I'm using this accordion module from W3Schools: It's working well, only a problem occurs when i use two of them on the page. They still work. Only they ...
Jelle's user avatar
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Some required attributes are not validated while using form and java script

I'm using a form for issues with mandatory fields but some aren't taken into account. Of the 6 required input blocks only 4 are correctly validated when you try to submit the form. The 'IVR status' ...
NiteOwls's user avatar
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Issues Implementing AJAX Autocomplete in WordPress Admin with Select2

I'm trying to implement an autocomplete feature in my WordPress admin area using Select2 and AJAX. However, I'm having trouble getting the AJAX requests to work correctly. PHP Code to Handle the AJAX ...
Matteo Didonè's user avatar
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Passing two parameters (IFormFile and a string) with JSON to C#

Versions: ASP.NET and Web Tools - 17.10.341.11210 C# Tools - 4.10.0-3.24312.19+ JQuery - 3.3.1.js JS - 2.8.3.js I'm trying to pass an IFormFile and a string from a JSON file select and a string input. ...
Kevin Fischer's user avatar
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jQuery Monthly Calendar Recommendations?

Can anyone recommend a basic calendar plugin? I'll plan to use Ajax to load events. When the public clicks on an event, a window needs to appear with details.
Jon's user avatar
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How can I establish attribution control on click event with Leaflet?

I have a Leaflet map with 2 layers. I would like to be able to trigger an action on $('.attributionLink').click(), but the click only registers when layer1 (default) is active. After changing active ...
pwalk's user avatar
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-3 votes
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how to autofill wordpress checkout page inputs from data from db [closed]

I have a problem with auto filling the inputs , I succussed in get data from db and log it into browser too, but my real problem is that once I change the value of inputs using js or jQuery it just (...
muhammed Amr's user avatar
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Salutations not getting removed within jQuery statement [duplicate]

I'm new to jQuery, but can't understand where I'm going wrong I have a text field for a full name with ID "class_name" I have a text field for a generated username with ID "class_add&...
Aaron van de Ven's user avatar
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Opening a jQuery sweetdropdown via method

I am trying to open a popup via the method: $('#dropdown-standard').sweetDropdown('show'); But this is not working. Nothing happens. Original code ( <div class=&...
Brecht272727's user avatar
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Croppie Library Not Cropping the same image as the viewport

I have used the Croppie library to crop an image, with the viewport set to 225 x 225 pixels. Below is the code I wrote for this functionality: $(document).ready(function() { var $imageCrop; ...
Biraj Dahal's user avatar
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Why does scrollLeft produce a positive number at direction:rtl

In touchscreen mode, set the attribute direction:rtl; At this point I manipulate the content of a piece of the overflow dom element to get the distance that the horizontal scrollbar scrolls. According ...
xiaosunLin's user avatar
-2 votes
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Ajax is not working without refreshing the page [closed]

Ajax is not working without refreshig the page to make it work.I am coding an ecommerce website in django and need to show quantity of products in the cart but it dont show quantity without refresh ...
Mohi's user avatar
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automatically loop through radio buttons but also be able to manually switch

I'm trying to iterate through radio buttons automatically every 5 seconds via jquery; however i need the function to also run when i manually switch buttons. Here's what I have so far: $(document)....
amy's user avatar
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-5 votes
1 answer

There's no delay as soon as the screen stops I want the code to run [closed]

The above code fetches a .json file and displays the data in an HTML file. Currently, the work is done by fetching the data from the <script>. The current issue is that the initially placed ...
ddd2dd2 vvccfff's user avatar
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Saving data from an HTML form

I am trying to save data from an HTML form. I found this solution here on stackoverflow I want to use the CacheData function (shown below) but when I run my code, I keep getting an error that ...
Youssef Ismail's user avatar
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Cara membuat terminal emulator [closed]

$(function() { $('body').terminal({ x: function(cmd) { ///code ///code } }, { prompt: ...
Muhli Pic's user avatar
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Problems with changing the status from pending to rejected/approved

I do not know much about js, but I tried to submit the data by clicking on the button. The project is about approve or reject orders in the panel of the owner of the shop. Things in Django admin went ...
Aetoox's user avatar
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Datatables 2.0 - Set a table with custom layout using default controls

Before 2.0 I could display three of the default controllers -buttons, search, and page length using the dom option: $('#data-table').DataTable({ dom: "<'row'<'col'l><'col' B>&...
Julian B.'s user avatar
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How can I get rid of this console error from apexcharts

Error: <g> attribute transform: Expected number, "translate(NaN, 0) scale(1)". Here is the code $(document).ready(function () { var codeChartData = @Html.Raw(Json.Serialize(...
Hardik Singh's user avatar
1 vote
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How do I change the "Select Language" text in drop-down list of Google translate element to the desired text I want

I have written necessary snippets for Google translate element on my website and I intend to change the "Select Language" text on the drop-down list to "Language". i.e, a desired ...
Ezego Daniel's user avatar
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How To get form field values from parent of cloned form button?

So I have the following form. The form is cloneable, so there may be several on the page. When the "Save" button is clicked, I can get the form, and the value of the form ID attribute. But ...
Soren's user avatar
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Bootstrap 5 dropdown open/close on both click and hover

I am building a dropdown menu using HTML/CSS/JavaScript/jQuery and Bootstrap 5. I want the menu to open/close both on hover and click: Mouse hovers over the dropdown element, and the menu opens Mouse ...
Mickey Vershbow's user avatar
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2 answers

How to apply event listeners to new elements [duplicate]

i want to make an Jupyter notebook-like input, where i have spans as inputs, and when the user clicks Enter a new input is added to the page and so on. the problem is the listener for click event ...
Mohamed Agougil's user avatar
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17 views trigger all error messages of each field after clicking terms and conditions

Im currently validating my form, now theres this another requirement that they want the error messages that I set to each field to display if they are empty once I click the terms and conditions. I ...
clownpasta's user avatar
1 vote
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Force State/County field to be required in WooCommerce Shipping Calculator

I am trying to make sure that the Shipping State field is selected in the shipping calculator. Using the solution here works great for the City and Postcode fields like this: jQuery('#...
AJD's user avatar
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table of content scrolls and the heading shows behind the header [closed]

I have created a table of contents using radio buttons. When I click on a radio button, it navigates to the heading on the same page, but it scrolls to a position above the header. This is my code. &...
Mohamamad Asif's user avatar
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CF7 "ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined"

When I run PageSpeed Insight on, I get this error: "ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined at
Gary Shif's user avatar
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Jquery .length keeps returning 0 on LinkedIn page

Apologies for asking this question again as per here and here there are answers. BUT This appears to be specific to a page. I am building a simple "button" for the browser bookmark bar that ...
Craig Lambie's user avatar
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Search Functionality in Laravel With PostgreSQL

I have been Working on search functionality in Laravel first of all this is my ajax request that I am sending to my controller with search input $.ajax({ url: '{{ route(&...
S.K Saxena's user avatar
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Disable auto focus on select2 drop-down in modal?

I have added multiple Select2 dropdowns in my modal and initialized these select dropdowns when the modal opens. There was one problem: when we open the Select2 dropdown, its positioning was not ...
Sachin Singh's user avatar
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How to resolve Uncaught TypeError from Wave bundle.js when adding Wave.js to Rails 6 app

I am trying to add Wave JS to my Rails app and I'm getting the following Uncaught Type error from Wave bundle.js: bundle.js:866 Uncaught TypeError: this._canvasElement.getContext is not a ...
B4DataLore's user avatar
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How to automatically open web push notifications in a new tab without clicking on them

Help me write a Tampermonkey script that can automatically open web push notifications on a specific website in a new tab without requiring me to click on them. I wrote several Tampermonkey scripts ...
JOSEPH DANIEL's user avatar
-1 votes
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Using sub rules via Jquery Validation data-rule attributes

Referenece: $("#upload_form").validate({ rules: { example_file: { ...
Learner's user avatar
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How to change from readonly to not readonly of input in ASP.NET Core

MODAL <div class="modal fade" id="residentModal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="residentModalLabel" aria-hidden="true"> ...
Erck's user avatar
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how to make the side bar close after clicking

so I am not sure exactly how this works but here goes .so I would like to have the menu side bar close once the user clicks on a menu link item or anywhere on the body, then reopen again when the menu ...
totitechcare's user avatar
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Display the all the details of Resident after clicking the view button using ASP.NET Core

Manage.cshtml <table class="display table" id="ManageResident" style="width:100%"> <thead> <tr> <th>Resident ID</th> ...
Erck's user avatar
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Why must I load jquery twice before it works

I have a strange problem. I have to load jquery twice and then it only works. In the head of my html I load jquery: <script src=""></...
Nico van Wijk's user avatar
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set array items into separate variables

I am trying to set each item in an array into their own variables. Here is what the array looks like: labels = ["label1", "label2", "label3", "label4", "...
John Beasley's user avatar
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Django - select onchange event not working anymore if using jquery-editable-select

I'm using a select item from a django model with a onchange event to trig a JS script : class forms_bdc(forms.ModelForm): [...] bdc_description_1 = forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset=...
Nico44044's user avatar
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