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Questions tagged [jquery]

jQuery is a JavaScript library. jQuery is a popular cross-browser JavaScript library that facilitates Document Object Model (DOM) traversal, event handling, animations, and AJAX interactions by minimizing the discrepancies across browsers. A question tagged jQuery should be related to jQuery, so jQuery should be used by the code in question, and at least jQuery usage-related elements must be in the question. Consider also adding the JavaScript tag.

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Use jQuery to apply a CSS animation if the document width is greater than the window width

I have successfully applied an animation to my DOM (ID = flexRepeater) statically but I am having trouble doing it conditionally based on the size of the document and window. If the flexRepeater ...
Bushmatic's user avatar
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realtime: false not working in jQuery DataTables colReorder

I'm using jQuery DataTables with the colReorder extension, but setting realtime: false doesn't seem to work. I expect the column reordering to take effect only after I drop the column, but it updates ...
Akhil khandelwal's user avatar
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dynamically modify the value in jqgrid

I have two grids, in first I select a value and in second I display the same row but make it editable. It looks like this: jQuery("#GridSelectedProducts").jqGrid({ height: '100%', ...
magicalKhachapuri's user avatar
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Detect the table where the sortable item comes from

I have two tables where I can drag and drop items between tables and drag and drop items within the same table. I want to detect the table from which the item is coming. Receive event only fires when ...
David's user avatar
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Slide div to the left when anchor tag is hover

I want to achieve the same sliding effect on this website, the blue floating button in the right. What i have is a list item that have anchor and div tag. Div tag would be hidden and would be only ...
luna moonfang's user avatar
-1 votes
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Dynamic row numbering not refresh using jquery

I am using the script from this thread. The problem is when I delete one the rows, numbers is not automatically reorder accordingly. var i = 1; $('#addRow').click(function() { i++; $('#...
Saiful Sairy's user avatar
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how to display selected filter values with unselected and clear all with mixitup

This code is instance, perform search, and filter. I want to display selected/checked values from left side filter box to be displayed on the top of the list items with cancel sign and clear all. ...
Addy J's user avatar
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How to transfer method to Next in JQUERY Form

This is my script, I want to send a method to next Button in step form when user want to go from form 3 to form 4: (function ($) { "use strict" var form = $("#step-form-...
Maryam12 forex's user avatar
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when call user control from from page it call only csharp not call jquery or java script function?

I work on project I face issue when call web user control from page it calling success but script JavaScript or jQuery not called so why scripts not called only from debug page load ...
ahmed salah abd elaziz elbarba's user avatar
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jQuery element controlled by varied clicks

Description I have an offscreen element that contains theming and layout options. Additionally I have a checkbox slider element that allows the offscreen element to be shown. I am using jquery to ...
JLDN Admin's user avatar
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Updating SQL with JQuery

I have a button, when I click this button I want to add $5000 to the player's cash. It doesn't work, it won't update players money in database. When I click the button I want players money to be ...
Babak's user avatar
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How to open dialog with value calling ajax function

I m building an application using php 7. So with the following code, I can populate the table using a JSON that I received from a specific class. $.post("select_ordini.php",{dataInizio:...
bircastri's user avatar
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Updating donut with Chartjs

When I use the chartjs linear gaphic, my data is updated. But when I use the donut chart, the data is not updated. function addData(chart, label, data) {; chart....
Nicos's user avatar
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Event-struggel in Javascript - Two different Events for one Element [duplicate]

i have a problem with events in JS - my container is shown and i want to hide it, if i click outside the container (div). So i suse document.mouseup If i click outside the container over another ...
user1121575's user avatar
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How can i concatenate two table field to be display as one field in the jquery Data table?

$(document).ready(function (e) { $('#data-grid-branch_infos').DataTable({ bProcessing: true, bServerSide: true, sAjaxSource: 'GetBranchPaginatedList', "...
SDev's user avatar
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Scroll to tab content on menu tab item click in WooCommerce single products

I use the jQuery code embedded in a PHP function to scroll to tab content when a menu tab item is clicked in WooCommerce single products. The product tabs are layout to be underneath each other. The ...
Robert Sietsma's user avatar
1 vote
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Button doesn't execute the ajax call

I've made a form with a qrcode generator. The qrcode gets generated as an svg and beneath the code there is a download button getting generated aswell. When I click on the download button it should ...
Vischi's user avatar
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Rails 7 with turbo

I have a rails 7 app and this is my package.json file: { "name": "app", "private": true, "dependencies": { "@fortawesome/fontawesome-free": ...
Dev's user avatar
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DataTable is initialized with a "No result to display" but the dt-length, dt-search, dt-info and dt-paging is showing and dt-paging NaN as data-dt-idx

jQuery: 3.7.1 DataTable: 2.0.6 $(#dtTable).DataTable({ paging: true, ordering: true, serverSide: true, searching: true, // ordering of the table default [column,direction] ...
heero's user avatar
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Kendo ui jquery buttons are not visible inside kendoWindow

I am creating a popup window when user clicks on a button. The kendoWindow should contains ok and button. $("#dialog").kendoWindow({ width: "300px", height : "300px&...
Adil's user avatar
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How to position divs within an img element so when user scales window, they move with the image?

I'm trying to make a way to position divs as buttons on this television (img element with videos underneath it) so that when the user changes the size of their browser window, the buttons move with ...
isabelgrace756's user avatar
-1 votes
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Blazor WebAssembly and Javascript/jQuery

I'm attempting to integrate external HTML/CSS and JavaScript/jQuery into a default Blazor WebAssembly project, but I'm encountering numerous issues. Despite using JavaScript interoperability (JS ...
Mohammad S.'s user avatar
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how to use Jquery with go-admin (SPA)

I am developing an administrative panel using Go-Admin, which operates as a Single Page Application (SPA). I've added custom jQuery scripts to enhance certain pages, but I'm encountering an issue: the ...
scaryhamid's user avatar
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jquery removeClass not removing the class

In my createdRow function for my datatable, I am trying to remove a class from the last TD. Below is the code for the function. The add class was just a test to see if the function was being fired and ...
ProfoundHypnotic's user avatar
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retrieved an file in jquery and send it to php [duplicate]

I'm trying to transfer an image retrieved in jquery from my html element (I use twig but I don't think it's important for this problem) input type="file" to my UserAjax.php thanks to $.ajax()...
JoKa's user avatar
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Fabricjs Handling events when items positions are recalculated

i need to have two "buttons" on a canvas with a mousedown event for each button. const canvas = new fabric.Canvas("myCanvas"); const hoverLabel = document.getElementById('hoverLabel'); ...
Basilicus's user avatar
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how to add different layer options

I have a samll script that allows you to add a "shades" layer to any uploaded image and then save it. Currently you can only add one style of shades. I need help figuring out how to add ...
MGuccie's user avatar
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Why is the selected value not retained?

I have an MVC application where a user can add and delete to their schedule. Each time they do, it refreshes so the previously selected dropdown goes back to the first option. How do I get it to ...
littlelion111's user avatar
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2 answers

How to update a table and refresh the partial view

I am using ASP.NET MVC and have a HomeController, model, and view. I am trying to create a search filter, where the user can type in some characters, click submit, and filter a table (in a partial ...
Calvin's user avatar
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Bootstrap5 Toggle No Event Response With jQuery.Clone(True)

I enjoy the practicality of Bootstrap5 Toggle plugin. The purpose of plugin provide user the option to toggle from one Module A to Module B. Each line item is wrap under DIV class .lineitem-wrapper. ...
Nathan DevX's user avatar
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Woocommerce - Menu button slideToggle speed not being applied

I'm making a custom menu for mobile and am trying to get a search bar to slide up when the menu button is clicked. I've pretty much managed to get it working using a combinaiton of Add Search Toggle ...
JapeNZ's user avatar
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ASP .NET MVC app restarts after SignalR websocket crashes

My question is twofold. One is, why does the entire server crashes after SignalR websocket crashes and why does SignalR websocket crashes. .Net framework 4.8 ASP.NET SignalR JavaScript Library 2.4.3 ...
Kristóf Horváth's user avatar
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Get folder path instead of 'fakepath' [duplicate]

I need to place two text fields and two buttons. The first one uses a dialog to select the file name and place it in the textbox. The second selects the folder with which the user will work and places ...
User220321's user avatar
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How can I hide button in customize step in step form

this is my script that manage a stepform movement: (function ($) { "use strict" var form = $("#step-form-horizontal"); form.children('div').steps({ headerTag: &...
Maryam12 forex's user avatar
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How to Override Default Title Handling in Magnific Popup with Custom HTML Content?

I’m using Magnific Popup to create a gallery of images with custom titles that include HTML content, but I’m encountering an issue where the popup consistently uses the default title attribute’s value ...
sofies's user avatar
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How do I fix this CORS problem, when doing a simple get request with JQuery Ajax?

I'm trying to make a website that triggers a webhook to trigger an Alexa Routine using The request goes through fine and it works fine, but in the console, it's ...
Grantie's user avatar
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JQuery refusing to send mail after an element ID click event

I have this form MyForm.html <form id="MyForm" ENCTYPE="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" class="form form-horizontal" autocomplete="off"> <fieldset&...
Jared's user avatar
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How do I get the value for a color picker in R Shiny?

In my Shiny app I am trying to get the value from a color picker. Using shinyjs::onevent I can get and put the value in the input control but when I am pressing the save button (which triggers the ...
polchemon1's user avatar
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Images display the same url as the first, when it should display dynamically (Simple jQuery)

I'm trying to make the src attribute of each image converted into an href, I'm almost there, but only the first image is displayed in the href link of the others, when each one should display its own ...
Filipe Souza's user avatar
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Is it incorrect to add the same JQuery Validate rule twice to a dynamic field and is it detrimental?

I have a large number of dynamic cloned fields on a form. The fields are cloned groups. Every time I add a clone I use a wildcard selector to allocate the rules to all the fields in the DOM. $(...
arresteddevelopment's user avatar
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2 answers

Collapsiable menu close all except target, when it open in jQuery

This is the HTML structure of my sidebar menu. Submenu is a collapsible menu. <ul class="block-navigation" id="sidebar-navigation"> <li class="navigation-item has-...
user3733831's user avatar
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Add to cart multiple variations via JQuery and Ajax in WooCommerce

I'm using add_to_cart method to add a variation to cart with Ajax, this works but I can't find a way to add multiple variations using the same request. If I send one_data it works, but not with ...
Becker Armata's user avatar
2 votes
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Add to cart a product variation via JQuery and Ajax in WooCommerce

I am Unable to add a product variation to cart using jQuery and Ajax. With the code below, the parent variable product is added, but not the variation. For example, I specified one of T-shirt ...
Becker Armata's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

How to Pass a Clicked On Element ID to jQuery Function To Do Something With Another Element?

How can you pass the ID of an element that is clicked on to manipulate another corresponding element, without having to write a jQuery function for every single one? So.... Let's say that I have a ...
Soren's user avatar
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Devbridge Autocomplete ignores serviceURL and returns self instead

Trying to implement a simple devbridge autocomplete which uses a .php file to query MySQL: $("#theories").devbridgeAutocomplete({ serviceURL: 'theorySearch.php', ...
KenBotwinick's user avatar
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How to insert variable in to HTML ediotr (QUILL or any) with javascript/jquery

I am using Quill editor, and i want to insert some pre define text with other text that will be changed dynamicly at the time send email using that content. Example HI contact_name, Details: ...
Niranjan Dev Sharma's user avatar
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Can't get Facebook to update OG:Image data for link embeds

My brother in law has a simple website for his small business, and he has requested that I change the image for the embed when the site is shared on Facebook. Everything looked fine when I checked it ...
Naddison's user avatar
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Radio button attribute "checked" not working

This is a truly bizarre issue. When submitting a PHP form, I keep getting the "undefined array key" error. This is happening because the radio button, although you can visually see it is ...
Andrew Rout's user avatar
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MVC Input Type Date Cannot Default Today's Date

I new to MVC Bootstrap 5 and am struggled to set the default date on the form with a datepicker calendar. I have this HTML: <input type="text" class="datepicker" value="@...
Milacay's user avatar
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How to offset navbar hide on scroll while hero section is visible?

I have a simple function that hides the navbar when the user scrolls down the page, and shows it again when scrolling up. I would like to offset this, so it is effectively disabled while the hero ...
marklovin's user avatar

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