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Questions tagged [kubernetes-helm]

Helm is a tool for managing packages (i.e. charts) of templated Kubernetes resources.

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Helm template access dependency's values

In a helm chart, I want to access one of the dependencies' values in my parent chart. apiVersion: v2 name: hajhosein-kube-prom description: A Helm chart for Kubernetes # The version of the parent ...
Hosein abootaleb's user avatar
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How to handle indentation when including an empty template in Helm?

I have a named template that holds a list of values. {{- define "mychart.labels" }} {{- $labels := .Values.labels }} {{- if $labels }} {{- toYaml $labels }} {{- end }} {{- end -}} ...
Accercine's user avatar
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Jenkins on EKS, mount EFS in DIND

I am running Jenkins master and agents on K8S. Some of CI workloads require a docker image to be build and pushed to ECR. I installed Jenkins using its Helm chart and running the DIND agent as a ...
Doug's user avatar
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ArgoCD Default and overwrite source path

I am trying ArgoCD product as a solution for Kubernetes Infra installation (RBACs, Namespaces and third party charts) I want to use the main branch on my repo and it will contains a path that look ...
zxar zxar's user avatar
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Testkube helm deploy - setting artefact retention on minio to X last?

Hi is there a way to set up retention on testkube to only save few recent one? I am creating test with playwright, and with option to record video, they pretty quickly eat up space on pvc. I checked ...
Misieq's user avatar
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Guidance for Multiple Deployments of the same helm chart [closed]

We've developed a "standard" helm chart the we publish to an internal repo that our developer teams can all use to deploy their apps to our Kubernetes environments. It comes with sane ...
JScott's user avatar
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How to use securityConfigSecret in Opensearch with admin password being a sensitive value

I'm trying to use a set of roles with custom-defined permissions and OIDC as authentication backend for the OpenSearch cluster deployed using opensearch-operator. I also want to have the password for ...
Akila Induranga's user avatar
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How to mount local directory to pod installed with helm chart in minikube?

I am using this odoo helm chart from Bitnami installed on minikube on windows. Now i am trying to mount my local project repo "project/addons" into the Odoo running pod (in /bitnami/odoo/...
moctarjallo's user avatar
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Installing Pulsar helm chart takes forever

I am following the apache pulsar official guide to run a Pulsar cluster in Kubernetes ( As I got into Step 1, created the secret required ...
Frank Wu's user avatar
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Postgres-instance stopped working "could not write lock file "": No space left on device"

I have installed the Crunchydata Postgres operator using the helm chart and I'm using the NFS file system storage as PVC with 200GB data. When I run kubectl get pods, the output shows that 1 instance ...
Ravindra Gupta's user avatar
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As im trying a project in kubernetes and im using helm for the packaging. BUt it keeps on throwing error at line 49 i have tried alot of openAI [closed]

as im trying a project in kubernetes and im using helm for the packaging. When i run the helm template flask-app-chart to validate the manifest it throw the following error (Error: YAML parse error on ...
Abubakar khalid's user avatar
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What is the best way to set the deploymen strategy for grafana/loki

I am using I run into an issue where my PersistentVolume cannot be attached again when the pod restarts because the StorageClass creates a PV with an access mode ...
floormind's user avatar
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Airflow does not write logs to Cloud Storage

I'm working with Apache Airflow within GKE (Google Kubernetes Engine). I deployed using helm graphics. Below is a portion of my custom settings YAML: executor: KubernetesExecutor airflow: config: ...
Guilherme Duarte's user avatar
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How can I specify the creation of volumes for PodTemplate in the values.yaml for Jenkins Helm Chart?

How can I specify the creation of volumes for my PodTemplate in the values.yaml for Jenkins Helm Chart Kubernetes? It is not created like this: agent: podTemplates: appBuilder: | - name: ...
alex-shef's user avatar
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How do I get rid of this YAML/HELM error? I've tried everything and extensions do not want to work [closed]

enter image description here I get this errorenter image description here I've tried literally everything, changing settings, reloading, custom schemas, nothing works, no matter what I do it still ...
therealdk's user avatar

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