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Questions tagged [linux]

NOTICE: All Linux questions must be related to programming; those that aren't will be closed. Use this tag only if your question relates to programming using Linux APIs or Linux-specific behavior, not just because you happen to run your code on Linux. If you need Linux support, you can try or the specific Linux distribution's Stack Exchange site like or

-2 votes
1 answer

What does ${USER:root} mean and how to get its value with Java?

We have a Java Spring Boot based program which reads the following line from a property file:${USER:root} When it runs on Linux server, it's able to retrieve the current ...
user3573403's user avatar
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Syscall tracepoints missing in custom 5.15 aarch64 android kernel for Pixel 6

I recompiled a custom 5.15 kernel for my Android Pixel 6 phone with Android 13 with event tracing enabled (especially syscall tracepoints). After booting, the kernel does not have the /sys/kernel/...
Pete1234's user avatar
-3 votes
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Output lines from a file that match pattern 1 and not pattern 2 in linux [duplicate]

I have a text file that has a bunch of lines. I used grep to print lines matching pattern 1 to a second file. I want to modify the command to exclude the lines the match pattern 2. So the requirement ...
Ananya1's user avatar
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Is it possible to allocate memory with mmap that OS can free as needed?

The Linux OS automatically utilizes free RAM to cache files read from disk to improve the performance of applications. When free RAM is increasingly consumed by private application memory the OS ...
satur9nine's user avatar
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What are the binary representations for the flags used in the Linux open() syscall?

I am learning NASM and currently unsure what values should be used for the flags argument for open() as shown in the man page. I'm mainly asking this for clarification so I don't mess something up, ...
dundermouse's user avatar
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linux: ls -lash does not show any file unless i cd to a specific subfolder [closed]

I am having troubles to list the content of a folder in RHEL8. my actions : cd /path1/path2 ls -lash -> no files listed - seems empty folder cd /path1/path2/path3 ls -lash -> i get files ...
kalonkadour's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to fix apt update after to upgrade the mysql.list file? [closed]

I tried to install MySQL Workbench on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS, and after following the steps from the official site, I can no longer run the sudo apt update command. Every time, the following error appears: ...
Rodrigo Almeida's user avatar
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running ./configure returns error: Cannot link with libtool libs! (libltdl)

I am attempting to compile an older program on a new system. I've done this a few times with this same software and I have always been able to find some way to get it to work but this time I am ...
ZCT's user avatar
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types used to store the block size of linux `struct super_block`

struct super_block { struct list_head s_list; /* Keep this first */ dev_t s_dev; /* search index; _not_ kdev_t */ unsigned char s_blocksize_bits; ...
roeegg's user avatar
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When is late enough to use dlsym to find functions in another shared library?

Say I have an application foo that is linked against I have another library, that the application does not directly link, but that I use when I run the application with LD_PRELOAD like ...
Joseph Garvin's user avatar
-1 votes
3 answers

How to find strings in multiple lines of txt file then add all to new csv line

I have thousands of txt files that were converted from emails that included a "Contact Us" form. I need to find/select strings in the second "column", but the number of lines to ...
Aidbfbx's user avatar
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using nginx host multiple django apps/docker in one server. return to root path not the apps' path

I have a django app. The code snippet for the function load_form(request) in def load_form(request): if request.method == 'POST': newQAForm = QAForm(request.POST) if ...
Ag Long's user avatar
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Parsing scan code event data received from a character device in Linux

I need some guidance regarding the parsing and de-serialization of binary data received from a character device in Linux. I'm working on writing a program in rust that monitors keyboard input used for ...
Zambieslar's user avatar
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How to make an App to the default phone app

I am new to Android app development. So I'm wondering what I need to do to make my app the default phone app. If anyone can help me I would be very grateful Best regards Raphael Schneider A photo of ...
Raphael Schneider's user avatar
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How to add printk statements to debug the conntrack source code on a virtual machine?

I've been trying to understand the connection tracking (conntrack) source code (specifically nf_conntrack_proto_tcp.c and nf_conntrack_proto_udp.c) by sending packets between virtual machines and ...
JBoy's user avatar
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unusual linking time time while using cmake ExternalProject

I'm trying to build a simple CPP project based on Cmake. My project has a dependency library(Spdlog). I like to have my dependency library beside my source files locally so that every time I build my ...
Mahmoud Hosseinipour's user avatar
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"AssertionError: Torch not compiled with CUDA enabled" despite having correct versions of everything

I am trying to run a model using cuda on linux terminal with conda virtual environment. The model uses device_map = "auto" for device assignment like the following: model = ...
aureum's user avatar
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SFTP Admin User [closed]

I am setting up an OpenSSH sFTP server. I want to create a sFTP Admin user that can navigate all the folders and move files. My approach is the following: Create the other users (let's call it user_1)...
Throwaway123's user avatar
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Cannot install Ansible Automation Platform offline bundle on RHEL8 servers due to "missing" Python 3.9

I am trying to install Ansible Automation Platform setup bundle (ansible-automation-platform-setup-bundle-2.4-7-x86_64.tar.gz), downloaded directly from Red Hat's Ansible portal. When I try to install ...
bcornw2's user avatar
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Efficient handling of large log files in Linux [closed]

I'm managing a Linux server that generates a lot of large log files, you know. They can be moreover in gigabytes. I want an advanced technique to manage all these. Viewing logs has been a problem, ...
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I am facing one issue as: "File name too long" after running some linux commands. Do you guys have any idea that how can we resolve this issue? [closed]

sudo ./ --abi arm64 --android_version 33 This is the command which I ran in linux terminal. And I got output as "File name too long". ~/Mainline-related CTS files$ sudo ./ --...
Dhiraj's user avatar
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Qtile-extras decorations don't show up

I've recently installed Arch Linux with the Qtile window manager. These days I have been testing and trying to configure Qtile and personalize it. Now I'm trying to add the Qtile-extra's decorations, ...
B3CTOR's user avatar
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How does DPDK guarantee fixed/pinned physical address for huge pages

According to this DPDK blog, physical addresses of huge pages are "pinned": Whenever a memory area is made available for DPDK to use, DPDK figures out its physical address by asking the ...
Adhamzhon Shukurov's user avatar
-4 votes
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Linux Image not deleting [closed]

This error is bugging me and preventing the installation of packages: installed linux-image-5.14.0-1052-oem package post-removal script subprocess returned error exit status 1 I was trying to install ...
Komachian's user avatar
-2 votes
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launching a graphical app on raspberry pi (headless linux) from ssh [closed]

I have developed a python app which uses PySimpleGUI for UI. The app is intended to run on [Linux raspberrypi 6.6.31+rpt-rpi-v7 #1 SMP Raspbian 1:6.6.31-1+rpt1 (2024-05-29) armv7l GNU/Linux] which is ...
gaviezri's user avatar
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Containers on swarm cannot communicate between nodes and connect to host network

I'm using docker swarm and deploy services through docker stack deploy. I have two problems, which probably are connected to each other. I cannot expose every detail of my configuration, so I created ...
MattIT's user avatar
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Linux disk space running full [closed]

Trying to understand more of Linux and why our diskspace keeps running full with what. Little to none experience with Linux so bear with me /dev/sda2 is mounted on / and this disk keeps running full ...
Filip Huysmans's user avatar
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OneLogin VLDAP sssd access filter for user_roles

We are currently using VLDAP and sssd.conf on Ubuntu Linux Systems, so that users can login into these Ubuntu systems using their OneLogin credentials. Is there a way or configuration that can be used ...
Prashant Nagaraj's user avatar
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rm * -bash: /usr/bin/rm: Argument list too long [closed]

What the simple way to delete session folder files from inside? the command : rm * get error: -bash: /usr/bin/rm: Argument list too long Also how i can set cleanup for session directory ?
CETb's user avatar
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How can I do sub milliseconds network measurements using iperf3 [closed]

I am working on a network performance project for my Master's thesis, and I need to measure network metrics like transfer speed and latency at intervals smaller than 1 millisecond. The current tools, ...
VT003's user avatar
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2 answers

How to delete all files except the last day files in Linux?

Suppose these are my files: file1 ==> 2024/07/10 file2 ==> 2024/07/9 file3 ==> 2024/07/9 file4 ==> 2024/07/8 I'm going to delete all files, except files which create date is yesterday (...
Saeed's user avatar
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Format of f_handle in file_handle,

I'm using the struct file_handle to identify a file in an unique way for a fs monitor. I want to know what the format is of the f_handle. The manpage of name_to_handle_at says: "Other than the ...
user1388973's user avatar
-3 votes
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I cannot access MISP dashboard [closed]

T-Guard is an open-source unified security solution, and I am in the process of installing T-Guard components. After following all the steps in the setup GUI interface (I will attach a picture) T-...
Faris Fahad's user avatar
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Allocating user space buffer in kernel module fails [duplicate]

I'd like to allocate a user space buffer in a kernel module (linux kernel v5.4.0). According to this post, this should be doable by using do_mmap(). I've written the following code: #include <linux/...
Chibi Gwen's user avatar
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Handling sidekiq service refresh

I am using this linux unit file for our sidekiq service: [Unit] Description=sidekiq low [Service] Type=simple WorkingDirectory=/var/www/backend/current Environment=&...
simo's user avatar
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I am receiving a response url not found on server when I try to delete file in Google Drive using a Linux bash script and curl

I am trying to delete a file using a bash shell script that I uploaded to a shared google drive using a different shell script. I am able to list the contents of the folder that the file is in and ...
Peter Libman's user avatar
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starting Milvus after building milvus from source code

I built milvus from source on my database cluster. For that I followed the simple instructions on the milvus repo readme: # Clone github repository. $ git clone ...
ArieAI's user avatar
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Ethernet to WiFi Client Communication Failure in Linux Network [closed]

I am trying to set up a network where multiple devices can connect to each other. All devices are running Linux. The network setup includes: One WiFi Access Point (AP) Host Multiple WiFi AP Clients ...
Serhiy Mamedov's user avatar
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How to query WebSphere Node Agent status from CLI

Is there any way to get the status of the IBM WebSphere Node Agent from the CLI. I am working on a Python script to automate the status checking, but I haven't found a command (yet) that will help me ...
Adrian Tušar's user avatar
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How to serve two laravel projects in nginx server?

I want to serve multiple Laravel apps in a single nginx server, the first one has a root directory in /var/www/html/project1, the second one has /var/www/html/admin, and so on. Here is the code. Our ...
Dixit Shah's user avatar
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Errors during downloading metadata for repository 'seconion':- Curl error (37): Couldn't read a file:// file for file:///nsm/repo/repodata/repomd.xml

I tried updating the packages in oracle-linux using sudo yum update but it is throwing an error Errors during downloading metadata for repository 'securityonion': Curl error (37): Couldn't read a ...
Sumanth Devadiga's user avatar
-5 votes
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Is there a way to run Linux runner on Windows in Gitlab?

I tried to create a Linux runner to run on my Windows system in Gitlab, but somehow it gets changed to Windows when it is created. I wanted to deploy my code to Linux server. Is there a way to resolve ...
user23324639's user avatar
1 vote
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How to make a real time countdown in Bash while taking user input

i want to take user input and make a real time countdown like the following: readFile(){ linenumber=1 end=10 while [ $linenumber -lt 18 ];do for (( i=0; i<=10; i++ )); do ...
Mahmoud Adel's user avatar
2 votes
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can I overwrite the malloc called by library functions?

my code (main.c): #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> void* __real_malloc(size_t size); void __real_free(void* ptr); void* __wrap_malloc(size_t size) { ...
Catalin Demergian's user avatar
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Why timeout works differently when executed from terminal vs from a shell script file

I wanted to implement a unit testing shell script file that runs a command, compares the expected and actual output, and also add timeout constraints. I used actual=$(timeout 2s ./bf --file ./test/inc-...
Seniru Pasan's user avatar
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Calling outer program which accesses I2C device with system( ) in Linux, does not work [closed]

first at all, I list the environment below. Hardware: Raspberry Pi Zero 2w OS: Raspberry Pi OS (Legacy) Lite USED Interface: UART, I2C The scenario is that I wrote a UART server in C to receive ...
Min from TW's user avatar
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Reduce CPU usage for cargo run

During cargo run, rustc by default takes up all CPU resources. Is it possible to limit CPU usage? For example, cpulimit -l 40 works for cargo, but rustc processes still use 100% of the CPU. Fedora ...
Artem Baranov's user avatar
1 vote
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How can I limit the number of blocks written or read in a Write_10 or Read command? [closed]

Here is the problem: My usb storage device has a 64kB (limited by hardware) buffer used to cache reads/writes which means it can only cache up to 128 blocks(512B) of memory. The SCSI Write-10 command ...
user26314708's user avatar
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Is string.indexOf() treated the same on Linux vs Windows?

I'm not an experienced JavaScript programmer. This is my first project using JS. I'm developing on Linux and am at the point for my first release. Running the project on a Windows machine I came ...
Marshall's user avatar
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Trying to install Nanoc (with Ruby) on Fedora Linux, but getting an error I can't decipher

I try to install Nanoc on Fedora Linux. I've successfully installed Ruby using dnf install ruby Checked it with ruby -v and made sure rubygems is installed. Also checked version to verify ...
zektiv's user avatar
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